Ten programs claiming the title "The most dangerous virus in the history of the Internet"

Computer viruses can not only turn out to be an excessively dangerous thing - they can do such things that nobody sees it. Of course, even the most dangerous virus for a computer will not launch a nuclear missile, but disconnecting from a network any small country, for example, South Korea, is within its power.

Below we present a kind of "catastrophe history", which collects the negative consequences from the effects of viruses from "ancient times" to the present day. So, we read about the most dangerous viruses!

1. Commwarrior-A. This virus began to make its attacks on iPhone users in the summer. Yes, Commwarrior-A, without a doubt, can be christened as the most dangerous virus for cell phones, spreading through text messages. He, by the way, is the very first.

2. Welchia , , , , . , Welchia Blaster. – , , .

3. Blaster, , . 18- , (Windows XP) . : «, , , ». .

4. Slammer («») , - 75 . , , .

5. Nimda – , . , Windows – , , -. Nimda , .

6. Creeper («»). , 1971 . , PDP-11, . , : « , , , , ».

7. Elc Cloner. (1982 ) , . Elc Cloner – , .

8. Moris Worm . , . – , , .

9. ILoveYou. . , , ILoveYou , 2000 50 , , .

10. Code Red. , 2001 360 , Microsoft IS, .

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