Excessive watery eyes of an animal is a protective mechanism aimed at cleansing the organ and eliminating pathogenic microorganisms. Discharge from the eyes of a dog, mainly indicate diseases of the visual and internal organs. Some eye diseases can lead to complete blindness of the animal. Let us examine in which cases the discharge from the eyes in dogs is normal? Why can dogs have purulent discharge from the eyes? How to treat diseases of the organs of vision?
When is it normal
If the dog has brown discharge from the eyes, do not panic. For many breeds this is normal. It is connected with the structural features of the skull and the shape of the muzzle: drooping cheeks, bulging eyes, flat muzzles. These traces are especially noticeable in dogs with light hair. Such problems appear due to abnormal functioning of the lacrimal ducts. Brown discharge from the eyes of a dog is of the same origin as discharge from the eyes of a person after sleep. They take a brown color due to exposure to yeast and bacteria.
In any case, the animal must be taken to a preventive appointment with a doctor to make sure that nothing threatens its visual organs. However, brown marks under the eyes are often not a symptom of any disease. This is just a characteristic feature of this breed.
If your pet has such a problem, every day it is necessary to clean the traces under the eyes with a damp, clean cloth. You do not need to use any chemicals, because they can get into your eyes. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe special drops to solve this problem.
Symptoms of the disease
Excessive secretion of tears in breeds, for which this is considered uncharacteristic, is the first bell of the appearance of vision problems in a pet. Eyes begin to leak, wet paths and dried crusts appear at their corners. The discharge from the eyes of a white dog indicates serious pathogenic processes in the body.
The dog may begin to scratch its eyes, rub its head against surrounding objects. The eyelids become inflamed and swollen. Proteins turn red, the animal's vision drops. Orientation problems may begin. With untimely treatment, it is also possible to increase body temperature, refuse food, apathy and drowsiness. A pale veil may be visible on the eye, there is more and more discharge from the eye, and an unpleasant odor emanates from them.
Treatment options depend on the cause of the discharge from the dog’s eyes. For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, you must consult a doctor.
Sometimes discharge from the eyes can be a symptom of a viral infection. In this case, any delay can cost the animal life. Infections that can cause festering eyes:
- enteritis;
- adenovirus;
- plague of carnivores;
- nursery cough ;
- hepatitis.
With a viral infection, the dog may have diarrhea and vomiting, the animal refuses food, becomes apathetic. At the same time, the condition of the pet is deteriorating rapidly. The dog must be urgently shown to the veterinarian, otherwise the animal may die.
Also, viruses can affect the condition of the visual organs. Salmonella is often accompanied by green discharge from the dog’s eyes. At risk are animals that are in close contact with livestock. Salmonella is accompanied by fever, vomiting of blood, diarrhea, apathetic state. In this case, only a doctor can help.
Mechanical damage
A small scratch or dust grains is enough to cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. During a walk, stones, dust, branches, grass and even thorns can get into the dog’s eyes. Usually in this case, discharge is observed from only one eye. Due to the infection introduced into the wound, suppuration occurs, white discharge from the dog's eye is observed. More often it is thanks to tears of the eye that it is itself cleansed of foreign objects. But if suppuration has begun, the dog definitely needs the help of a person. Discharge from the dog’s eyes can occur with a head injury. They also often happen after a dog swims in a pond. The reason may be sand and algae floating in the water.
Purulent discharge from the eyes of a dog is possible with inversion of the upper or lower eyelid. In this case, eyelashes and hair scratch the mucous membrane, which leads to serious damage. As a result, ulcers form on the surface; in more severe cases, the animal may lose its eye.
Allergic reaction
The result of exposure to the allergen to the body can be increased tearing of the eyes. In especially serious cases, white discharge from the dog’s eyes is observed. Anything can serve as an allergen:
- plant pollen;
- individual feed components;
- household chemicals;
- medicines;
- drops and flea collar;
- dust.
Signs of an allergy may include:
- sneezing and coughing;
- itching and baldness of certain areas of the skin;
- discharge from the eyes and nose of the dog;
- swollen lips, nose, and paw pads.
If untreated, bronchial asthma and pulmonary edema are possible. Harm from exposure to an allergen accumulates in the body. Therefore, the reaction to it becomes more difficult over time, which can lead to suffocation and death of the animal.
Problems with internal organs
Diseases of the internal organs can provoke white discharge from the dog’s eyes. Particular attention should be paid to the health of puppies and elderly dogs, whose immunity is often weakened. To determine the cause, sometimes you need to conduct a full examination of the animal.
Many chronic diseases also cause vision problems during periods of exacerbation. The cause of increased tearing can be benign and malignant tumors in the region of the lacrimal glands or in the brain of the animal.
First aid
If you notice discharge from the dog’s eyes, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. If this is not possible, the animal needs first aid.
If a foreign body enters the eye, it must be carefully removed. It is necessary to take the tablet "Furacilina", grind it into dust and dissolve in water. After this solution, you need to moisten a clean piece of cloth or a cotton pad. It is necessary to hold the fabric from one edge of the eyelid to the other. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort. Pour the leaves with boiling water and insist. The solution must be filtered. They can rinse the dog’s eyes several times. A cotton pad needs to be replaced with a clean one every time. Apply tetracycline ointment to the lower eyelid. You can drip eye drops. After that, it is important to ensure that the animal does not scratch and does not rub its paws.
For effective treatment, it is important to correctly diagnose. The veterinarian should do an external examination of the animal and take all the necessary tests. After determining the exact cause, you need to start treatment.
If the cause of discharge from the eyes is an injury, the affected area should be treated, clean the wound. The animal can be given painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
If the cause is allergy, you need to try to find the allergen that caused a similar reaction, and isolate the animal from its effects. Antihistamines are given to the dog. Sometimes an allergic reaction can occur on parasites, then the animal needs to be treated from them.
If an infection occurs, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. In this case, the animal is given drugs that will support its gastrointestinal tract and liver.
During treatment, the animal must not be fed a high-calorie, balanced and vitamin-rich food. The pet should rest more. You may need to wear a special collar that will prevent the dog from combing his eyes.
Thus, discharge from the dog’s eyes often indicates an animal’s disease. To determine the exact cause of lacrimation or festering eyes, the animal must be shown to a doctor. Prior to this, the dog is provided with first aid: the injured eye is washed and treated. If you ignore this symptom and do not provide timely assistance to the animal, the dog can not only lose vision, but also die.