Every mother knows the situation when a rash suddenly appears on the baby’s body. Moreover, very often it is not localized, but spreads over almost the entire surface of the body. Usually the first rashes appear on the cheeks. They begin to burn, covered with small pimples, after which they peel off strongly. Then there are rashes in the child on the body, on the chest and abdomen. From there, the rash spreads to the limbs.
Of course, the mother wants to cure her baby as soon as possible. Emollient creams, various sorbents, antihistamines are used. Of course, the most reasonable would be to visit a doctor. Rashes in a child on the body are just a sign, but you need to fight with the cause. Today, pediatricians have the opportunity to conduct modern research, which means that it does not take a lot of time to make the correct diagnosis.
Key factors
Often parents try to determine the risk of rashes depending on where they appeared. In fact, this is not so important. For example, in one, diathesis spills out on the cheeks, in the other on the pope, and in the third on the legs. But the reason for this does not change, it is necessary to temporarily remove sweets from the diet.
You can add the following, the rashes on the child’s body look different. These are specks of various shapes, any color. Sometimes bumps, vesicles can form, or even be small bruises. But on the basis of this, it is impossible to make a diagnosis, even an experienced pediatrician should conduct an examination and draw a conclusion.
The most common reasons why rashes appear on the child’s body are:
- Allergic reaction.
- Insect bites.
- Infection.
- Damage to the skin.
- Photodermatitis, that is, intolerance to sunlight.
- Problems with coagulation rate, hemophilia. In this case, spots similar to bruises are observed.
The fuller the parents will tell the doctor about what happened to the child just before the spots appear, the easier it will be for him to make the correct diagnosis.
Types of rashes on the body of a child
Doctors call a rash any pathological changes. Parents sometimes may have their own opinion on this matter, but the card will mean just that. There is a color, relief and density of neoplasms that differ from the general surface of the skin, which means that you need to deal with the causes.
Types of rashes on the body of a child can be as follows:
- Spots, i.e. flat areas without swelling. They can be red, pink or whitish.
- Blisters.
- Pustules, i.e. ulcers.
- Papules.
They can be local or spread throughout the body. Sometimes rashes are accompanied by temperature, but more often do without it.
Some statistics
Doctors should collect anamnesis, exclude the least probable and leave only the most possible causes, as well as make a preliminary diagnosis. It is he who must check with the help of laboratory examinations. Rashes in a child on the body are constantly studied, as this is one of the most frequent complaints of parents.
If we take into account the statistics, then most often a small rash appears as an allergic reaction to an external stimulus. In second place is a mild form of infection. Three are closed by insect bites. These are mosquitoes, sometimes bed bugs.
Do i need to worry
Most often, rashes on the child’s body, photos of which can often be found on thematic forums, are not considered a serious symptom until itching begins to torment him. In this case, parents usually consult with friends, look for information on the Internet, sometimes upload photos and compare their situation with someone else's. This is wrong, since only a specialist can judge the seriousness.
Mom needs to regularly inspect the baby. Rashes on the child’s body per year should be carefully studied even if they do not bother the baby at all. This will allow timely action and prevent deterioration.
Rules for dealing with a rash
Parents should understand that the responsibility for the life and health of the child lies not with the local pediatrician, but with them. Constantly you need to keep the baby's condition under control. A rash on a child’s body per year can have a large number of reasons, therefore this fact cannot be ignored.
- If a child has a rash, consult a doctor immediately.
- It is impossible to use any medications on your own, without prescribing a pediatrician. This can worsen the condition of the child or smear the clinical picture, and making a diagnosis will be much more difficult.
- If local hemorrhages are detected that do not go away when pressed with a finger, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Prickly heat
This is the most harmless reason why rashes on the body of a child may appear. Itching is moderate, in some cases very severe. Sweating most often occurs in children under one year old in hot weather, with excessive room temperature. Dense clothing also contributes to this.
Usually, itching appears with the first spots. Rashes on the body of a child are like small reddish or transparent vesicles. Often they are localized as a necklace, around the neck, on the chest. By themselves, they are not dangerous, for the life of the baby you can not be afraid. But when the red rashes on the child’s body itch, you can forget about a healthy sleep. And when combing, the affected areas begin to hurt.
To cope with the disease, you must first make sure that the child does not sweat through your fault. That is, the room should be moderately warm, periodically ventilate the room. Clothing should be chosen from natural fabrics, according to the size of the child. The fabric should not be allowed to rub delicate skin. After consulting with your doctor and excluding other diseases, you can proceed to the next step. This is a delicate drying of rashes. No aggressive means! So you dry the irritated skin even more and get additional problems. You can not get carried away with a decoction of a series for the same reason. The pharmacy tincture of calendula diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 is best suited. Oils, panthenol and similar remedies are not used for prickly heat.
Allergic reaction
This is the first thing parents and doctors examining a patient think about. Get ready for questions about what the baby was eating or his mother, if he is still on the war. Of course, this is more true for children aged 2 to 6 months, when, after a strict diet, mom begins to include various foods in the diet one at a time. Through breast milk, the baby’s digestive system is first introduced to them.
The second stage starts from 6 months when complementary foods are added. Of course, caution is also observed at this time. Products are introduced one at a time, under the scrutiny of mom. Allergic rashes on the body of a child is a serious problem. It is necessary to find the cause and eliminate it. Therefore, it is so important to keep a food diary from birth, write down every new product (eaten by a mother or a child) and the reaction to it. Diarrhea and constipation, bloating and eructation, rash - any of them should be noted. Then by the year you will already know whether the child is prone to allergies.
Different reactions to the stimulus
Everything here is also quite complicated. The same allergen can cause completely different symptoms. Therefore, the diagnosis is a complex and painstaking process. So, what does an allergy look like:
- Rashes on the body in a child can manifest as contact dermatitis. This is a burning sensation, itching, due to which the baby combs the skin for blood. At atopic, it coarsens, crusts form in folds, which periodically crack.
- Diathesis. For some reason, parents are very calm about this phenomenon. This is a strong allergic reaction, and not a commonplace reddening of the cheeks. In advanced cases, flaky rashes are accompanied by crying, irritability of the crumbs and disturbance of night sleep.
- Eczema. Such rashes on the body of a child without temperature occur. Recognizing them is quite simple. These are relief foci on the neck, on the arms and ankles. They blush, crack and peel.
- Hives. In this case, the rashes fully justify their name. Burnt at least once nettle? Here the symptoms are very similar, can be compared by photo. The description of the rashes on the child’s body is as follows. Red or orange convex swollen spots of various shapes and severity. There may be accumulation of fluid inside.
It is important to know that in some cases you can not hesitate with treatment. If with scorching or dermatitis you make an appointment with a pediatrician, then with urticaria you need to closely monitor the condition of the child. If the foci increase, swelling of the lips, eyelids and fingers, you must immediately call an ambulance. Possible Quincke's edema, which is life threatening. If this is not the first time you are seeing an attack, it means that antihistamines should be at home.
Treatment features
Allergy therapy should be comprehensive. Autoimmune diseases are often not completely cured. But this does not mean that they can be ignored. The doctor usually makes a multi-step appointment:
- Drugs that quickly relieve local symptoms.
- Medications to support the immune system.
- Remedies for unpleasant complications.
Usually the course treatment, and it is repeated periodically. If an allergy is tied to a specific season, then soon you will already know and mentally prepare for it. On the one hand, it is more convenient than being ignorant. In any case, it makes it possible to carry out a preventive course of treatment to have the necessary medicines on hand.
Bite response
Actually in the summer. It can be mosquitoes or midges, wasps or bees. Bites are often painful, and the skin in the affected area swells and hurts. In some it will be a swelling at the site of the bite, in others the skin is covered with a diffuse rash. Teach your child to tell you when an insect bites him. Children under one year old are rarely allowed out of sight, so such facts do not go unnoticed.
You can cope with the symptoms with antihistamines or cold lotions. The most dangerous are the bites of lancet insects - wasps and bees. In this case, both small rashes on the child’s body and one large edema may appear. The bite is very painful, the affected area burns for a long time. In this case, the poison can cause strong reactions, up to swelling of the respiratory tract. Therefore, for several hours you need to carefully monitor the child. If his face swells, there is a weakness, then you need to call an ambulance.
Infectious diseases
Often in this case, the temperature and rashes on the child’s body appear. Skin lesions are both the main symptom and part of the mixed symptoms. That is why it is important to call a doctor at home or visit a clinic as quickly as possible. A correct diagnosis is the key to proper treatment and speedy improvement of the baby's condition. The list of diseases is quite extensive, which is why knowledge and experience are needed for diagnosis. The temperature and rashes on the body of a child are possible in the cases described below.
Learning to learn
- Chickenpox. This is an acute viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets and is accompanied by clear symptoms. Rashes on the body of a child, photos of which can be seen in large numbers on thematic forums, begin to spread very quickly. In just a few hours, the bubbles pass onto the face, hands and body. As they heal, they itch a lot. It does not require specific treatment, it is only necessary to follow the recommendations of the local pediatrician. Not always symptoms are immediately the temperature and rashes on the child’s body. Some children carry chickenpox in a mild form, when, apart from the bubbles, nothing bothers them.
- Rubella. Do not confuse it with chickenpox can only an experienced doctor. A red spotted rash spreads throughout the body. It is preceded by an acute phase with a temperature of 37-38 degrees, cough and sore throat. After 2-3 days, the baby ceases to be contagious to others. Depending on the condition of the crumbs, antiviral, immunomodulators, antipyretic drugs can be prescribed.
- Measles. In many ways, very similar to rubella. The photo of the rashes on the body of a child with these two ailments is almost impossible to distinguish. The kid complains of weakness, sore throat, his temperature rises. Measles is dangerous for its complications; specific drugs are used to treat it.
- Scarlet fever. In this case, small rashes on the child’s body, high fever and sore throat are characteristic. The rash is usually concentrated in the skin folds, in the groin, inside the elbows. Rashes often cover the forehead and cheeks, without affecting the nasolabial triangle. Scarlet fever can be very difficult, so a visit to the doctor is required. Drugs are selected symptomatic.
Forgotten but not defeated
There are diseases that are not so common. But pediatricians are well aware that all hypotheses need to be checked, then there are more chances to make the correct diagnosis. If the child's rashes itch on the body, then there is reason to assume that the subcutaneous tick is to blame. It is also called itchy. Affecting the skin, they eat through the passages inside it, causing an intolerable itch. On the stomach and arms, right under the skin, the tick lays eggs. Therefore, it is in these places that we can see pronounced nodules.
Treatment includes thorough processing of everything a child could touch. These are toys and school supplies, household items. In parallel with this, you need to start treatment, which consists in treating the skin with special compounds. Often, the choice of doctors falls on sulfuric ointment. Previously, treatment with a solution of copper sulfate was practiced, but today it has been proved to be harmful to the human body.
Another disease that is quite rare in children is roseola. Symptoms here are similar to SARS. The temperature rises immediately very high, and it is not possible to bring it down by any means. Only the use of cold compresses allows you to keep it within acceptable limits. At about 4 days, it falls by itself. Rashes on the body of a child after a temperature appear immediately. Slightly convex formations appear first on the abdomen, and only then spread to all other parts of the body. After another 4 days, the spots pass without peeling and pigmentation.
Rash on the head
It is much easier to see it in boys, as they wear short hairstyles. In long and thick hair, finding red spots is much more difficult. What can such a symptom talk about? The most common cause is lice. That is, parasites that lay eggs in the hair and feed on the host’s blood. You can catch them in kindergarten or at school, on the playground.
In order to detect lice in time and take measures, it is necessary to examine the child’s head at least twice a week. You need to do this in bright light, sorting your hair very carefully. If the suspicions are confirmed and adult insects and their larvae are found, then it is necessary to treat the head with special shampoo and more closely monitor the hygiene of the child.
There are a huge number of types of rashes on the body in children. The photos give only an approximate acquaintance with their external features, since often the symptoms are similar to each other. Today we will touch upon another disease that occurs not only at a young age, but also in adults. Most often, people are in no hurry to see a doctor, because "just herpes."
This is actually a collective name for viral diseases that are caused by different types of herpes. This is about how all members of the cat family are called pussies. In part, this will be true, but in reality they have a lot of differences.
The herpes virus is able to infect almost any internal organ. To date, 8 species are known, each of which is able to give similar symptoms.
Types of Herpes in Children
- Simple virus type 1. He is the most famous, and it flows quite easily. Sometimes a slight malaise is noted, after which a bubble filled with liquid appears on the lip. Usually a few days are enough for them to become covered with scab and pass. To accelerate this process, ointment "Acyclovir" or its analogues is used.
- The second type is genital. The baby can get it from the mother during pregnancy and childbirth. The course of this type of herpes in children is more difficult than in adults.
- Chicken pox virus. With a secondary lesion, it passes as describing herpes, that is, lichen.
- Type 6 virus causes roseola.
- Herpetic types 4, 5, and 6 can cause infectious mononucleosis.
Features of the course in infants
Herpetic rashes on the body in a child are more common than in adults. Just in the latter, only rashes on the lips are usually noted. This is an insidious disease that can cause severe damage to the nervous system and internal organs. If the visual organs are affected, keratitis occurs. If the ENT organs are under attack, then sudden deafness, tonsillitis of the pathology of the inner ear can develop.
The defeat of the cardiovascular system manifests itself in the form of atherosclerosis. If the virus enters the central nervous system, then there is a risk of developing encephalopathy, nerve plexuses suffer. On the part of the reproductive system, a violation of childbearing function is possible.
Herpes Symptoms
At the first stages, there are difficulties with the diagnosis of herpes. Rashes on the body in children appear much later. First, the baby complains of fever and fatigue, muscle pain and irritability. At the site of future rashes of infection, pain and burning, tingling and itching occur. Usually these places are prone to ulceration and the formation of wounds. The matter is complicated by the fact that the children comb them, constantly tear off the crust from them and prevent them from healing. Even the simplest herpes on their lips disappears no earlier than a week later.
Herpes rashes on the body of a child most often spread along the chin and neck. Lymph nodes swell and become painful. Ulcers can also appear in the mouth, gums, and throat. Of course, this causes difficulties with eating, so parents should be very careful about the consistency and temperature of the food.
Herpes Treatment
In each case, the doctor will focus on the age of the patient and on the severity of the course of the disease, on laboratory tests. Antiviral drugs, immunomodulators, interferons are usually used. It is very important to begin treatment at the first stages of the development of the disease. Recovery directly depends on this. A neglected infection becomes a chronic process or acquires a relapsing form.
Treatment of herpes in children is aimed at minimizing the manifestation of symptoms and suppressing the activity of the virus. For this, special ointments are used that relieve itching and take care of the skin, as well as tablets. It is necessary to drink more fluids, as well as take antipyretic and painkillers.
What can be done to reduce itching
The most important thing is to remember that any skin rash is just a symptom. You can’t act on it without presenting the true reasons. Therefore it is necessary as soon as possible to the doctor. He must conduct an examination and make a diagnosis. Further, it is already possible to develop an individual treatment regimen.
However, all this takes time, sometimes considerable. What to do to alleviate the condition of your child? First of all, you need to think about disease prevention. Of course, not everything can be prevented. But in the summer you should try to use mosquito nets and repellents to avoid insect bites. Vaccinations in a child should be done by age, so you protect him from a number of infectious diseases.
And what if the rash has already appeared? First of all, it is important to eliminate the irritants that affect the foci of rashes. Most often it is too coarse fabric. Dress your baby in light cotton clothing. But the biggest irritant is sweat. And people sweat because the room is too hot. Part of the salts is released in this case through the pores, which leads to intolerable itching. In babies with sensitive skin, sweat itself can cause rashes.
To alleviate the condition of the child, you need to remember the following:
- It is important to bathe the baby twice a day (possible more often). In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 34 degrees.
- The temperature in the room must be kept cool, but at the same time comfortable for the child. Everything is relative here, but most pediatricians recommend + 18-20 degrees.
If a doctor’s consultation is currently not possible and the child has severe itching, use topical antihistamines. These are ointments and gels. Of course, it is advisable to do this after consulting a specialist. In most cases, the rash is a fairly harmless manifestation of various diseases and reactions of a small organism. In most cases, it passes quite quickly and does not require serious treatment. Therefore, you need to think only about the therapy of the cause that caused it.
In what cases do you need to call an ambulance
If possible, you can take the child to the nearest hospital yourself. This must be done if a rash appears in the form of stars on the body. And of course, if the rashes are accompanied by high fever and (or) vomiting. In any case, call an ambulance consultant. He will listen to complaints and recommend monitoring a local pediatrician or immediately send an ambulance team to you.
Instead of a conclusion
There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of a rash on the body of a child. Even the immaturity of the digestive and enzymatic systems in itself leads to the fact that, having tasted a new product, the child begins to “bloom”. This is not even an allergic reaction, just at this stage his body is not ready to meet with the substances that it contains. It is necessary to postpone acquaintance for a few more months.
It is very important that parents can give the doctor full information about what the new child was eating, what it interacted with, whether it could become the object of an insect attack. This will allow you to quickly diagnose and proceed to treatment.