Every woman during pregnancy is faced with the problem of deterioration of the condition of nails, teeth and hair. During intrauterine life, the child takes away from the future mother the calcium that he needs for development and growth. Therefore, Mommy needs to regularly replenish the supply of vitamins, as well as trace elements and minerals. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy is one of the important components of a proper diet. A woman needs an additional source of this element.
Calcium is also one of the necessary components that will ensure the correct functioning of the systems and important organs of a woman and a baby. Therefore, it is worth recalling once again the need to take its drugs (for example, calcium gluconate) during pregnancy. After all, it is the presence of calcium ions that ensures the formation of skeletal bone tissue and helps in the smooth operation of the myocardium. This element also affects the passage of nerve impulses. It is also one of the components that is responsible for regulating the processes of renewal and blood coagulation. Calcium is part of special vitamins intended for expectant mothers, but in some cases, additional calcium-containing drugs are prescribed.
It is especially important to use calcium gluconate during pregnancy in its second half (but only after consulting a doctor). In this period, the baby already has bones that become hard, he is actively gaining weight. The development of all systems and organs of the fetus. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy is also involved in the development and formation of baby and hair and nails. The full development of the baby, both physical and mental, depends on the amount obtained of this mineral. And in order for the baby to grow and develop, the future mother should not forget to take calcium.
It is worth recalling that a lack of calcium (as, indeed, of many other vitamins and minerals) is just as dangerous as an overabundance. With its insufficient intake in the body, the child faces many diseases, one of which may be rickets. With an excess of calcium, the baby’s bones first of all change, they become inelastic. This means that there is a high probability of problems in childbirth, both in the child and the mother. Why is it important that the bones of the head are elastic? Because when passing through the birth canal, the cartilage on it is compressed, which facilitates the birth of a child. If head compression is limited, complications and birth injuries may occur . Also, an excess of calcium must be excreted from the body, and this gives a complication to the kidneys. Therefore, while taking the drug, you should control your well-being. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy can cause side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. In some cases, toxicosis may intensify.
However, the use of calcium gluconate for pregnant women significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage and prevents premature birth, as well as reduces blood loss during childbirth. If you ask: “Is it possible for pregnant calcium gluconate?” - the answer is mixed. Yes, it is necessary for a pregnant woman, but this is all individual. You should discuss all the nuances with your doctor. It is better to once again consult with the district and clarify the dosage of the drug necessary for you. Do not forget that you are responsible for your baby. Do not trust the advice of others and be sure to consult with a specialist.
In conclusion, I want to say that calcium is present in many products of our diet. Therefore, you can eat more cottage cheese and feta cheese, cheese and kefir, as well as rye bread and nuts. However, it is worth remembering that there are many products that contribute to the leaching of calcium, so consultation on the use of calcium gluconate for pregnant women is necessary. Be healthy and give birth to strong babies!