Sphinxes are a unique breed. These hairless cats are the favorites of fashion and art figures, as well as supporters of spiritual practices and simply creative personalities. Mystical properties are attributed to the sphinxes because of its exotic appearance and unusual character.
According to legend, the first sphinx breeds sacrificed their fur to warm the owners - the gods. In fact, these animals owe their appearance to genetics. Features of the skin and lack of hair in these cats are due to nature. However, despite this, the habits of these amazing creatures, their special way of looking directly into the eyes of an uninitiated observer, seem to be a manifestation of animal magnetism.
Sphinx: breed description, history
Hairless cats met in ancient times. Several cave paintings and legends indicate that the representatives of this breed found shelter in the great Aztecs. It is possible that Mexican hairless cats became the heroes of myths at the time, the breed of which, unfortunately, disappeared in the last century, but managed to make a splash at American profile exhibitions.
Judging by the photo, the Mexican counterparts differed from modern sphinxes in a more elongated body, mustache and large wedge-shaped head. However, in the cold season, these creatures grew thick hair on the tail and back. The skin of representatives of this breed in its structure is very similar to human. A significant difference from other cats is that bald creatures sweat all over. Their sweat leaves a brownish tint on the skin, and also has a characteristic odor that cannot be called unpleasant.
Don Sphinx
The Don Sphynx breed differs from other breeds by slender, tall and thin legs. They are also distinguished by graceful oval paws and long, almost like a human's, fingers. Representatives of this breed are extremely affectionate, easy to care for, omnivorous animals. They are not afraid of the cold, hot to the touch, but, despite this, they sleep under the covers.
The Don Sphinx, the features of the breed of which lies in such long fingers located on the front paws, and the ability to use them, are extremely affectionate for people. However, in relation to other animals, especially cats, they can show greater selectivity.
Canadian Sphinx
The breed Canadian Sphynx is not just a cat without hair. Of course, the bald body is the most obvious distinguishing feature of these creatures, but it is far from the only one. The head, morphology, eyes, ears and even character must meet a number of criteria that the breed standard dictates.
Petersburg Sphinx, or Peterbold
Cats St. Petersburg sphinxes, or Peterbalds - are medium-sized graceful and elegant animals, muscular and slender. The body is unusually flexible and stretched. What does the St. Petersburg sphinx look like? What appearance should these exotic animals have? The breed standard dictates the presence of a long and slender neck, as well as a very long whip-like tail. Their chest and shoulders should be no wider than the hips. These animals are owners of long and slender limbs and oval graceful paws on which long fingers are located.
Sphinx Peterbold - the owner of a wedge-shaped head. The wedge starts from the nose, and then expands in straight lines towards the ears. These cats have a slightly convex profile line. Flat forehead and long straight nose. The muzzle of these animals is rather narrow. Her chin is pronounced, located in a vertical plane with the tip of the nose.
Representatives of this breed have almond-shaped, slightly oblique set eyes. Usually their color is blue or intense green. Sphinx kittens have very large pointed ears, wide at the base, set to continue the line of the wedge. These animals have mobile and tender skin. It can be either completely naked or covered with a light fluff. The sphinx is distinguished by abundant folds in the head area, less on the body. Young representatives of this breed may have a residual coat on the tail, extremities and muzzle, which completely disappears by two years. All colors of these amazing animals are recognized.
Intelligence of the Sphinxes: are these cats capable of executing commands?
All sphinx breeds are quite easy to learn and very smart. Their memory, character, as well as a sense of simple logic are somewhat similar to canine ones. After several trainings, the sphynx cat will learn to perform tricks, bring small objects in his teeth to the owner, open windows, doors and even the lid of the washing machine. These animals are easy to train. Sphinx kittens are able to remember their name the first time. In addition, during walks on a leash, animals do not experience any discomfort.
All sphinx breeds have long fingers with well-developed claws. They are extremely sensitive and mobile. That is why these animals are able to carry objects and control them. These amazing creatures are naturally sociable and curious. This allows them to easily socialize. The Sphinx, the character and habits of which will give the owners pleasure and joy, will become a welcome inhabitant of any home. Seeking to be the center of attention, this animal can walk everywhere, follow its owner, or even watch TV.
Socialization of representatives of the sphinx breed: who gets along with a naked cat?
Sphynx cat is an extremely sociable creature that is not at all afraid of other large animals, including dogs. Due to the decorative look, he completely lacks hunting instincts. However, this minus is easily offset by a high ability to adapt and socialize. Any breed of sphinx will quickly and successfully understand the hobbies and habits of its owners. This will become the basis for building further relationships and a common communication style. Representatives of this breed have well-developed facial features, as well as the ability to change the intonation and timbre of the voice.
These animals intuitively understand that without a man they cannot survive. Sphinxes are deprived not only of a warm fur coat, but also of a mustache, which in ordinary furry creatures is a radar for the full life of a hunter and hunter. Remember that all sphinx breeds are domesticated. If for some reason such a cat ends up on the street, he will simply die on the very first day of his sudden freedom.
Sphinxes are demanding in terms of communication, but at the same time they highly appreciate the authority of the owner. They are very fond of when they pay maximum attention. For example, when playing with them, talking or taking pictures. Representatives of this breed just get along great with both very young and older children. These playful animals will fully share the cares and interests of the kids. In addition, the strong and elastic skin of these amazing creatures does not have bright pain points, which allows them to calmly relate to random rudeness during game activity.
The nature of naked cats: features and preferences
Representatives of this breed are owners of a compliant and soft nature. These creatures are very loving and devoted to their owners. The temperament of the sphinxes is mobile, but even. It is very difficult to make this animal nervous or angry. Representatives of this bare breed are very affectionate and kind. They are not at all inclined to manifest aggression - this feature was rejected during fine selection. Hairless cats rarely scratch (only in the game and very gently) and do not bite. Representatives of this breed do not know what revenge and harmfulness are. They do not have the habit of resenting the owners even after punishment. The most difficult thing for bald cats is loneliness, as they are very demanding in communication and sociable.
Sphinx training: how to express discontent?
All breeds of sphinxes are easily educated and have excellent memory. Unlike their brothers, they are not vindictive, never offended, and also always seek to make peace themselves. Representatives of this breed perfectly understand the words of discontent like "You can not!", However, they react extremely badly to rudeness and aggression in any of its manifestations. As a rule, they are simply frightened, cease to understand the essence of what is happening and in the future will again repeat their mistake.
In no case should you poke their face in the newly created puddle and even less beat it. All sphinx breeds have an extremely gentle psyche. In a stressful situation or during punishment, this creature will not only be offended, but will also receive mental trauma, which will be difficult to correct.
How to express your dissatisfaction with the behavior of the animal? First of all, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to punish representatives of this breed in any case. You can express your displeasure and masterful anger at the time of the crime, using a soft, but rather strict tone of voice. Believe me, the animal will immediately understand that it did something wrong.
If the bald creature went to the toilet where it wasn’t supposed to do it, immediately spray it with water. No less effective is the falling of noisy objects, such as a large bunch of keys, on the floor or clapping and other sound effects.
If the representative of the Sphynx breed ruined your curtains or wallpaper, then you should purchase more toys, as well as a special gymnastic corner designed for moving cats. It must be remembered that the sphinxes are great lovers of home and garden plants. In order for bald creatures not to spoil your flowers, ficuses and flower beds, plant special grass in a long rectangular pot.
Remember that a key aspect of raising a representative of the Sphynx breed is communicating with your pet. Play with him as often as possible, speak out loud. The unusual manner of these animals to look directly into the eyes of their owner will be able to locate the owner to deep long monologues.
Walking and exercise for naked cats
Representatives of the Sphynx breed are not created for life outside the house, so these animals do not need regular walks. However, these bald creatures sometimes still need sunbathing and fresh air. If you have a desire, you can take your pet out for a walk along the soft green grass in sunny and warm, but not hot weather. One or two walks per month will be enough.
Representatives of this breed love to sunbathe. In the summer months, their color becomes more warm tones. It is not out of place for owners of sphinxes to ensure that a soft pillow is always prepared for the pet on the balcony or window sill. Representatives of this breed are not inclined to neglect the opportunity to soak up the sun. However, owners need to ensure that sun baths do not last too long. Remember that sphinxes, like people, can burn, after which their skin will begin to peel off.
What is the best type of exercise for the sphinxes? Of course, the game! Owners of representatives of this breed need to pay increased attention to their pets, purchase toys, gymnastics and various labyrinths so that the pet does not feel sad and finds something to do even in your absence. Sphinxes are very hot to the touch. Their average body temperature is about 39-40 degrees. Kittens of this breed are completely reminiscent of a heating pad. In some cases, their body temperature can reach 42 degrees.
Sphinx care: are there any global differences?
Despite the fact that representatives of this breed have a rather vulnerable, fragile and at the same time exotic appearance, caring for them is not too different from caring for ordinary cats. Due to the lack of hair, naked pets are more sensitive to drafts and low temperatures. The optimum indoor temperature for them is from 20 to 25 degrees. In the cold winter and autumn months, it is better to put a warm suit on your pet. He will definitely like this solution.
Representatives of the Sphynx breed sweat much more than other cats. At the same time, their sweat turns into a brown coating on the skin, which, in turn, has certain protective properties and a specific smell. If this raid becomes too much over time, then most likely your pet has a metabolic disorder, so you should correctly adjust its diet and diet.
Owners need to regularly wipe their pet's skin with a damp sponge. You can bathe a representative of the Sphynx breed, if you wish, but this should happen no more than twice a week. If funds allow, you can buy a special shampoo or use an ordinary mild soap for children, which has a low level of acidity. After taking a bath, your pet must be thoroughly wiped and monitored so that it does not sit in the draft.
Representatives of this breed in the ears quickly accumulate dark discharge. To get rid of them, it is necessary to wipe the ears of the pet as it becomes contaminated with a cotton swab that is moistened with water. Like many other representatives of domestic cats, the sphinx cannot fully grind its claws in an urban setting. So that the pet does not scratch itself, you need to carefully trim the tips of the claws by three to four millimeters.
Sphinx and your apartment: where is danger lurking?
If in the near future you are going to get a sphinx, then you, as the future owner, need to be prepared to keep the house in perfect cleanliness. Any things left unattended, whether it be needles, small beads, threads and buttons, can spur the natural curiosity of a representative of this breed. A pet may want to taste an unfamiliar object.
The same rule applies to all the delicacies on your table. There is no need to indulge the vagaries of your pet. It is better to once again refuse him a tidbit, which is not intended for him, than to carry a cat to veterinary clinics. In addition, you must be careful with sharp objects, because your pet can easily play with scissors, a fork or a knife and injure itself during the game. It is better to determine in advance where your pet will eat. You need to purchase three bowls: for natural products, water and dry food.
Representatives of the Sphynx breed are very thermophilic creatures who are not averse to sleeping with their beloved owners. Do not deny your pet this weakness. For a daytime rest of a bald cat, you should buy a small cozy and warm house, which will be equipped with a warm mattress and bedding. Remember that the house needs to be cleaned every few days. A scoop will be a salvation for your furniture - in this case, your pet will not be interested in wallpaper, furniture, carpets and your personal items.
Representatives of the Sphynx breed: what to feed?
The well-being of your pet depends on the proper diet and diet. When organizing the feeding of representatives of the sphynx breed, the owner of the animal should adhere to the following general rules.
- It is necessary to feed your pet from time to time in the same place.
- The owner of the animal should pay sufficient attention to the choice of bowls for the cat. The best option is a stable shallow dish in which food will be applied, and another deeper bowl for water.
- The diet of a representative of the Sphynx breed should be balanced in the amount of minerals and minerals.
Scientists have proved that cats react to the shade of their bowl, because it is perceived as a signal that the animal will soon be fed. Therefore, the owner’s dishes must necessarily differ in color from the dishes of the pet.
Whatever mode of feeding the owner of the bald creature chooses, he must remember that the necessary amount of fats, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates should be included in the pet's diet. Remember that it is better to limit the representative of the sphinx breed in the use of foods such as cereals, potatoes, bread and cereals.