Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days worry almost every woman. This topic is of interest to those planning to become mothers, and fearing a new status. Therefore, below we will consider the very first signs of the manifestation of an "interesting situation." Some are known to almost the entire population, and some options remain a mystery to most citizens. However, awareness does not hurt. Indeed, sometimes even a small and barely noticeable symptom of pregnancy in the early days is able to indicate an "interesting position".
About the process of conception
First of all, we will study the process of conception. This will help to navigate during pregnancy. Depending on it, women can observe certain signs of a new status.
First, the egg matures in the follicle. Then she breaks out of the cocoon and goes into the fallopian tubes. This moment is called ovulation. This describes the best time for conception.
Over the next 48 hours, the egg will travel through the fallopian tubes and move to the uterus. During this time, ideally, sperm enter the female cell. And this is the conception. After this, a fetal egg appears. It attaches to the wall of the uterus and is actively developing.
If there was no fertilization, the egg reaches the uterus and dies after 3 days. So the body begins to prepare for a new menstrual cycle. It manifests itself in the next menstruation.
Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days of conception can be or not? And how do they appear in one case or another?
Egg implantation
On the first day of pregnancy, what symptoms may occur? As women say, immediately after conception, revealing your new status is problematic. An "interesting position" can be recognized at about 5-6 weeks. Up to this point, all the symptoms described cannot be called reliable.
For example, some women say that after ovulation (after about 2-3 days, less often after 7 days), they have spotting spotting. They were insignificant and resembled the beginning of menstruation.
So it is customary to describe implantation bleeding. It occurs when the fetal egg is introduced into the uterine wall. For most girls, this event is asymptomatic.
Breast changes
What symptoms during pregnancy in the first days can be observed in a future mother? All possible scenarios cannot be called unambiguous. Moreover, no one can guarantee the manifestation of an "interesting position" at an early stage of fetal development. Some women have to wait up to 4-6 weeks of pregnancy to recognize it.
Almost immediately after conception, a girl can notice physical changes in herself. We are talking about breast engorgement and about increasing its sensitivity. Even a light touch causes discomfort and pain.
In some cases, pregnancy symptoms on the first day of conception include a change in pigmentation of the nipples. Milk may begin to be produced from the breast. But this is an extremely rare occurrence.
Abdominal pain as a sign of posture
What are the first symptoms of pregnancy? On the first day after successful fertilization, the situation almost does not manifest itself. You need to wait a bit.
Women claim that shortly after a successful conception, they noted pulling pains in their lower abdomen. A feeling of fullness of the uterus is also found, but very rarely.
In general, few people pay attention to such a sign of situation. Feels like it coincides with abdominal pain with PMS. And therefore, girls rarely attach importance to such symptoms.
Fatigue and general condition of the body
What symptoms of pregnancy on the first day after successful fertilization are observed under certain circumstances?
A week or two after ovulation, increased fatigue and fatigue are noted. The girl quickly and easily gets tired. Sometimes she does nothing special.
As a rule, the longer the term, the more “lazy” a woman becomes. Constant drowsiness can interfere with the usual way of life. But only by these manifestations one should not judge an "interesting situation".
Changes in the psyche
Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are not always noticeable. But if you carefully listen to the body, you will be able to quickly (though not without problems) learn about your situation.
In pregnant women, changes in the psyche are noted. It becomes unstable. A woman can laugh, become sad after a few minutes, scream for no reason, and then behave absolutely calmly.
Emotional instability is a clear sign of an "interesting situation." Especially in the early stages.
Important: in order not to confuse pregnancy with PMS, it is worth paying attention to the fact that negative emotions are inherent in the premenstrual syndrome. A woman in this state is aggressive and prone to depression. With an “interesting position”, both positive and negative emotions will appear equally well.
The next scenario is the change in the figure. They are clearly visible in thin and slender girls.
Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days of the situation in some cases boil down to divergence of the pelvic bones and an increase in the abdomen. This entails flatulence and even constipation.
A slender woman can notice how suddenly the jeans, which were previously in time, became too small. It is problematic to see such changes. After all, the figure of a pregnant woman will change closer to the second trimester of fetal development.
Basal temperature and its indicators
The next scenario is a change in basal temperature. By this symptom, a woman will be able to judge the onset of ovulation and pregnancy. Especially right after the delay. Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days are mild.
The thing is that during the "interesting situation" the basal temperature will be slightly increased at first. Ideally, it will be 37-37.4 degrees.
On the BT schedule, the corresponding indicators will stay 5-7 days after ovulation or 3 days longer than during the normal menstrual cycle. This phenomenon indicates a successful conception.
Important: deviations on the BT schedule, according to women, are able to indicate abnormalities in the body. For example, for inflammatory processes, tumors or chronic diseases.
It's cold, it's hot
Reviews of pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception are varied. Some say that the situation did not appear until 2 months, and someone almost immediately realized that fertilization had taken place.
A girl can throw in the heat, then in the cold. This is due to a change in pressure. Therefore, it is not necessary to be surprised that on a hot summer day a woman tightly closes windows and puts on warm socks.
Girl smelling
It's no secret that during pregnancy a girl is faced with serious hormonal adjustments. They cause a lot of problems and changes.
For example, regarding odors. Earlier favorite smells can cause disgust and even vomiting. Someone has strange preferences. A woman can fall in love with old grandmother's perfumes, and throw out her favorite perfume.
As a rule, changes in sense of smell are exacerbated by the middle of the first trimester. Immediately after implantation of a fetal egg into the uterus, a similar symptom occurs in isolated cases. Doctors say it is caused by the placebo effect.
Taste preferences
Along with a change in the sense of smell, the girl's taste preferences change. Similar adjustments are symptoms of pregnancy in the early days of the situation.
Favorite food becomes nasty, you want something salty, then sweet, then sour, then all at once. Similar food "behavior" often suggests the idea of an "interesting position".
Reviews of women indicate rather strange taste drives. Some wanted to smell glue or paint, and someone ate chalk. All this is attributed to obvious signs of pregnancy.
Nevertheless, taste preferences are able to change with diseases of the esophagus, stomach, or during vitamin deficiency.
Toxicosis and vomiting
Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are almost invisible to a woman. Among the obvious precursors of the studied situation, it is customary to distinguish toxicosis and vomiting.
Nausea in the morning and evening, vomiting and weakness - all this haunts the girl in the first months of pregnancy. The intensity of such adjustments is different for everyone. And some girls do not face toxicosis at all.
Ideally, nausea and vomiting occur at week 3-5 of the situation. Until this time, the symptoms are fictitious. They are caused by the psychological mood of the woman and her expectation of toxicosis.
Delay of menstruation
Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after successful fertilization without fail include delayed menstruation. This phenomenon manifests itself in almost every woman. Only occasionally, a delay in menstruation does not occur. And such a situation in the presence of pregnancy requires careful monitoring by a doctor.
Delayed menstruation does not always indicate an "interesting position." It can be caused by:
- delayed ovulation;
- anovulation;
- Staying stressed or overworked
- diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.
This is not a complete list of reasons for which delay of critical days is possible. Nevertheless, panic, if menstruation does not come, is not necessary. Often this phenomenon really indicates pregnancy.
Home test
Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days of menstruation are more frequent than immediately after conception. Therefore, as soon as the critical days have not arrived at the right time, the girl can be actively checked for an "interesting position".
For example, some do home-made rapid pregnancy tests. Two bars on the meter indicate successful conception. A ghost (barely noticeable second line) is also able to indicate the position of a woman.
Under certain circumstances, a home pregnancy test can show a false negative result. For example, if urine has a low level of hCG or a woman has conducted a study incorrectly.
Important: it is advisable to do a pregnancy test on the 2-3 day delay of menstruation. Re-verification is carried out on the 7-10th day. At this time, the symptoms of the "interesting position" become more pronounced, and the measuring device should give out two strips.
Blood analysis
What are the other symptoms of pregnancy on the first day of menstruation delay? For example, a woman can do a blood test for hCG. This is the fastest and most reliable solution.
After conception, the "pregnancy hormone" is actively produced in the body. It is called hCG. A significant increase in this component indicates pregnancy.
Important: this analysis can be performed even before the delay. Only his testimony cannot be considered 100% reliable. After a delay in menstruation, the girl will receive more accurate blood test results.
Forward, on ultrasound
The first symptoms of pregnancy on the first day of delay of critical days we studied. And how can you find out about your situation?
The most accurate method of solving the problem is to visit the ultrasound room. The doctor will be able to report on the stage of development of the fetus. With the help of such a study, a favorable time for conception is often tracked.
Important: in the early stages of the "interesting position" conduct a transvaginal study. A 100% result will be given by a procedure made at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is from this period that the heartbeat is visible in the embryo.
Can ultrasound machines make mistakes? Sometimes doctors confuse a fetal egg with tumors. Therefore, you have to come back to the procedure after a few weeks.
Gynecologist will tell you everything
The last technique that can be used to determine pregnancy is a visit to the gynecologist. This specialist will help to make this or that conclusion, for example, on the basis of the collected medical history and analysis of blood / ultrasound image.
In addition, if the expectant mother does not have symptoms of pregnancy on the first day of conception or after a delay in menstruation, she can go to the gynecologist for examination on an armchair. By the end of the first month of the "interesting position", the genitals acquire a "pregnant" look. Let's say the uterus becomes cyanotic, and its neck rises and closes. This helps preserve the fetus in the early stages of its development.
Important: if you go to the doctor before the absence of critical days, the situation of the girl may not be noticed. Accordingly, there is no need to rush to the gynecologist. But it should not be delayed with this process.
Conclusions and Conclusion
We examined the symptoms of pregnancy on the first day after fertilization or delayed menstruation. All the described signs can be observed both comprehensively and separately. In this case, there should not be any deviations in the development of the baby.
Pregnancy is a condition that occurs in each woman individually. With one baby, a girl is able to suffer from toxicosis and abdominal pain, and with another she will only encounter a delay in menstruation and changes in her figure. Therefore, it is impossible to draw conclusions on reviews on how to determine the "interesting position".
Doctors are of the same opinion. They recommend waiting for a delay in menstruation, making a pregnancy test, and then donating blood for hCG, going for an ultrasound and to a gynecologist. Only in this case will it be possible to 100% confirm the new position of the girl.
The main thing is not to panic and keep calm. Early diagnosis of an "interesting position" is often useless. After all, the body needs time for the fetus to take root and begin active development. Only after this, the future mother may experience the symptoms of an “interesting position” described earlier.