Lesson in the preparatory group on the theme of "Autumn". Lesson Summary

Those parents whose children attend kindergarten probably know that once a year there is a lesson in the preparatory group on the theme of "Autumn". It is obligatory. Educators prepare the program. Sometimes a similar event takes place in the form of a matinee, an autumn ball. The hall is beautifully decorated, parents are invited, and children in a playful way learn and discover many new moments. For example, signs associated with the fall, holiday dates falling at this time of the year, and much more. We will talk about how preparation for the lesson is and what special carers need to pay attention to in the article.

lesson in the preparatory group on the topic of autumn

An example of a lesson in the group on the theme of "Autumn"

Since the children of the preparatory group are the oldest in the kindergarten (their age is from 6 to 7 years), the teachers actively prepare the kids for the start of the educational process. So far, all the lessons and classes are held in a playful way. Children are taught to write, read, count, and ask home exercises. Separately, I want to note the creative activities in which the guys can prove themselves and reveal their talents.

The following scenario can serve as an example of an ideal lesson on the theme “Autumn”:

  1. Children are invited to go on an interesting trip. But what time of year they will fall, you can find out by guessing the riddle.

  2. The children find themselves in a beautifully decorated room, in the center there is a clearing with a hemp, on which the children find a letter with questions about the autumn. A discussion takes place in a discussion form. Toddlers are offered to be divided into two teams. For each correct answer a small prize is awarded (apple, acorn, autumn leaf).

  3. The preparatory group in kindergarten - the finish line in front of the school. Therefore, children need to be developed creatively. This compendium provides for a dance (autumn waltz). If the children do not have choreographic inclinations, you can invite them to sing a song, tell a poem.

  4. In a game form are quizzes, games, fun starts.

  5. Farewell to the fall, fixing material, receiving gifts.

children of the preparatory group

Does thematic planning apply?

Thematic planning in the preparatory group is a separate topic for discussion. The teaching staff thinks in advance and draws up a lesson plan. Lesson topics are completely different. The educators are tasked with revealing the child comprehensively. And that is wonderful. After all, all the guys are different. Each of them is an already formed personality with its own character. For some, the topic of experiments is interesting, the study of galaxies and planets, others like sports, dancing and so on.

There are mandatory topics that educators are trying to convey to the children at the matinees. For example, New Year, Victory Day, Autumn Ball and other holidays. Parents can attend these events and see with their own eyes what creative success his child has achieved.

Thematic planning in the preparatory group is under the close supervision of the Ministry of Education. Carers operate according to the approved annual plan.

For what purposes are classes on the theme of "Autumn"?

Lesson in the preparatory group on the theme of "Autumn" is required. Every year it takes place according to a new scenario. The goals are clear to everyone: to expand the children's understanding of this time of year, to learn new signs, poems, and broaden the horizons of the child.

The main tasks facing educators:

  • Explain in detail to children what changes occur with nature in the fall, why the leaves turn yellow. Introduce the terms "photosynthesis", "chlorophyll" and others. Thus, let the guys plunge into biology a little.

  • Develop a discussion with children, teach them to prove and defend their point of view. Ensure that the child correctly and correctly builds sentences, uses participial and participial phrases in his speech.

  • With the help of game cards to develop memory.

  • To do research work. Under the microscope, examine the structure of the leaf and bark of the tree.

The list of tasks and goals can be increased or changed, at the discretion of educators.

Necessary materials

In order to conduct a lesson in the preparatory group on the theme “Autumn”, you need to find materials that will interest the children and make the lesson more exciting. You can use: acorns, chestnuts, fallen leaves, flowers, a microscope, autumn vegetables and fruits. Perhaps for crafts you will need scissors, glue, paints, brushes, colored paper.

Do not forget about the decor of the group. Leaves, a rainbow, a basket of fruit from papier-mâché - all these elements will perfectly decorate the hall.

thematic planning in the preparatory group

Children training

Many parents ask, “What does the preparatory group give?” Development is the main task. At the age of 6-7 years, children can already get acquainted with classical musical, artistic works, paintings. In preparation for the fall holiday, you can:

  • Learn some poems about the fall of famous authors.

  • Get familiar with classic musical compositions.

  • To study folk art: jokes, nursery rhymes, signs.

  • Consider paintings by famous artists.

Such creative training will benefit the children, expand their horizons.

class activities fall

Autumn Ball

To complete the lesson in the preparatory group on the theme of "Autumn" is better by a matinee. Each preschool chooses its own script. As a rule, children are offered to tell poems and sing songs. Be sure to include choreographic numbers in the program. All events are held in a playful way. Heroes come to visit the children: Hedgehog, Autumn, Fungus and others.

In many ways, the program depends on the music worker. The event may be attended by parents and children from younger groups.

Such an autumn ball allows the child to open up. Children cease to be afraid of the stage, the audience, in the future, it will be very useful.

children's applications autumn

We conduct an open lesson

If you can’t hold the ball, you can do an open lesson “Autumn”. The event must be held in a group. You can captivate children with creative tasks, arrange an exhibition of crafts, drawings, applications.

When conducting an open lesson, the teacher needs to pre-compile an outline of the Autumn class. It should include the following items:

  1. Organizational moments. An interesting meeting of children, their seating in places.

  2. General conversation about the autumn season. Once again recall the name of the months, signs and other points associated with the fall.

  3. The creative part. Children tell poems, sing songs, dance.

  4. Games with educators.

  5. Finger and articulation gymnastics.

  6. Work with copybooks.

  7. The final part, the presentation of gifts and letters.

These key points need to be considered when conducting an open lesson in a group.

open session autumn

Lesson on the theme of "Autumn". Which games are better to hold?

In compiling an abstract of classes before events, educators pay special attention to games. It must be remembered that the preparatory group in kindergarten has its own characteristics. At first glance, the children are already very large, but at the same time they still cannot fully adapt to the classical lessons, so all classes need to be "diluted" with games. Examples include the following quiz:

  1. "Guess whose." Leaves from different trees are laid out in front of the children, they, in turn, try to find out the name.

  2. "Associations." For example, with what metal do you associate a yellow sheet? (Gold).

  3. "Truth or fiction." A number of situations related to natural phenomena are suggested, the child must answer whether they can occur in the autumn period.

Children like these games and quizzes, they participate in them with pleasure, thereby discovering a lot of new things.

We make crafts from natural material

With the onset of autumn, preschool institutions offer children to do crafts using natural materials. As a rule, such creative tasks are performed together with parents. You can use: cones, moss, tree bark, needles, leaves, straw, chestnuts, acorns.

Then the compositions are exhibited in the lobby of the kindergarten so that children of other groups can appreciate the creativity. Similar tasks develop the imagination, skill, motility in the children.

A lesson in the preparatory group on the theme of "Autumn" cannot be held without the application. Leaves - this is the material that is best suited for these purposes. Firstly, it is absolutely free, secondly, it is easily attached to paper with glue, thirdly, using scissors, you can give the leaves any shape.

Applications are of several types:

  1. Waybill. When making such paintings, do not use scissors. All necessary elements are finished using felt-tip pens or pencils.

  2. Silhouette Leaves of different shapes and colors are collected, dried with an iron. Thought out in advance of the composition. The necessary details are cut out of the leaves, thereby obtaining the necessary pattern.

Children's applications "Autumn" are very popular, retain their appearance for a long time, especially if the leaves are pre-dried.

In addition to natural material, you will need the following items:

  1. Thick paper, whatman, cardboard.

  2. Glue stick, PVA.

  3. Scissors.

  4. Ruler.

  5. Pencils, felt-tip pens.

  6. Eraser.

  7. Napkin or soft cloth.

The process of making a leaf composition is quite simple:

  • Think over the drawing.

  • Draw outlines.

  • Prepare details from the leaves.

  • Lubricate the template with glue.

  • Attach natural material.

As a result, the child should have a beautiful composition of autumn leaves.

preparatory group in kindergarten

Preparatory groups in kindergartens are needed. Future first-graders get a lot of useful information there. They learn to read and write, get acquainted with world classical works, and develop creatively.

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