Herpes in a child: treatment with folk remedies is not only

Herpes virus occurs in 90 percent of all people. And children are no exception. After all, this disease is very contagious, it is transmitted through common objects, toys or with a kiss. By the age of five, it is estimated that 80 percent of children are infected. The disease is not always manifested by open rashes, if the immunity is strong, the virus may be present in a latent form. But usually parents see if a child has cold sores. Treatment should be started immediately.

herpes in a child treatment

Although medicine still cannot cope with this virus and completely cure herpes, it is the duty of parents to prevent the re-infection and spread of herpes throughout the body. Without proper treatment, the disease causes the child suffering and can cause complications. If the rashes have a large area of ​​distribution, there is an increase in temperature, headache, sleep disturbances and irritability.

The herpes virus in children, as in adults, is in the body in a sleeping state, activating during hypothermia, stress, or a decrease in immunity. Most often, rashes appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth or the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. But if you do not follow the child and let him comb the bubbles, the virus can spread throughout the body. Rashes occur on the arms, legs, scalp or genitals. Usually they are the most painful.

For some reason, parents believe that the most non-dangerous disease is herpes in a child. They carry out the treatment on their own, usually lubricating the rash

herpes virus in children

brilliant green. But in fact - this is a viral disease that requires the use of antiviral drugs, and not only external but also internal.

Most often, the drug "Acyclovir" is used to treat herpes. It is available in various forms: ointment, gel or tablets. Interferon preparations or Arbidol are also used. In addition, you need to teach your child to wash their hands more often, observe personal hygiene rules and not scratch infected areas.

Many parents are interested in the question: "If a child has herpes, is it possible to treat it with folk remedies?" Yes, in addition to antiviral therapy, it is necessary to strengthen immunity with extracts of echinacea, ginseng or eleutherococcus. Give your child more vegetables and fruits, food should not be too hot, especially

herpes in a child 1 year

if rashes are located in the mouth.

Bubbles instead of pharmacy ointments can be lubricated with tea tree oil, sea buckthorn or fir. You can handle rashes with a solution of tincture of calendula or propolis, make lotions from a decoction of chamomile or Japanese sophora.

This virus is most dangerous for the youngest children. Usually, babies who are breast-fed are protected by antibodies from their mother’s milk, but the artificers are often infected. Herpes in a child of 1 year is usually difficult. The temperature rises, the baby refuses food, is naughty and does not sleep well. Pain and itching by such children are very poorly tolerated.

Each parent should know how herpes manifests itself in a child. The treatment is usually the same every time, and in the intervals between relapses, strengthen the baby's immunity and temper it.

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