Cats are very neat and tidy animals. Therefore, pyoderma is rare in them.
This bacterial disease is characterized by the appearance of pustular inflammation on the skin and hair loss. Experts do not consider this process an independent pathology. It is a complication of allergic reactions and internal diseases. The article will examine in detail (using photos) pyoderma in cats: symptoms, treatment, prevention.
There are two types of this pathology:
- Superficial pyoderma. It spreads on the surface of the skin and reaches the stratum corneum and hair follicle.
- Deep As a rule, it occurs as a complication of the first type. In this case, the infection penetrates deep under the skin and can cause inflammation of fatty tissue and furunculosis.
Pyoderma in cats - photos confirm this - always does not look very attractive.
All animals on the surface of the body have a certain microflora. With a good state of health of the pet, it does not manifest itself in any way. But in case of damage to the skin, the bacteria living on them can cause an inflammatory process.
Superficial pyoderma in cats is characterized by a defeat of Staphylococcus aureus. As a rule, he lives in the mucous membranes and gets into the wounds during licking or when grooming.
The main causes of pathology include:
- Weak immunity.
- Violation of the sebum and seborrhea.
- Dermatoses, most often allergenic in nature, accompanied by itching. The infection develops when combing the wounds.
- Features of wool (excessively thick and long) and skin (wrinkles).
- Incorrect cat care: poor hygiene, frequent bathing, poor nutrition.
With deep pyoderma, the animal is affected by two types of bacteria: Staphylococcus schleiferi and Staphylococcus pseudointermedius.
The causes of this type of disease include:
- Diabetes mellitus, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders.
- Demodecosis
- Flea dermatitis.
- Injuries received during the fight.
- Use over a long period of chemotherapy (cytostatics) and glucocorticosteroids.
Pyoderma in cats is often confused with other skin pathologies.
The superficial form of the disease is characterized by baldness. The animal’s hair looks like it is eaten by a moth. In addition, there are numerous foci of alopecia. The disease is accompanied by multiple papules, pustules, severe itching and a special epidermal collar - a spot with round scales.
In some cases, superficial pyoderma in cats spreads to a large area of the skin, in connection with which the latter can get wet and exfoliate. The disease affects the chin and lips, and in places of inflammation, crusts and sores appear.
The following symptoms are characteristic of a deep form of pyoderma:
- Purulent fluid secretion.
- Discoloration of the skin.
- Generalized lesion with the appearance of multiple ulcers, ulcers, erosion.
- Painful and itchy.
If the infection covers a large surface of the animal’s body, there is a risk of developing sepsis.
What is the disease for cats dangerous?
Having noticed the symptoms of pyoderma in cats, treatment and diagnosis should be carried out as quickly as possible. The fact is that pathology not only leads to a sharp decrease in the body's defenses, but also provokes the development of a large number of concomitant diseases. Constant combing of the wounds is fraught with deep damage to the skin and the appearance of colloidal scars, on which the coat will no longer grow. With untimely therapy, the cat develops sepsis, which usually leads to the death of the pet.
Many pet owners are wondering if this disease is contagious to humans. Veterinarians argue that there is no reason for concern. Pathology develops only in animals with weak immunity or as a secondary disease. For humans, only ringworm is dangerous.
Before you know how to treat pyoderma in a cat, you must correctly diagnose it. It is important to distinguish pathology from similar diseases: fungal infection, demodicosis, immune mediated pemphigus and others.
Diagnostics includes the following activities:
- Taking a scraping from the skin to detect fungus.
- Cytological examination of skin prints and exudate to determine pathogens.
- Skin biopsy - with deep pyoderma in cats is mandatory - since the infection can be in its deep layers.
- Conducting a test to determine the sensitivity of antibiotics before starting treatment - this will help you choose the right medication.
- Checking the blood for thyroid hormones, as well as its general analysis to assess the general health of the pet.
- Wood scans for fungal spores.
- Serological analysis for immunodeficiency virus.
Treatment of pyoderma in cats
All forms of the disease are treated well with antibiotics. For this, "Chlorhexidine", "Povidone iodine" and other disinfectants are used. The surface of the skin is treated with solutions, after which an ointment with an antibiotic is applied to the affected area: Fusidic acid, Mupirocin. Before using medicines, the animal must be sheared, thereby ensuring maximum access to the inflamed area of the skin. Such treatment is carried out for a long time: the drugs are canceled a week after the symptoms disappear.
With small lesions, surface therapy is sufficient without the use of systemic antibiotics. With extensive foci, flora-sensitive preparations are added to local remedies, most often they are Ronidazole (30 mg / kg once a day), Amoxicillin and Clindamycin (20 mg / kg once a day).
For the treatment of deep pyoderma, injection of drugs with a course of at least two months is mandatory. Typically, a regimen of two strong drugs in large doses is prescribed.
Medicines for treatment:
- "Cefadroxil" - 22 mg / kg once a day.
- "Sulfadiazine" - 20mg / kg every 12 hours (gloves must be worn when using)
- "Amoxicillin" - 8 mg / kg 2 times a day.
- Erythromycin - 20 mg / kg every 8 hours.
Treatment with "Chlorhexidine" during the course is required on a daily basis. Also, the affected area should be cleaned of exudate and crusts.
To improve overall well-being, cats are prescribed immunostimulating agents (Gamavit) and vitamin and mineral supplements.
To accelerate recovery, an auto vaccine and anti-stavilococcal gamma globulins are used (when infected with Staphylococcus aureus).
Treatment of pyoderma in cats at home
With a mild course of the disease, when there is no need for regular injections, it is not necessary to keep the animal in a hospital. Therapy can be done at home. It will consist in treating the affected areas with antibacterial ointments and adding vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet. It is important to remember that all medications must be used within a week after the disappearance of signs of infection. You should also control the spread of the disease, re-taking tests at the end of the course.
In any case, with the initial onset of symptoms, you should consult your veterinarian. Self-diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of treatment can lead to serious consequences (reviews confirm this).
To protect the pet from this unpleasant ailment, the following rules should be observed:
- Timely process combs and wounds.
- Treat the animal against fleas and parasites, use anti-flea collars.
- Develop a balanced diet for the cat, exclude potential allergens from the food (soy, seafood, wheat gluten).
- Provide proper care for the skin and coat of the animal.
- Timely treat for fungal infections and dermatitis.
- Diagnose endocrine diseases.
Pyoderma in cats is rare. At the initial stages, the pathology is easily treatable, but if the symptoms are ignored, it can lead to serious complications.