The hormonal background of a woman changes during the month, it is influenced by a huge number of factors, including the day of the cycle, contraceptives, stress and much more. Therefore, it is difficult to determine if your hormones are in order without special tests. For rapid diagnosis, home tests have been developed that allow you to determine ovulation and pregnancy. It seems everything is simple, but women began to wonder about whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy, or how it will behave if the egg is already fertilized.
What is ovulation?
This is a natural, monthly process, thanks to which a woman becomes capable of procreation. That is, this is the very process of the release of the egg. It is there that conception should occur if a sperm meets on its way. Women who are in harmony with their body are able to feel the approach of ovulation. During this period, sexual desire intensifies, nature knows when to look for a partner, perhaps a slight sensation of pain in the ovaries. All this suggests that the right moment is approaching. To track this favorable period, you can use special tests. But the question is, can ovulation tests show pregnancy? Let's get it together.
How does an ovulation test work?
It is very important to determine the most favorable moment for conception. Many women who cannot become pregnant for a long time acquire these tests in large numbers, monitoring the approaching egg output every day. The principle of operation of this test is quite simple. The test strip determines the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Shortly before rupture of the follicle, the level of this hormone reaches its maximum level. As soon as you see 2 strips on the test, this means that ovulation will occur in about 12-48 hours. At the same time, do not forget that any test may fail. Make sure that the test strip does not differ in brightness from the control one, otherwise the result can be considered unreliable. However, if a woman plans to conceive, she is always interested in whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy. Numerous examples say this is possible. Let's talk about this in more detail.
If a pregnant woman uses the ovulation test
First of all, we want to draw your attention to the fact that home tests are much less reliable than laboratory tests performed by doctors in the hospital. That is why quite often litmus papers can give out one after another, pregnancy for ovulation, and vice versa.
Both ovulation and pregnancy are determined by the level of the hormone in the urine. Despite the fact that hormones are different, such simple tests can easily be mistaken for one another. The surge of the hormone during ovulation and during conception looks approximately the same for them. That is why it is possible to affirmatively answer the question of whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy, however, the reliability of this method will always be in question.
Different tests: what we will measure
Theoretically, an ovulation test should only determine the maturation and yield of the next egg. It is clear that if you are pregnant, then this is impossible, but there is a huge amount of evidence that the ovulation test shows pregnancy much faster than a specialized litmus test.
Sometimes women confuse these two types of tests, sometimes in a pharmacy they are mistakenly sold not what they ask. As a result, one may ask: can an ovulation test show pregnancy, and get an affirmative answer. Being pregnant, many girls received a positive ovulation test. Others, for the sake of interest, already knowing about their pregnancy reliably, checked the result of the ovulation test, and it also often turns out to be positive.
False indicators
Before you say whether an ovulation test can show pregnancy, you should warn that this is in any case the result of an imperfection of the diagnostic system, which means that you can not trust such indicators. If you are pregnant, then the test result, once positive, will no longer turn negative. If this happens, you must immediately tell your doctor.
At the same time, an ovulation test can show pregnancy, but only because the chorionic gonadotropin and luteinizing hormone have similar formulas, and the test has not only high sensitivity, but also a rather large error.
It turns out that these tests are interchangeable?
Not certainly in that way. If we talk about whether the pregnancy test after ovulation shows the desired two strips, then any doctor will say that it is unlikely, because he has much less sensitivity. For a reliable result, you must wait for the first day of delay. For this reason, a pregnancy test is not used to determine the onset of ovulation, its sensitivity is clearly not enough. They will not be able to fix a slight increase in lutein.
One instead of the other
However, the situation is different with the second test strip. Whether the ovulation test shows pregnancy is discussed for many years in all forums. Yes, indeed, it does. Therefore, it can be used to diagnose conception, although it is not practical from an economic point of view. The cost of such a test is many times higher than the price of the most expensive pregnancy test.
However, it is the sensitivity of this strip that determines its popularity among women. We already said that his sensitivity is much higher, therefore, when answering the question of whether the test for ovulation shows pregnancy, it should be noted that he can show the result long before the first day of the delay, which can be so difficult to wait because constant experience.
Hormone hormone discord
After we have determined that it is possible to get an answer about our interesting position using the ovulation test, the question arises of the accuracy of this method. That is, it is logical to ask whether the ovulation test always shows pregnancy? No, this method does not give 100% accuracy, because initially this litmus strip has other tasks. In order for you to determine the onset of ovulation, a test that is saturated with reagents is used to detect the LH hormone in the urine. Its maximum concentration occurs in the urine precisely during the period of the egg release. If you get clear two strips, then ovulation has already occurred and the optimal time has come for conception.
To determine an interesting position, it is necessary to use another test, saturated with reagents that react to the hormone hCG. From the first day of the delay, you can get clear two strips, which means that you are really pregnant. Thus, it is clear that these two tests respond to different hormones, and therefore, one will not replace the other. Ask any physiologist or doctor about whether ovulation occurs during pregnancy, and be prepared for the fact that he will be very surprised. Of course not, the tasks of this mechanism have already been completed. The egg went into the fallopian tube, was fertilized and implanted in the uterus. Until the birth, a new egg will not be formed.
What results can you get?
Do not use the ovulation test during pregnancy. The accuracy of this method is zero. The bright two strips that a pregnant woman receives in the early stages are nothing more than a mistake. Such a diagnosis does not bear any value, but for a period of 4 weeks this method stops working, that is, the test stops showing the result.
However, the reliability of such studies is generally worth questioning. If your body functions like a clock, then you yourself will perfectly understand when you have ovulation, and you will also feel the first signs of pregnancy. If there are various malfunctions and violations, then you should not trust such test strips, you need to see a doctor.
To summarize
The ovulation test is not intended to determine pregnancy, no matter how you are convinced otherwise. What many women managed to note is nothing more than an accident, a mistake, a malfunction in the diagnosis, which most often happens in the early stages of pregnancy. To be completely sure of the results, you need to wait for the first day of delay and do a pregnancy test. Another way to reliably determine an interesting situation is to take tests in a clinic. Therefore, if you are asked whether a test for ovulation shows pregnancy, feel free to answer no.