When teeth are cut: symptoms

As a rule, parents are impatiently waiting for their teeth to begin to cut. They worry in advance that the former will go too painfully. Very often, when teeth are cut, the symptoms really resemble a disease: the temperature rises, the baby is capricious, etc. Neither parents nor doctors can influence the natural process of teething . This difficult time is simply necessary to survive.

teeth are cut symptoms

What should not be done?

You should not constantly look into the baby’s mouth and demonstrate how worried you are. Thus, you only worsen the emotional state of the child. Do not worry about the fact that the teeth are cut very early or do not grow at all, although the baby is already six months old. You probably have not met people who have never had teeth. They will certainly appear.

How to understand that the teeth are cut in a child?

Usually, as soon as the baby is six months old (and sometimes only four months old), any discomfort in the child is attributed by the parents to the fact that the teeth are cut. They are ready to see the symptoms and signs of this process every time the child has a temperament or is capricious.

how to understand that teeth are being cut

Why is this approach dangerous?

It is from the age of six months that the risk of catching a cold or infection becomes higher, since even in children who are breast-fed, there are no antibodies in the body that they received in the womb. Further, the baby begins to develop its own immunity. Do not think that if dad gets sick, and the child has a runny nose, then this is a sign of cutting teeth. You should not attribute all diseases to teething. Parents just need to know that when teeth are cut, symptoms can manifest as a cold. This is a rather painful process that can worsen the condition of the child, but in moderation. If your child suffers from high fever, does not want anything, eat and drink, then such symptoms cannot be a manifestation of cutting teeth. Call a doctor immediately.

temperature when teeth are cut

Teeth are cut: symptoms

The main signs can be considered the following: salivation increases, the child constantly wants to nibble something and pulls everything in his mouth. As a rule, gums blush, they become inflamed and swell. The temperature, when teeth are cut, can also rise. Usually it does not rise above 38 degrees and lasts no more than 3 days. Runny nose and cough can also be considered symptoms. But if the cough is very strong, and the discharge from the nose is green and plentiful, then these are already symptoms of acute respiratory disease, but not teething. Some parents on the forums talk about diarrhea during teething. This symptom should also be treated with special attention. During teething, stools can only be slightly diluted. If the stool is fluid and frequent and is also accompanied by fever and deterioration of well-being, this may indicate that an intestinal infection is present in the body, so the baby should be shown to the doctor.

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