Waltum Ruins in Skyrim

Waltum is the Nordic tomb in Skyrim. A non-plot quest is associated with it, and also here you can find several valuable items, learn one of the Words of Power and get two artifacts. But how to find this tomb and what secrets does it hide?


You can find Waltum in Skyrim southeast of Markarth and southwest of Roriksted. The easiest way to get there is to go up the road from the orcs of Dushnik Yal. If you move from Markart, then, reaching the intersection near the bridge, you need not turn off, but go straight ahead. At all other intersections, turn right. So you get to the orcish fortress, and from there to Valtum.

Valtum location on the map

In the tomb itself there are three zones: the vestibule, Valtum and the catacombs.


At the entrance to the threshold of Balthum in "Skyrim" the player will be met by the ghost of Valdar, who will give the quest "Evil Doze". According to the assignment, it will be necessary to kill the dragon priest Hevnorak, but first the ghost will ask you to collect dark vessels.

Valdar on the eve of Valtum

Having proceeded further, in the Valtum zone the character will find a large throne room, beyond which corridors begin. You need to move along them carefully, as there are enough traps in the tomb. Having reached the next two-story hall, on the other side of it one can see the ghost of Hevnorak.

Throne room

Going down and turning to the right, the player will be in a room with lanterns and oil spilled on the floor. It is better to bring down these lights in advance so as not to fall into the trap. After passing through another room, the hero will find a hidden door, behind which there is the first vessel necessary for completing the quest in Skyrim.

At the end of the next two-story hall will be the entrance to the catacombs. Going inside, the character will almost immediately find himself in a large hall covered with cobwebs, and in front of him will be a large chest with a trap. Next, you need to go along the corridors past the crematorium, taking the second dark vessel along the way, and reach the double door, behind which is the Iron Claw. If you take the claw from the pedestal, then a fire trap is activated, so you need to act carefully.

The claw opens the next door. Beyond it is the last dark vessel, a large chest, and a Wall of words with the word from the Scream, "Aura Whisper." To open the grate in front of the chest and the Wall of words, you need to pick up the vessel from the pedestal.

Room with a Wall of Words

From this room you can immediately get to the throne room of Valtum, where Valdar will be waiting for the hero. He will perform the ritual and summon Hevnorak to be killed. Two artifacts can be taken from the killed priest - this is his mask and staff.

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