Contests for Valentine's Day. St. Valentine's Day

All lovers with trepidation and excitement await Valentine's Day. Those who do not have a soulmate, hoping to meet their love on this magical day. Who has long been an adult, a family man, wants to please those who are dear to the heart, without whom it is difficult to imagine his life on this holiday.

What holiday is it

The story of the day of all lovers stretches from ancient times. The main version of the appearance of the holiday is such a legend. One blind girl fell in love with one prisoner. Her feelings were very strong and, thanks to her great love and desire to see her lover with her own eyes, the girl received sight. The day when she first saw the white light, not in fantasies, but in reality, was called Valentine's Day.

How to spend a holiday

Of course, the most important thing is to celebrate this day in company with those who are dear to the heart. Some just have a romantic dinner, others go for a walk on this holiday, go to other cities. But those who want to spend this day unforgettably, organize contests, fun competitions and dances in a big company for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day Contests

To brightly and extraordinary spend this day, you need to think through a scenario. Then the holiday will be held on positive notes and give a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Script for corporate party for Valentine's Day

If it was decided to spend this wonderful holiday in the company of colleagues, friends, then it is worth considering everything to the smallest detail. The following is a script with contests for Valentine's Day.

- The leader comes out. A gentleman in a tailcoat and with a rose in his pocket. Also comes the host, a girl in a white puffy dress and with a diadem on her head.


- What a beautiful day today,

Everyone hurries to their loved ones, fleeing,

Gifts and flower bouquets,

They carry to their beloved.


- Prepare delicious treats,

Outfits choose

After all, this day, so beautiful, is waiting with excitement.


- As if the heart beats in a submarine,

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.


- So, we gathered here for a reason. Congratulations to loving hearts and those who are just waiting for Amur’s arrow to fall into their souls. Love is an amazing feeling. It inspires, carries over the clouds. I suggest you prove how much you value and support each other.


- Are there any people among you with the name Valentine or Valentine? If so, we ask you to come to us.

Invited go on stage.


- Your name was not given a simple one,

It carries love in itself.

Valentine's Day

Congratulations again and again.

May fate bring you

Huge love, like an ocean

And to collect more often

For travel suitcase.


- Since the holiday is directly related to your names, we suggest you start the contests for Valentine's Day. On this holiday, it is customary to give valentines to beloved people. Look, there are a lot of postcards under the satin handkerchief. You need to read all the wishes that are written in them for the guests of the event.

When the last card rises from the table, the thread comes off and rose petals begin to fall on all the guests in the hall.

How to Celebrate Valentine's Day


- On this positive note, I propose to start our holiday. I invite three couples in love to participate in the contest for Valentine's Day.

Women are given two long red ribbons in their hands. Men, not touching the tape with their hands, but only using their lips, should wrap the woman with tape, creating an outfit. The one who created the most beautiful dress wins. It is determined by the applause of the audience.

The winners are awarded with a cocktail, and the two losing couples are given consolation prizes in the form of candy hearts.


- Now a sweet contest is announced for couples already formed on Valentine's Day. I ask five couples who want to sweeten their day to go on stage.

In front of each pair is a table on which there is a small box of chocolates. The couple should open the box without the help of hands and eat the contents, feeding each other. The winners are those who were the first to complete the task.

The winners are given a bottle of champagne, and the losers are given beautiful candles.


- Are there those who are hot in the hall? If so, then we ask the hot couples to cool their ardor and treat themselves to ice cream.

Men sit down on stools. Women are tied back with a ribbon in their hands. Spoons are given in the teeth, and a large portion of ice cream is placed on the tables. The task of the girls is to scoop the ice cream with a spoon and feed their narrowed one. The pair with the empty plate will win.


- It's time to send you for dinner by candlelight,

We hope that we lit up the sparkle in your eyes.

May Valentine's Day give happiness and love

And you to please each other again and again.


- Let love last a lifetime,

Hold hands tightly.

Do you value your loved ones

Do not know grief and separation.

holiday gifts

This is the end of the holiday, each guest is presented with a romantic set, champagne and a box of chocolates. Such contests on Valentine's Day will charge you with mood and help you to feel the essence of the holiday in full. The main thing is that the hosts give a holiday from the heart and a pure heart.

Valentine's Day Competition Scenario

The holiday program should be groovy, fun and eventful. To do this, you need to think it over to the details. If the holiday is held at home, then those who decide to take on the mission of the host can take into account such competitions:


- We gathered here for a reason,

After all, the day is special today.

Cuddle who's in love

Find your love those who are free.

'Cause Valentine's day

Love is inspired by light.

May feelings please today

We will spend a worthy day.

Valentine's Day Story

I suggest that you do not put off our entertainment program in a distant box and start youth contests on Valentine's Day. For the first competition, I invite three couples to my place. I hope the girls who come to me are not afraid of the dark, because I will have to blindfold them.

Ten clothespins cling to men and, with romantic music, blindfolded girls must find every single one. The pair in which the girl first coped with the task wins.


- In the next competition, all guests will participate, including our greatest love in life - children. The apartment has a lot of paper hearts hidden. Everyone should collect them as much as possible.

Be sure to include rhythmic fun music to make it more fun. The winner receives a prize depending on age.


- And now I propose to dance, because dance is also a manifestation of love.

Such family contests for couples on Valentine's Day will amuse and delight guests. Therefore, those who took the initiative of the organization in their own hands will arrange a real holiday, charge their friends, comrades and relatives with a positive.

Competitions for high school students

High school also celebrates Valentine's Day. The following contests can be included in the program:

  • Each participant is offered forfeits, on which the first lines of famous love songs are written. The participant must finish the verse.
  • For the competition you need six participants, three girls and three guys. Girls become on one side, and boys become opposite. The guys should invite the girl on a date, but they should not say a word, but simply show the place where they invite her. For example, it can be a theater, ice rink, pool and similar places.
  • Participants are divided into two teams. From the letters included in the phrase "Happy Valentine's Day", each team should make up as many words as possible.
Valentine's Day Script

Such competitions will appeal to high school students. And, of course, the event should end with a festive disco.

Competitions for adult couples

If the audience is old enough, then they can come up with less mobile contests. For example, you can include such contests in the program:

  • Participants from three to seven people. Each in turn should remember a poem about love. The one who has run out of stock leaves.
  • Also, for adult participants in the event, you can arrange a contest "Guess the melody of love." For this contest you need to include music and the one whose turn should guess which song this piece of music is from.

In any case, the holiday of all lovers gives a sea of ​​emotions, and if it is still filled with contests and fun games, then this day will be remembered for a long time.

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