Today, there are a large number of species of aquarium fish. Before filling the aquarium with residents, it is necessary to study all the features of the content, nature, behavior, disease of individuals, as well as their compatibility. Description of the types of aquarium fish will help beginner aquarists.
When filling a home reservoir with different types of aquarium fish, the principle of compatibility must be taken into account. In one aquarium, you can put fish that have similar requirements for the conditions of detention.
The living conditions of cold-water species of aquarium fish can be different. Some require a lot of oxygen, so the aquarium should be large, and the water in it - up to 20 degrees. Others do not need a large amount of oxygen, they easily tolerate temperature fluctuations. Such fish are recommended for beginner aquarists.
Warm specimens feel good at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Some species can easily tolerate lowering the temperature to 16-18 degrees. All warm-water species of aquarium fish do not need a large amount of oxygen, with the exception of cichlids and high-fin mollies. With them, it is good to keep labyrinth fish (a species of warm-water) that adapt to life in oxygen-poor water, as well as cold-water ones.
High-finder cichlids and mollinesia require a large-volume aquarium with dense vegetation.
Peaceful and aggressive fish cannot be populated into one aquarium, since in this case specimens that cannot stand up for themselves can suffer.
It is important not to overpopulate the pond. The size of the aquarium should correspond to the number of inhabitants. It should have both secluded places and free space for swimming.
Popular, according to owners' reviews, the types and names of aquarium fish, as well as a description of the nature and conditions of their existence, will help novice aquarists to populate the aquarium correctly.
This is the most popular type of aquarium fish. According to the reviews of the owners, they are unpretentious in maintenance, are resistant in adverse living conditions, and are peaceful. They belong to the family of Peciliae. Water with a temperature of 20-26 degrees is comfortable for them. The volume of the aquarium is not important for them. As a result of selection, a large number of new species appeared.
These instances are suitable for keeping in a general aquarium; they are combined with non-predatory and small fish. For their comfortable living, places with vegetative thickets, as well as the presence of floating plants are necessary. For fry of guppies, riccia is necessary, as they find shelter in it.
Belong to the labyrinth family. Their feature is that they capture air from the surface of the water, so they do not require a large amount of oxygen in the aquarium. These fish feel comfortable in water with a temperature of 24 to 28 degrees. They are peaceful. The volume of the aquarium with these specimens should be at least 100 liters. It is necessary to plant live plants in it, put driftwood at the bottom. Must have free space for swimming. Change of water up to 30% is required weekly.
These small dark silver fish are very popular. According to the reviews of the owners, they are unpretentious in maintenance, easily divorced, and peaceful. For this reason, these fish are recommended for beginner aquarists. Terence is a type of aquarium fish for which water with a temperature of 21-24 degrees is comfortable.
These small and nimble fish swimming near the surface of the water must be kept in flocks. They are unpretentious in content, easily get along even with large, non-predatory specimens, and are peaceful. Comfortable habitat temperature from 21 to 25 degrees. Recommended aquarium volume - from 20 liters, length - from 60 cm or more.
According to the owners, these unusual fish are moody in nature and demanding care. Relate to cichlids. For them, water is comfortable with a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees. It features a beautiful brown disc-shaped body with vertical blue stripes. This is a large fish with long fins, so the aquarium for a pair of such specimens should be at least 150 liters. Since these fish are schooling, it is recommended to keep 5-6 individuals in one tank. In this case, the size of the aquarium should be from 300 to 500 liters.
These fish belong to the crucian family. Goldfish is an aquarium species that blends well with all peace-loving specimens. With their content, the recommended water temperature is from 18 to 23 degrees. These are large individuals, so for a pair of goldfish you need an aquarium of at least 100 liters.
These are very small schools of flocks. They feel comfortable in water with a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees. Unpretentious in content, peaceful. Well combined with any peaceful specimens (swordsmen, pecilli, ornatuses and many others). According to the owners, it is impossible to contain neon with large and aggressive individuals: gourami, goldfish, barbs, large catfish.
Relate to non-aggressive cichlids. Well combined with small peaceful fish, including viviparous. Their neighbors can be swordsmen, zebrafish, thorns, gourami, all catfish, and other non-aggressive cichlids. Water with a temperature of 22-27 degrees is comfortable for them.
These are very nimble schooling fish. They are relatively peaceful, however, according to owners, weak and small neighbors in the aquarium can be nipped by them. Well combined with mollies, pecilli, parrots, catfish, thorns, tetras. Keep barbs need in an aquarium of 50 liters. With their content, the recommended water temperature is 21-23 degrees.
These fish are distinguished by endurance and activity. They have a bright color and an original tail fin in the form of a sword. Swordsmen are viviparous, therefore, according to owners, their breeding is not difficult. Water with a temperature of 20-25 degrees is comfortable for them.
These labyrinth fishes have a very beautiful veil tail and fins. They can be of the most varied color. With their content, the recommended water temperature is 22-24 degrees. Well compatible with all peaceful fish. According to the reviews of the owners, males, as well as male and female, can spawn among themselves during the spawning period. No need to combine swordsmen with barbs and cichlids.