Rectangular typesetting - convenient, fast and inexpensive option

The history of the appearance of seals and stamps dates back to the Neolithic era, then their invention was associated with the desire to simplify the process of applying a pattern to various surfaces. Then, in the days of early civilizations, stamps were used to certify the authenticity of a document. True, few could afford such a luxury as personal printing: the work of producing them was so expensive and time-consuming.

typesetting and stamps

As for Russia, the ancient annals testify that with the help of seals from the 10th century princely agreements were assured. For example, the seal found during archaeological excavations belonged to Prince Izyaslav.

Why do we need prints today?

Nowadays, the situation with stamps has changed radically. Today, any child of kindergarten age will be able to tell you without hesitation about what a seal or stamp is. And this is not surprising, because the stamp products have penetrated so deeply into the mechanism of modern workflow that it has become an integral part of it. The presence of a seal or stamp is a mandatory attribute for any official activity. This is dictated by the rapid development of business relations in recent decades and, as a result, the optimization of the workflow process. Any official document or extract, medical report, prescription - this is not a complete list of paper names, where you can find these round, rectangular or square ink prints in everyday life. Therefore, the issue of making a seal or stamp is paramount for the leadership of any company.

typesetting Price

What is typesetting?

Fortunately, to make your own print it is not at all necessary to contact a specialized company. In the assortment of stationery stores you will certainly catch the eye typesetting rectangular or round. This device provides an opportunity to independently make a print for yourself with the content you need.

The standard set consists of a case with a built-in stamp pad and a snap, which has a special grooved surface in the form of grooves for letters, as well as the box of letters and tweezers. Despite the standard nature of all sets, this type of seal is characterized by high security. The fact is that the arbitrary slope of the letters and the spaces between them specified during typing are practically impossible to repeat.

rectangular typesetting

What is convenient typing?

  • When you buy typesetting seals and stamps, you will not require documents on registration of the company.
  • In our economically difficult time, typeset printing will save a little. The price of this stationery varies from 10 to 30 at. e. (depending on the number of lines provided).
  • It will take you no more than an hour to print, while the stamp production service in the respective companies takes at least one day.
  • If you change information about the company (bank details, contact phone number or other coordinates), you will not have to make a new print: with a “flick of the wrist” your stamp will turn back to the actual one.

How is printing typed?

To everyone who is interested in the question of how to type in typesetting, we answer: very simple! To optimize this procedure, you will need a pencil (or a PC with a text editor), a mirror and, in fact, an assembly kit. And of course, the text you invented for printing. The following is the sequence of your actions.

how to dial typesetting

Algorithm for manufacturing typesetting

  1. On a piece of paper or in a text editor , text is written that will be present on the print. If your print is rectangular, the text of each print line should also have its own line on paper (on the screen). Round stamp for each ring has its own line.
  2. Each line has a central letter. In a text editor for this, it is convenient to center all the text.
  3. We find in the checkout the letter corresponding to the center letter of the first line. We place it with tweezers in the center of the top line if the print is rectangular, or anywhere on the outer ring if it is round. In this case, the letter will set the top of the print.
  4. Further it is easier. We move to the right and left, putting adjacent to the central letter.
  5. We continue to move in the same way. To check the correctness of the set, use the mirror. The image in it will correspond to the resulting print.
  6. Having finished work on the top inscription, go to the bottom. In rectangular printing, it will be located, respectively, on the bottom line. In the round - at the very bottom of the outer semicircle. As a rule, in round seals this is the name of the city, phone number, OKPO code, etc. We also start with the central letter and move from it to the right and left.
  7. When this inscription is ready, go to the middle.

As you can see, nothing complicated. With a little patience - and your stamp is rectangular or round type-ready!

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