Pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act. Birth control pills: names, reviews, prices

Pregnancy is the most joyful and wonderful life period for a woman. However, not for everyone. In some cases, conception becomes a surprise and forces the fairer sex to take emergency measures. This article will discuss what there are anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act. You will learn how these drugs are used and whether they can be used regularly. It is also worth mentioning which birth control pills are. The price of such drugs and their name will be indicated below.

anti-pregnancy pills after unprotected act

A little bit of anatomy: how is conception

To begin with, it is worth learning how the conception is performed, as a result of which a child can be born. On average, once a month, an average woman has hormonal changes in her body. The production of estrogen is replaced by progesterone, and the egg leaves the follicle. If sexual contact occurs at this point, pregnancy may occur. Also, conception can take place if spermatozoa enter the woman's body several days before or after a follicle rupture.

Immediately after ovulation under the influence of progesterone, active preparation of the endometrium begins. The layer thickens and becomes more loose. In this way, the body prepares to accept a fertilized female gamete. If conception has taken place, then the fetal egg within a few days descends to the genital organ through the fallopian tube. Once in the uterus, the embryo is securely attached to the endometrial layer. It is here that it will develop in the coming months in the case of continued pregnancy.

emergency contraceptive methods

How can you interrupt the conception?

There are currently many ways to stop embryo development. It is worth noting that in this case it is better not to engage in amateur activities. Otherwise, you can earn serious health problems.

One of the most popular methods of abortion is curettage or vacuum aspiration. During the procedure, the doctor removes the fetal egg and part of the endometrium from the uterus. Such manipulation is carried out up to 12 weeks of embryo development.

You can also terminate a pregnancy with medication. In this case, a delay of menstruation of not more than forty days is a prerequisite. After taking some drugs, the woman rejects the endometrium with the fetal egg and menstruation begins.

There are also special emergency methods of contraception. In this case, the drug is taken a few hours after unprotected intercourse. Due to the action of drugs in a woman, the restructuring of hormones begins, and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Emergency methods of contraception

There are several types of drugs that allow you to terminate the pregnancy even before the fetal egg is fixed on the wall of the uterus. Pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act have a different effect and method of use. Remember that you can not use these drugs as a permanent protection against unwanted conception. Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act should be used only in emergency cases. Otherwise, you may get serious health problems. Consider what kind of drugs exist for emergency interruption of the development of the fetal egg.

The drug "Postinor"

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This product contains synthetic progestin. It is this component that has an effect on the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and the condition of the endometrium. Under the influence of a substance called levonorgestrel, the fallopian tubes reduce their mobility and slow down the activity of the fertilized egg. As a result, the fetal egg dies before it reaches the uterine cavity. If the set of gametes descended into the genital organ, then levonorgestrel changes the state of the endometrium. The egg is simply not able to attach to such a cavity.

Postinor tablets should be taken in two capsules every 12 hours. This is exactly the duration of the above substance. The first pill should be drunk no later than 16 hours after intercourse. The course of taking the medicine is three days. During this period, a woman should begin menstrual bleeding. Only then, emergency contraception is considered successful.

Postinor tablets, which cost about 250 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is worth noting that in one package of medicine there are only two capsules. This means that for the course you will need 6 packs. For Postinor tablets, the price in this case increases and amounts to about 1,500 rubles.

postinor tablets Price

The drug "Escapel"

These tablets are also based on the action of a substance called levonorgestrel. However, here the dosage of the medicine is somewhat different. A woman needs to take one tablet within a day after sexual intercourse. Next, repeat the procedure twice with a difference of 24 hours.

For Escapel tablets, the price ranges from 250 to 300 rubles. One capsule is provided in a pack. This means that for the full course you will need three packs of Escapel tablets. The price in this case will be approximately 1000 rubles. It is worth noting that this medicine is somewhat cheaper than the Postinor drug.

The drug "Eskinor F"

This product has the same effect as Escapel tablets. After taking the drug, the inverse transformation of the endometrium and a decrease in the activity of the fallopian tubes begin.

It is worth noting that this drug is less popular than the first two analogues. However, this does not mean that the effect of the drug will not be so effective.

birth control pills

Drugs containing mifetpriston

Pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act can have a slightly different effect. Such drugs include the following: Mifegin, Zhenale, Miropriston and others. It is worth noting that these funds are most often used for medical termination of pregnancy. The active substance of such drugs changes the transformation of the endometrium and enhances the contraction of the genital organ. Under this influence, endometrial rejection and the release of the egg from the female body occur.

birth control pills Price

Unlike drugs containing levonorgestrel, mifepristone tablets can terminate an unwanted pregnancy even after a delay in menstruation. Thus, a woman has time to make the right decision. These birth control pills after intercourse are taken one-time. In this case, you should first obtain the approval of a doctor for such a correction. If the drug was not taken within the first three days after the sperm entered the woman’s body, then the patient will need additional hormonal drugs that block the production of progesterone.

These funds containing mifepristone have a slightly higher price than previous medicines. So, one package can cost you from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

An alternative way to interrupt egg development

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In addition to the above, there are drugs (contraceptives) to prevent unwanted conception after sexual intercourse. These include the most common birth control pills. However, doctors strongly do not recommend using this method because of possible side effects and complications. These drugs include the following drugs: birth control pills "Yarina", "Logest", "Novinet" and others.

Use them only after carefully reading the instructions. Here you will need school knowledge in mathematics. It is necessary to calculate the amount of hormones that is contained in one tablet. After this, you should calculate how many capsules you need to drink in one go to achieve the desired dose (as in the “Postinor” tablets and its analogues). An average woman needs two to five capsules. You need to drink them every 12 hours for three days.

How effective are pregnancy pills?

It is worth noting that drugs that interrupt the development of the embryo at an early stage have different efficiencies. A lot depends on what time the medicine was taken. So, if you follow the instructions and drink the first dose immediately after intercourse, then the effectiveness of the drug will be more than 90 percent. In the case when at least a day has passed after sexual intercourse, the effect of the drug will already be effective at 70-80 percent. If the subsequent intake of the substance is violated or you are very late with the first dose, the probability of a successful outcome will be from 50 to 70 percent.

It is worth recalling that if abortion at the earliest possible dates with the help of the above drugs was not possible, then doctors strongly recommend curettage. The thing is that these drugs affect not only the female body. The substances that make up the tablets are detrimental to the condition of the fetal egg. If you want to leave the future baby, then be prepared for the fact that the child will be born sick or will have some deviations.

esquinor f

Birth control pills: names and prices

In order to avoid the need for the use of drugs for emergency contraception, it is necessary to take care of prevention methods in advance. If you have a regular sexual partner, then it makes sense to start taking birth control pills. The price of such drugs can be different and ranges from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Absolutely all means of protecting against pregnancy are divided into combined oral contraceptives and mini-drinks. The latter contain a small dose of hormones and not all women are able to block ovulation. However, it is worth noting that such funds are the only tablets that are allowed to be taken during breastfeeding. The following items are classified as mini-drank drugs:

  • Charozette tablets (cost about 800 rubles);
  • the drug "Lactinet" (price about 600 rubles);
  • pills "Orgametril" (cost from 1000 rubles) and many others.

The effect of combined oral contraceptives is somewhat different. Such drugs completely block the work of the ovaries, preventing ovulation. The active substance of the tablets thickens the cervical mucus, preventing sperm from entering the uterine cavity and surviving there. In addition, hormonal drugs affect the condition of the endometrium, transforming it so that the fertilized cell cannot attach to the uterine wall. All oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, two-phase and three-phase.

birth control pills after

Monophasic include the following:

  • Regulon tablets (cost from 300 rubles);
  • pills "Janine" (about 800 rubles);
  • birth control pills "35 Diana" (price from 1000 rubles) and others.

Two-phase preservatives include Regvidon tablets (cost from 200 rubles) and other drugs.

Three-phase birth control pills include the following:

  • Tri-Regol pills (cost from 200 rubles);
  • Three Mercy capsules (price from 400 rubles).

Also, contraceptives may vary in the content of hormonal substances. So, tablets are microdosed and low dose. There is also a group of high-dose drugs.

Microdosed include the following:

  • Novinet tablets (cost from 500 rubles);
  • Logest drug (price about 900 rubles);
  • Jess pills (cost within 1000) and others.

Such funds are recommended for young women with a normal hormonal background.

Low-dose drugs are:

  • birth control pills "Yarina" (price from 700 rubles);
  • the drug "Diane 35" (cost from 1000 rubles);
  • means "Janine" (cost within 1000 rubles) and others.

Such drugs are often prescribed to women giving birth or to ladies after 30 years.

High-dosage drugs have the following names:

  • Triquilar tablets (price about 500 rubles);
  • Non-ovlon drug (cost about 700 rubles) and so on.

It is recommended to take such contraceptives after 40 years or in the presence of pathological changes in the genitals (myoma, endometriosis, cysts).

Contraceptive drug reviews

contraceptives after 40 years

Women who used emergency contraception, by and large, were satisfied. However, those representatives of the fair sex who regularly used such pills, note the occurrence of complications. So, their cycle was broken, the hormonal balance was lost. Some patients claim that they can not conceive and give birth to a child after such experiments.

Those representatives of the weaker sex who regularly use oral contraceptives to protect themselves from conception, argue that the cycle has improved. Ladies also note the fact that menstruation has become less plentiful and painless. The condition of the skin and hair has improved. Such drugs have only positive reviews.


Now you know a lot about emergency contraception methods. If suddenly an unexpected conception occurs, it is better not to self-medicate, but to go to the doctor. Only after consultation, the doctor will prescribe you the necessary drugs to interrupt the development of the ovum.

Be healthy and do not make it necessary to take anti-pregnancy pills. Plan your prevention plans in advance and always use contraception.

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