For the first time in your life, you saw Maine Coon ... Looks like a big, affectionate and fluffy raccoon, doesn't it? "Why not a raccoon, not a cat?" - some may ask. So after all, their color, powerful physique and furry tail make these cats look like a representative of the raccoon family. Whoever saw the latter will understand this comparison.
The first question of the future happy owners of the cat / cat of this breed: "How much is Maine Coon?" Answers may be different, the amount is called within 25-70 thousand rubles. The price depends on what class the cat belongs to (brid, show, pet), where to buy a pet, what is his age when buying. The most expensive are kittens from 2 to 4 months of a show class from elite nurseries. As you can see, an expensive breed.
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And do not forget about the psychological support that a kitten expects from you. When Maine Coon moves from the nursery to a new home, its adaptation period is 2 months. Over time, you will understand why, in response to the question "How much does Maine Coon cost?" called such a gigantic amount. If you take good care of him, accept him as a member of your family, he will become an integral part of your home. Become a true friend to him and he will be your ideal pet.