The quality of physical indicators of infants, doctors, as a rule, is determined by the size of the chest, head, growth indicators, body weight. As a main indicator, the ratio of height and weight in children is analyzed.
It should be emphasized that the above parameters in a child under the age of one year during lactation are different from those inherent in babies receiving artificial nutrition. Most often, if the baby is breastfeeding, then he gains weight more slowly. However, it should be borne in mind that breast milk has a better digestibility, in addition, it provides the baby with immunity, as a result of which he is less sick.
The ratio of height and weight in children is one of the most important parameters of their physical development, which must be regularly checked. In this case, the genetic component can affect primarily the growth of the baby, while its weight depends on the composition and quality of nutrition. Parents also need to understand that the normal ratio of height and weight in children cannot be ensured by the principle: "The more foods a child receives, the better." The process of feeding the baby should be correct and dosed.
To ensure that the ratio of height and weight in children is optimal, the World Health Organization advises young mothers to breast-feed their baby until they are six months old. Only after reaching this age, the child can gradually add artificial nutrition, while up to one year, the mother must certainly breastfeed.
Considering the ratio of height and weight in children up to a year, it should be noted that the latest information varies with those that were recorded earlier. At the same time, WHO recommendations were strictly observed (breastfeeding up to one and a half years). The reason for this discrepancy is that previously drawn up schedules are "morally" outdated. However, very often parents are offered to take as a basis a certain matrix, with the help of which the balance between the height and weight of the child is determined.
The problem is that a table of a child’s weight up to a year was developed more than two decades ago and the data obtained from babies, whose diet contained only artificial products, was taken as a “reference point”.
Premature babies deserve special attention . The above category includes those that were born before the due date. A premature baby weighs , as a rule, no more than 2.5 kilograms, and its growth at birth is 40-45 centimeters.
Caring for such children should be special, as well as the nutrition system.
Of course, the criterion of the optimal ratio of weight and height in relation to a premature baby is not a priority. Such a baby should be mandatory under the constant supervision of a doctor.
Thus, children under the age of one year should systematically check their height and weight in order to have a clear dynamics of these indicators. Only in this case can we draw conclusions about the physical development and health of the child.
We should also not forget that each child has individual developmental characteristics that do not always fit into generally accepted programs for changing weight and height.