The unique "Letter" technique is becoming more popular every day. It helps children become more attentive, communicative and literate. You will learn from the article what Shishkova’s “Letter” is, what is it for, what kind of reviews are there about it.
Who created the "Letter" technique
Svetlana Yulianovna Shishkova, candidate of psychological sciences, is the author of a unique developing technique. She created the program for the development of phonemic hearing, spatial representation, the development of fine and large motor skills, speech, mathematical skills, etc.
An excellent psychologist is Svetlana Shishkova. The "letter" appeared thanks to her. Teachers began to use this program since 1995. They concluded that thanks to this technique, a person opens up abilities that previously had not even been suspected.
When classes are held, children are offered such exercises that help to cope with speech defects, teach correct and competent writing and reading.
Each task is selected in such a way as to ensure comprehensive development. In one exercise several simple tasks are combined. Therefore, the child will simultaneously learn colors and get acquainted with numbers.
Is the unique "Letter" technique really? Negative reviews are rare, as many people really like the classes. They are effective and answer important questions.
What is a "letter"?
As a rule, many children are restless, inattentive, often distracted. Thanks to the "Letter", a person develops and learns to conduct self-diagnosis. This technique can be found in textbooks or in electronic form. Benefits help solve important problems for both children and adults.
Thanks to the technique, literacy of writing is improved , the reading technique is improved , and spatial thinking is developing . The manual has many graphic dictations. Thanks to them, the child learns spatial representation on the sheet. After graphic dictations, children will be able to retreat the right number of cells in the right direction.
The basis of the methodology is both traditional teaching methods and modern ideas. The manual includes exercises to coordinate letters, body, speech and much more. At the time when the lesson is under this program, two hemispheres of the brain work for a person. Therefore, tasks are quickly absorbed and easily remembered. Many parents, psychologists, and educators like the "Letter" technique. Negative reviews sometimes happen. However, most children and parents are satisfied after class.
Who is suitable for the "Letter"
This technique is used by parents when they need to deal with a child at home. Speech therapists, psychologists and educators use the manual to deal with children in an easier and non-standard way.
The “Letter” method has no analogues, therefore it is considered unique, special and original. Under this program, you can deal with a child from 5 to 14 years. Although the author S. Yu. Shishkova claims that it is permissible to start classes from the age of three. She believes that such a technique cannot harm a child, but it will turn out to improve his knowledge.
The technique was tested in preschool and adolescence. Experts concluded that even children of 14 years old will be able to learn how to speak, write and read better.
Therefore, both parents and educators like the "Letter" technique. Negative reviews do not spoil the impression of this development.
Almost all exercises are built in a playful way. Therefore, children can’t wait to do the exercise to find out what will happen next.
The uniqueness of the technique
As mentioned earlier, this program has no analogue. The unique “Letter” technique will help both preschoolers and adolescents to solve many difficult questions. Thanks to the program, children will learn a lot. The "Letter" technique is unique in the following:
- Sensory-motor activities. Exercises are given so that children learn to feel and feel.
- Activation and development of higher mental functions. This is memory, attention, logical thinking, spatial representation.
- Classes at home. For exercises, you do not need to specifically allocate a whole room. A small corner is enough for a child, pens, pencils and paper.
- Author's psychological development.
- The program was developed not only by Shishkova. She was assisted by specialists from the field of psychology and medicine. Therefore, both children and adults can trust the program.
- The technique will help not only children with significant deviations, but also a healthy child to quickly master the material.
The unique “Letter” technique will help parents and educators quickly and easily deal with their child. Thanks to this, children will feel confident in the future and will be able to improve their knowledge.
Which child needs classes using this technique?
All children need attention. Indeed, without adults, nothing can be learned. However, there are children who especially need classes in this technique. For example, if the child was left-handed, he was retrained, and he writes (draws) with his right hand. Such children are behind in school. After all, their left hemisphere works better. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the right side.
If the child visited a speech therapist, he needs to study according to the methodology in order to correct and improve his speech. Often there are situations when children hide their violations with long words or sentences.
The “Letter” program helps kids develop attention and memory. The technique is designed so that the child learns to see every little thing, can remember past material.
If you are planning for the child to enter a prestigious university in the future, then the program will help to master the necessary material for further successful development.
Many parents want to discover the child’s talent or just give him knowledge. The “Letter” program will help each baby develop in the direction that he needs or likes more.
The formation of self-control skills in children 5-8 years old
Any kind of activity is useful for children. However, they must see or find their mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to teach each child to control himself. Uncertain children are afraid to look for mistakes in their work. After doing their homework, they think that everything is wrong with them. The “letter” of Shishkova will help children form the skill of self-control.
From preschool age, children need to be taught to find their mistakes. If the child is unable to control himself, the program offers to compare his work with the sample. Most likely, the preschooler will have a desire to find mistakes. It is necessary not only to find the wrong solution, but also to draw the appropriate conclusions. Then the child will learn better.
Positive feedback about the program
Often you can find the responses of adults who deal with children according to the "Letter" technique. The feedback from parents and teachers is mostly positive. They argue that during classes children do not overwork, as everything goes in a playful and entertaining way. The guys like to do what they are interested in. That is why the unique "Letter" technique is so widespread. Who was involved, reviews mostly leave positive. Children begin to write beautifully and evenly after four months, and they also stop confusing letters, sounds and words. Thanks to the “Letter” technique, new talents are opening up. The main secret of success lies in regularity.
After the next lesson, children become more confident and successful. For parents and teachers, the technique is unique in that you do not need to spend a lot of time on classes. A child learns material much faster than with standard teaching.
Teachers noticed that after classes on the "Letter" program, many children begin to receive only high marks. However, they do not spend much effort and nerves on training. As a result, both parents and teachers are proud of those children who have mastered the “Letter” technique.
Parents' reviews speak more about positive aspects than negative ones. After all, children love to be engaged when the lessons are fun and exciting.
Negative reviews
Negative feedback is also found on the Lettermaking program. Negative reviews are rare, but you need to know about them. Some mummies do not like this technique, they claim that they began to communicate less with children. The accelerated program is absorbed quickly by the child, so he receives less attention. This opinion can be called controversial.
"Letter" is a developing technique. However, some parents argue that at 4-5 years old the child should learn with the help of toys, not programs. Children will learn to read and write when needed. Therefore, they should not bother with various innovative developments in preschool age. The reviews were written by those parents and teachers who tested this technique with children in individual or group classes.
Corner recommendations
In order for the child to be interested in studying, it is necessary to give him personal space. He will be happy to study there, realize his creative potential and develop fine motor skills.
Find a place for clay or clay. If the child is less than 3 years old, for modeling it is better to prepare salted dough. In the corner there should be a place for toys that develop motor skills. It can be puzzles, mosaic, constructor, etc.
The child must have material for the application (scissors, color and white paper, cardboard, glue, pencils).
If the child is small, you cannot leave him unattended. After all, the baby can even get hurt by paper.
Paints are an essential material for classes. You can make them yourself (mix starch with food coloring, add the same water and soap shavings). The colors should be thick. A small cozy corner will help your baby open up.
Class Recommendations
In order to deal with the child according to the "Letter" method, you must have the material in print. When the children are nearby, experts do not recommend using the electronic manual.
All tasks go in sequence. Therefore, you should not perform the first exercise first, and then the first. You will only confuse the child. Follow the sequence of tasks. Only then will you see a positive result.
According to the "Letter" technique, one exercise lasts no more than 30 minutes. Stick to this time, do not rush things. If the material does not adhere well, repeat it again after 3-4 hours.
Regular classes will help children learn new knowledge faster. Each assignment needs a maximum of 5 days. If you stick to the recommendations, you will see the result after about four months.
How will the child change after studying the program
As a result of classes according to the "Letter" method, the baby will learn to concentrate. After about 4 months, speech will also become more literate. Children will easily learn new tasks.
When a child studies for a certain time using this technique, foreign languages are easier for him. Children become calm, balanced. They learn to respect peers and adults. The program helps kids become confident, sociable and organized.
Only parents, teachers, psychologists can unleash the child’s abilities with the help of the “Letter” program. The future of each child depends on them.
Where to buy the "Letter" program
The developing technique is liked by many parents and teachers. Therefore, they want to buy it for themselves. Classes can be held by anyone who is interested. It is not necessary to have a teacher education. The tasks and exercises are so simple that even a child will understand them. Adults can only control their child.
You can buy the "Letter" technique in the online store. However, be aware of fraud. Better not risk it, but buy goods on delivery. You can also purchase the program at many bookstores.
Now you know what the "Letter" technique is, where to buy it, how it affects a person. Its cost varies from 1900 to 3000 rubles, depending on what is included in the kit.
The unique “Letter” program will help children easily learn the multiplication table, exercise fine motor skills, comprehend the basics of proper behavior in society. Experts advise periodically re-reading the instructions so as not to forget the basic rules of education.
Finally, the children will stop confusing letters, they will have a phonemic ear, they will begin to write according to the rules of the Russian language. Thanks to the methodology, you can be sure that your child will be competent, developed and sociable.