Shedding dogs is absolutely normal, but this fact does not save the owners from worrying about the health of the pet, in addition, hardly anyone will like the coat throughout the house.
Dog hair and its purpose
Wool for a pet is of great importance, as it is a protection against environmental factors. It protects the dog from parasites, infectious diseases and bad weather.
It is worth noting that the coat is an indicator of the dog’s health status. Soft, silky and shiny coat means that the pet feels well and does not give cause for concern. However, the dull and lifeless coat of the animal can talk about health problems.
Why wool can look bad
As a rule, a dog constantly molts for various reasons. But this molting is preceded by a change in the state of the coat. So, initially the dog’s fur can become dull and stiff, and only then the hairs will begin to fall out.
This can happen for a number of reasons:
- Poor, unbalanced, or irregular eating habits.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Kidney disease.
- Decreased immunity.
- The appearance of parasites in the body of an animal.
Hair loss is a consequence of the appearance of such factors. When the disease has already been cured, many owners observe that the dog sheds much anyway. What to do in this case? Nothing, wait a certain time. Due to the stress experienced, molting can continue for several months after treatment.
Dog molt strongly: what to do?
If your pet has begun to molt strongly, and at the same time you notice changes in its behavior, then you have a reason to take the animal to the veterinarian. It is especially important to start treatment on time if the hair falls out asymmetrically. This may indicate the presence of serious diseases.
If the pet’s coat was fine for a long time, but the dog began to shed sharply, then the factors could be the reason:
- Experienced stress.
- Separation of the dog from the owners.
- The rehabilitation period.
- Allergy to a shampoo or drug.
- Litter for dogs made of synthetic materials.
- Use at home irritating household chemicals.
To find out the cause of hair loss, contact your veterinarian.
If you care that the dog sheds much, what to do and how to deal with it, then try to check your pet for parasites.
Small pests as a cause of molting
Parasites are one of the most dangerous causes of molting in animals. Their timely detection protects the animal from numerous problems. The scabies mite is the worst of the parasites. It provokes a quick infection of the animal. Scabies is excruciating for a dog. In addition, it is a contagious disease, so all family members, including children, can pick up the pathology.
Special tests help determine the presence of a parasite in the animal’s body and remove it in a timely manner. In addition to scabies, there are several other types of pathogens. Among them are ringworm, seborrhea, color mutational alopecia, yeast infection.
Worms also cause the dog to shed heavily. What to do in this case? Fight helminths with medication. In the early stages of development, these parasites pose a minimal risk, but over time, worms can cause painful symptoms in the animal, such as weakness, vomiting, tension, itching.
The dog sheds very much in the summer: what to do
Shedding of the animal in the summer season is of concern to the owners, since this period is not intended to change the coat of the animal. If the pet began to lose six during the warm season, pay attention to:
- The air temperature in the room in which the dog lives. If it is above 26 degrees, then molting a dog is not surprising.
- Pet food. In the warm season, the dog should receive a balanced diet to provide the body with vitamins.
- Air circulation in the house. If it is absent, then the dog can catch skin diseases.
Do not forget about the possible presence of parasites in the body of a pet. In summer, the animal walks more often, and microorganisms are more resistant to the environment, which increases the chances of infection.
Any of the factors can lead to the dog shedding heavily in the summer. What to do :
- Maintain normal air temperature.
- Ventilate the house regularly.
- To diversify the menu of the dog.
- Choose vitamins for your pet.
- Do not forget to give anthelmintic drugs.
If the animal continues to molt, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
How to prevent and stop hair loss
If the tests showed that the hair does not fall out due to pathogens, but the pet is in good health, then you must ensure that the dog is properly cared for.
Firstly, do not use shampoos intended for people to bathe the dog, this is unacceptable. The structure of the skin of a person and a dog is different, so your hygiene products can provoke an allergic reaction and a molt of a pet.
Secondly, do not bathe your dog more than once a month. At the same time, choose a barely warm water temperature. Hot water will not only cause discomfort to the pet, but also cause a stressful reaction of the body.
Remember that molting twice a year is the norm for the dog. Do not raise the panic once again, as sometimes it’s enough to simply help the pet survive the period of hair loss.
Treat the animal's fur coat with special drops that will prevent the appearance of parasites in the body. Such a medicine can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy.
If the veterinarian makes a diagnosis that explains hair loss, then your pet will be prescribed treatment. It must be strictly observed, and then make sure that the causes of molting do not reappear.
How to help a pet survive molting
If your pet started seasonal molting, then you can not just watch the process of changing the coat. The animal needs quality care. Do not be alarmed if the dog is very shedding. What to do during this period, any veterinarian will tell you, however, care measures are very simple.
Firstly, comb out your pet's hair regularly to ensure timely change of hair follicles.
Secondly, analyze and eliminate the nutritional deficiencies of the dog so that the coat does not fall out too intensely.
Thirdly, do not bathe your pet more often than usual. However, you can purchase a special shampoo that will prevent the loss of healthy hairs.
You do not like that the dog sheds a lot? What to do? Get yourself a pet that is not susceptible to seasonal wool changes.
What breeds do not fade
Unfortunately, there are no breeds that would not fade at all. Some dogs have significantly less hair than others, but still do. These breeds include the following:
- Irish Water Spaniel.
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.
- Yorkshire Terrier.
- Poodle.
- Boston Terrier.
- Welsh terrier.
Almost all terriers and lapdogs fade a little, but if you want a pet whose hair does not fall out completely, special hairless dogs are bred that have no coat at all, and therefore they cannot shed even in the season.