After birth, the baby needs mother’s breast milk, which at the same time is a drink and nutrition. From it, he receives all the necessary nutrients. Such nutrition allows you to maintain the baby’s immunity, until the necessary antibodies are developed in the newborn’s body.
However, for one reason or another, some women stop producing milk quite quickly. There are methods that can help improve lactation. For example, doctors advise you to drink special teas and follow high-calorie diets. But many note that such methods do not always help. In this case, doctors recommend switching to artificial nutrition, adapted specifically for babies.
Today on the market there is a fairly wide selection of different compositions, so young mothers can not immediately make a choice. In this case, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best mixtures for newborns, based on the feedback of pediatricians and mothers using these formulations.
In the first place is the well-known Swiss company, which has been manufacturing the highest quality products for 150 years. Mixtures are very popular with kids, while they lack artificial substances.
Nestle Baby formula is free from GMOs, palm oil and harmful preservatives. Many mothers say that this brand deserves the first place. If we talk about specific product names, then the most popular is the line “NAN fermented milk 3”.
Despite the relatively high cost (from 300 to 700 rubles), women are willing to pay for such food. It is recommended for any age (if the baby has no health problems).
Mixtures for newborns "NAS" are available in several types. For example, you can choose specialized food for babies suffering from allergies. Also in the line are lactose-free mixtures.
The composition of the mixtures includes all the necessary vitamins necessary in order to strengthen the immune system of the crumbs. Also in the diet contains protein components that positively affect the full development and growth of the baby. The mixture contains prebiotics and probiotics, due to which it is possible to normalize the digestive processes of the newborn.
Speaking of reviews, NAN infant formulas have the highest ratings. Moms agree that these formulations are an excellent substitute for good nutrition and can be used as a first feeding.
Another Nestle product has been praised by young mothers. Nestogen-1 also contains all the necessary components that the body of a fragile baby needs.
Many note that these compounds help solve problems associated with abdominal discomfort in a child. Prebiotics have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.
The German manufacturer is highly regarded among mothers, due to the high quality of the products. That is why these compounds are in second place in popularity in the ranking of mixtures for newborns.
In the process of producing baby food at Humana factories, natural cow's milk is processed. For mixtures exclusively farm products are used. Thus, there are no harmful additives and other undesirable components in the diet. After the production process is completed, mixtures for newborns pass not one, but as many as 600 calibrations, during which analyzes of the compositions are carried out. Thus, the finished product is guaranteed to be safe for babies just born.
If we talk about the reviews of mothers, then almost all noted the delicate taste of the mixtures. At the same time, the product is not overpriced. There is no milk powder in the formulations, only a bio-product.
In the product line you can find hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns, antireflux, anticolic. Formulations designed specifically for babies suffering from constipation and dysbiosis are also very popular.
However, it is worth considering that the composition of these mixtures includes a small amount of palm oil. However, this does not deter mothers. They argue that thanks to these mixtures, the weight of the babies is normal, while they are better at burping and do not suffer from problems with the intestines. This fact outweighs the rest.
The main production complex of this company is located in the Netherlands. At the same time, Nutricia produces a huge number of products for the smallest. The manufacturer is famous for some of the best mixes for newborns, cereals, mashed potatoes and cookies. In this rating, the company is in third place, however, according to the reviews of many mothers, they are ready to give the first positions to Nutricia products.
It is worth noting that this manufacturer was one of the first to conclude that high-quality mixes can be made from milk powder. Today, the largest factories of the manufacturer are located in Germany, the UK and other large countries. It is also worth noting that in 2011 this company took first place in terms of the quality of finished mixtures in Europe.
The manufacturer's assortment is represented by a variety of compositions. For example, many note the quality of the mixtures in cardboard packaging intended for babies from 0 to 12 months. Those whose children suffer from allergies should pay attention to hypoallergenic fermented milk mixtures for feeding newborns.
If we talk about the opinion of pediatricians, they noted the high quality of the product called "Nutrilon 1 - Comfort", made on the basis of whey and not containing preservatives.
Most young mothers note that the mixture contains vegetable oils necessary for the proper development of the baby. Moreover, the mixtures contain vitamin complexes, minerals and fish oil.
Continuing to consider reviews of mixtures for newborns, it is worth paying attention to this Danish manufacturer, which began its activity 100 years ago. Throughout this time, the company has been producing quality products that receive high marks from mothers and pediatricians.
Abbott mixtures have passed more than one clinical trial. Based on the data obtained, corresponding reviews of pediatricians were compiled. Mixtures for newborns from this company are recommended as an excellent analogue to natural mother's milk.
Also worth noting is the huge range of the company. Thanks to him, you can pick up food, depending on the personal characteristics of a particular baby. For example, mothers who feed premature babies have noted the “Special Nutrition Protein” product. At the same time, the company's assortment includes a wide variety of food for babies under the age of 10 years. For example, Pediashur is recommended by doctors if solid foods are contraindicated for a child.
If we talk about the best mixture for newborns, then mothers and pediatricians noted the composition of "Similac Premium 1". This food is suitable for babies aged 0 to 6 months. This mixture does not even have a minimum palm oil content or preservatives. The composition is made on the basis of milk (past degreasing) and lactose. The mixture contains a huge range of vitamins, including ascorbic acid and minerals, which are necessary in the process of forming the skeleton of the crumbs.
Speaking about which mixture is best for a newborn, you should pay attention to this Swedish manufacturer, included in the rating of the best products for babies. The company has existed for over 70 years. Among the products you can find both quality mixes and juices, cereals and much more.
If we talk about the reviews of mothers, then they note the absence of GMOs. In addition, many indicate a pleasant taste of the compounds and a variety of choices. Thanks to this, the product can be selected based on the preferences of the crumbs. You can also find specialized food for children suffering from constipation on sale.
Pediatricians celebrate Baby Nutradefense. This mixture is suitable for babies aged 6-12 months. The composition of the diet includes milk and fish oil, prebiotics, nucleotides, as well as Omega 6 and 3 acids.
The Nutradefense product is also available in the form of a mixture for newborns from the age of 0 months. However, some mothers are skeptical of this product, as it contains palm oil. Therefore, they prefer to administer this food no earlier than 6 months.
In the ranking of the best food, it is worth noting another German manufacturer. Hipp has been operating for over 60 years. During this time, many mothers and babies appreciated the quality of infant formula for newborns. In addition to nutrition, the manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of children's cosmetics.
It is worth noting that this company received an award for infant formulas that do not contain GMOs. In addition, the products of this manufacturer are recommended by the world-famous organization Greenpeace.
The Hipp assortment includes ready-made mixtures in liquid form (sold in bottles), as well as dry formulations (in boxes and jars). The most popular are the latter. Among them, mothers give the greatest number of positive reviews to the “Combiotic” and “Organic” lines.
The best hypoallergenic mixture recognized "HA2 Combiotic". It contains partially hydrolyzed protein, which helps to improve digestion, prebiotics and probiotics.
However, it is worth considering that in their reviews, some mothers pay attention to the fact that corn starch is part of the mixtures of this manufacturer. In this case, it is worth purchasing power from the Pre-Hipp line, in which these components are absent.
Speaking about which mixture to choose for a newborn, it is worth paying attention to this Dutch manufacturer. It’s hard to see the Frisco advertisement on TV, but the mothers who tried this food were satisfied. Finding negative reviews about these mixtures is almost impossible.
This brand has just begun to develop (relative to other corporations), so the manufacturer carefully monitors the reputation of its products. Nutrition for babies is made on the basis of cow and soy milk.
At the same time, Frisco offers compositions for a wide variety of needs. All mixtures lack gluten, so you can not be afraid that the composition will cause an allergic rash. All formulations are perfectly digested, so the kids do not have digestive problems.
In the assortment you can find hypoallergenic mixtures intended for children suffering from colic and problems with regurgitation. It is also worth paying attention to the composition of "Gold", which helps to improve the functioning of the immune system (for older children).
If we are talking about the smallest, then it is worth giving preference to the composition "Frisopep", intended for babies from birth to one year. There are no lactose and gluten in this diet. In addition, this food was developed specifically for crumbs that suffer from intolerance to cow protein.
If we talk about which mixture is better for a newborn from this manufacturer, the most positive reviews received food “Frisolak 1 Gold”. It can be given to babies from birth to 6 months. Doctors note the ideal ratio of proteins and casein (40:60), as well as linoleic and linolenic acids (7: 1). In addition, nutrients and antioxidants are present in the mixtures, which positively affect the development of the brain and immunity of babies.
These mixtures for newborns are made on the basis of goat's milk, and are approved for use starting from the first days of a baby’s life. This Spanish company specializes in the production of baby food for the youngest children (from 0 months to 4 years). In addition, the manufacturer produces vegetable soups and cereals, which many mothers recommend as a first feeding.
If we talk about the advantages of the company, it is worth noting a separate nutritional formula developed for each age group. However, all mixtures contain minerals, nucleotides and groups of vitamins necessary for the proper growth and development of children. In addition, the composition includes choline. This component is necessary for all babies for the full development of the brain and the performance of the liver and kidneys. In mixtures there are no starch and preservatives.
However, there were some cons. For example, some noted that, despite the fact that the digging is European, there are no quality marks on it. Moms also note an unpleasant fishy smell coming from mixtures and the fact that they contain palm oil. However, the mixes still get a ton of rave reviews.
It is a manufacturer of goat milk based formulas that is popular with women. They especially highlight the composition of Cabrite 1 Gold, intended for babies aged 0 to 6 months.
Manufacturers know much more about this. The production is located and officially registered in the Netherlands. Moreover, all the compounds have passed many years of research and received all the necessary quality certificates that meet European standards.
Many mothers noted that they began to trust products made from goat milk only thanks to this company. Do not be surprised, because unlike standard cow's milk, this product is much better absorbed by a fragile baby's body. In addition, mixtures from this manufacturer are hypoallergenic. Despite the fact that goat milk contains a certain amount of casein, it is much less in it than in products obtained from cows. Sometimes this component can cause allergic reactions, therefore it is better to keep its content to a minimum.
Also in the reviews, many noted the pleasant creamy taste of the mixtures of this manufacturer. Kids really like food.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that in mother's natural milk contains protein, the fat content of which is less than 60%. In Cabrite mixes the same content of this component. However, in addition to this, 40% of casein is present in it. For comparison, its milk contains as much as 70% and only the remaining 30% is protein. Thus, it is not difficult to conclude that these formulations perfectly mimic mom’s natural milk.
In addition, in these mixtures there are no preservatives. At the same time, the nutrition includes a fat complex called DigestX (they are a copy of natural mother’s milk), an Omega complex, linolenic and oleic acid, 5 types of nucleotides. These components have a positive effect on the process of DNA formation and on the body of an immature baby bifidobacteria.
Nutrition is well absorbed and does not cause negative emotions in kids.
These mixes for newborns are intended for newborn babies up to a year. A New Zealand manufacturer offers parents a fairly wide line of nutrition, which also includes goat milk based formulations.
This company was loved by mothers of babies, since there is no palm oil in the mixtures. Food does not provoke allergic reactions, children gain weight well.
It is worth noting that goats that feed exclusively on ecologically clean meadows give the highest quality and healthy milk. Accordingly, the finished product also has a lot of positive properties.
If we talk about the reviews of women, they leave a huge number of positive ratings for the compositions of “Nanny Classic”, made on the basis of whole milk. The mixture includes vitamins, prebiotics, antioxidants, nucleotides and mineral components necessary for babies.
However, many also note the high cost of the product. There is also some doubt about the fact that food is actually produced in New Zealand. After examining the manufacturer’s sites, users came to the conclusion that an existing brand with a similar name is registered in the UK. However, it is difficult to talk about exact conclusions.
If we talk about the reaction of the kids, then they like such compounds.
On TV, you can see numerous advertisements, where, speaking of which mixtures are better for newborns, pediatricians say that these formulations are the best.
Domestic manufacturer really offers consumers an inexpensive product. Mixtures are available in finished form (liquid cereals for freshly born) and in dry mixes (for children under the age of 6 months).
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The brand’s nutrition contains all the necessary components. The composition includes probiotics, prebiotics, fatty acids, vitamins, iodine and mineral components. However, most mothers prefer to use these mixtures only when traveling, as they are easy to prepare on the go.
Regardless of the brand you choose, you should first consult with a pediatrician. Some babies manifest individual intolerance to certain nutritional components. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the child to artificial nutrition very carefully.