Papilloma in dogs: types, treatment

Usually, a person in the first symptoms of a possible illness hurries to seek help from a specialist, since even brief data can help identify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Veterinarians deal with four-legged patients of various types who cannot speak, let alone complain about their ailment. Despite this, they also need help, and they can get it at veterinary institutions.

The veterinarian needs to have a wealth of knowledge in order to be able to help pets. The health status of the animal can be determined by the appearance, as well as after examining the coat, eyes and ears.

The owners of animals have a huge responsibility, so they, too, must be able to provide first aid, know the main symptoms of common diseases and, if necessary, isolate the pet in time from people like him or from people.

Some diseases of pets do not pose any danger to the animal and others. But, for example, how safe is papilloma in dogs? Is she the forerunner of a serious illness?

papilloma in dogs

What is papilloma?

Papillomatosis is a viral disease that is quite common in dogs. Papillomas in dogs whose treatment should not be delayed are benign growths. Outwardly, they look like an inflorescence of cauliflower. Tumors are caused by infection of DNA epithelial cells with papillomaviruses. The virus promotes the growth and division of epithelial cells, due to which chromosomal instability and mutations appear.

Penetrating into the body, the virus may not manifest itself immediately: it may take several weeks, or even a month, to the appearance of the first signs. The causative agent is quite tenacious in the external environment.

Viral papillomatosis can be transmitted from one animal to another through contact, medical instruments and care items. However, for a person, the disease does not pose any danger.

papillomas in dogs treatment


Detecting the disease in your pet is quite simple. On any part of the body, small pinkish growths with a smooth surface appear. If tumors are not detected on time, then over time they will become coarser and roughened.

The virus manifests itself only in appearance, the dog has no internal ailments. Symptoms may be different, it all depends on the location of the tumors. If the disease has formed inside the oral cavity, the process of feeding a dog is significantly complicated: it becomes more difficult to swallow and chew food. There is also excessive salivation and bad breath. Papilloma in a dog on its paw prevents it from moving. In this case, the animal tries not to rely on the limb and noticeably limps, as it experiences pain. It is worth paying attention to the fact that hair does not grow on tumors.

If symptoms are found, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, as the disease can progress and develop from a benign tumor to a malignant one. A 24-hour veterinary clinic accepts patients at a convenient time for you. In order to distinguish papillomatosis from another disease, it is necessary to know the following types of neoplasms.

removal of papillomas in dogs

Types of papillomatosis

First of all, papilloma in dogs has the following feature - it does not grow deep into the tissues, but only outward. In this case, the virus captures only the mucous membrane or the upper layer of the epidermis. Usually papillomas are small in size, only in rare cases they begin to increase. An animal in the process of its life can break down tumors, after which they begin to bleed.

The following types of viral papillomatosis are distinguished:

  1. Oral papillomatosis. Young dogs are usually infected. The virus is a white papule and captures the oral cavity, lips, sometimes the nose, conjunctiva and skin with hair. Tumor regression begins within 3 months.
  2. Transitional papillomas. Also found mainly in young dogs. The lesion is round, captures the surface of the abdomen and axillary zone.
  3. Skin papillomas. This species is often found in adult dogs. In this case, the lesion captures the head, eyelids and feet. Papillomas are smooth and small (less than 0.5 cm in diameter).
  4. A lot of pigmented papillomas. It is observed in small dog breeds. Lesions do not progress and are observed on the hips and lower body of the animal. Appearance is characterized by pigmented plaques; in the advanced form, neoplasms become scaly.
  5. Papillomas of the fingertips. It occurs in older dogs. Tumors are solid and only capture the fingertips.
  6. Papillomas of the genitals. It is found quite infrequently. The growths are elevated and appear on the penis or mucous membrane of the vagina.

papilloma in a dog's mouth

Reasons for the appearance

The virus enters the body of the animal through the slightest damage to the skin or mucous membrane. At first, it implants in basal cells, after which it penetrates the surface layer of the epithelium.

Usually dogs become infected with viral papillomatosis from each other by contact, through common toys and sticks. This problem is especially common in shelters, because there animals live crowded and the likelihood of infection is very high. The risk group includes young animals with weak immunity. If an adult dog with a weak immune system becomes infected, there is a high probability of a tumor degenerating into a malignant one.

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Papillomas in dogs on the body may not be detected even by the most experienced dog owners. It is especially difficult to detect the presence of disease in long-haired breeds, when the dog is panicky afraid of the veterinarian and does not allow him to be examined.

It is also very difficult to detect papillomas on the genitals of a female dog and education between the fingers. In the latter case, the tumor may remain invisible for a long time, because it does not interfere with the animal. Spontaneous remission may begin, in which case it is possible to understand that the dog has been ill only by the remaining scars. Papilloma in dogs will not go unnoticed in the event of a regular examination by a qualified specialist.

The development of medicine has reached a point where viral papillomatosis can be detected using diagnostic methods. Samples of growths of unknown origin are taken and provided to the laboratory for a detailed examination. Specialists identify the papilloma virus to deny the presence of oncology. In rare cases, polymerase chain reaction and electron microscopy are used.

papilloma in the dog on the paw


In the case of spontaneous remission in most dogs, immunity to the disease appears, in other words - immunity. However, parts of their cells preserve the virus genome, so that the animal can be a carrier of the disease and pose a danger to other individuals. Passive immunity is acquired by dogs that have been given a specific serum containing virus-neutralizing antibodies. About insufficient immunity they say when a benign formation develops into a malignant one.

Disease treatment

Basically, the disease proceeds in a mild form and the viral papillomatosis is eliminated itself. When this does not happen, show the dog to a qualified person. It is not necessary to establish a diagnosis on your own, as you can cause irreparable harm to the animal.

Removal of papillomas in dogs depends on their number and location.

When the papilloma in dogs is large enough and is located on the skin of the pet, it can be removed at home. To do this, you need to dress it with linen thread and cauterize it with liquid nitrogen. After this procedure, the growth will turn black and it will fall off.

If the papilloma is single and small, it can be lubricated with celandine until black, and then carefully cut with a sterile knife. The wound must also be treated until complete healing.

When there are many formations, the veterinarian will prescribe the intravenous administration of a 0.5% solution of novocaine. The duration of treatment and the dose will depend on the condition of the animal. In special cases, a β€œblockade” of novocaine is placed under the papilloma or injections are made into its base.

Papilloma in a dog’s mouth is removed by surgery.

papillomas in dogs on the body

Prevention of occurrence

First of all, in order to exclude infection of a dog with viral papillomatosis, it is necessary to maintain its immunity. Even if the animal becomes sick, the symptoms will not be pronounced with a stronger body. To do this, you need to properly maintain the dog and adhere to a balanced diet.


The following tips will help you monitor your pet’s health:

  1. Inspect the animal regularly for neoplasms.
  2. If you notice a papilloma in another dog, do not let your pet in to it.
  3. Immunity can be strengthened by long walks and vitamins.
  4. Papillomas in dogs treated in a specialized institution will heal much faster than those removed at home.
  5. If there is a tumor, do not let the pet comb and tear it.
  6. Lubricating the wound with celandine is only possible if the dog does not reach her tongue.

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