All parents want their kids to grow up healthy, happy, and smart. From childhood, without waiting for your baby to grow up and go to kindergarten, you can begin to develop his thinking, help him learn more about the world through various games. Educational games for children up to a year are very useful. With their help, you can teach your child to express his thoughts in an accessible way. Such games are not similar to the usual ones; they imply various exciting activities for parents with the baby. During such classes, the child responds to the game offers of dad and mom, while learning about this beautiful planet Earth.
Any educational games for children up to a year should be not only interesting, but also useful. They should be carried out in accordance with the age of the child. The kid grows up and develops very quickly, so games should also change. Every day your baby learns something new. Such developmental games must be carefully selected individually for each child, using different senses. First of all, this applies to hearing, because the child has learned to hear the world, while still in the womb of his mother. In addition, it is very important to use vision and touch during games. But here it is very important not to harm your child by offering him games that are not suitable for age. So you can overload the psyche of the baby and overwork him physically.
If suddenly your child cannot play those games that correspond to his age, then this is an alarming signal that there may be some problems in the development of the baby. But do not panic. It is better to contact a specialist who will tell you some kind of correctional games with which you can solve the problem.
Make sure that games are an integral part of your child’s life. Allocate a separate time for such games, which will fit into the daily mode. Do not overload the child, the duration of the games should correspond to the age of your baby. Choose the time when your baby is most disposed to play, when he woke up and ate. It is very important that the baby at this time is not bothered by colic or wet diapers. The best time to conduct educational games for children up to a year is the middle of the child’s wakefulness period. Start playing with your child for two minutes, gradually increasing the time to ten minutes by the end of the first month. Overloads are impossible and unacceptable here, since the child can become lethargic and irritable in this case.
So, let's finally find out what educational games for children under one year old exist? Very interesting and exciting game for children from one to two months old, the game "Answer the smile." From the very birth of a child, you can start playing this game with him. Lean over the child and condemn, affectionately smiling: “What a cute, sweet, beloved little our little one is! And how does mommy smile? That's how your mommy smiles! ” Look into your baby’s eyes at this time. At the same time, it’s very good to stroke him and gently brake, all the while continuing to smile and say something like that.
By the second month of a child’s life, such a game can be slightly changed by adding pauses after phrases so that your baby can answer you. Speaking about the fact that you are smiling, give time so that your baby can smile at you in return.
There are other, no less interesting and original educational games for children up to 1 year old. For example, a game that requires a rattle and a pipe, you can purchase a bell or other toy that sounds. It is very important that the sounds are not harsh and pleasant for your child's hearing, otherwise you can scare your baby. So, let's begin. Take the rattle and rattle it softly. At the same time, say the following phrases: "Rattle, rattle, rattle us in our ears." After that, take the pipe with the words: “Pipe, pipe, poop, poop, a wonderful song, prod, prod.” Use different tools and come up with some suggestions related to them. For example, take a bell and say, "Sweet bell, call us, ring." Starting from seven months, you can complicate the game by letting your child knock on the drum himself or whistle in the pipe.
If your baby is two - three months old, then it's time to play the game "Higher - Lower." Take your baby in your arms and sit on a chair, while lifting and lowering. When you sit down, say "Below - below - low." Rising, say "Higher - Higher - High!" Here you can change the timbre of the voice and smile at the child.
You can come up with different educational games for up to a year. With the help of such games, you will help your child get to know the world better, learn to walk and talk. Spend more time with your children and you will see how quickly they will develop.