Why do pregnant women have stomach aches: reasons and what to do

Since the baby is located and develops in the abdomen of a woman during pregnancy, it is not surprising that she may experience pain in this area. During pregnancy, abdominal pain can have a different nature and severity. The root cause of these sensations may also vary. In this article we will understand why pregnant women have a stomach ache and how to deal with it.

Pain in early pregnancy

Lower abdominal pain

With the onset of the most pleasant period in the life of a woman, moments also appear that can overshadow him. Most often, at the beginning of bearing a child, women encounter various pain sensations. And, of course, they immediately ask themselves: "Why do pregnant women have stomach aches?" The answer to this question will be many different factors and causes.

Initially, it is worth noting that the pain that a woman experiences at this moment may not be associated with conception. Specialists in this case are talking about non-obstetric pain. These are those symptoms that do not belong to the woman’s reproductive system, but affect her other organs and indicate the presence of pathology.

However, there are obstetric pains that are directly related to conception. They can occur due to the physiological characteristics of the body, and may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.

Nature of pain

Before answering the question why a pregnant girl has a stomach ache, you need to figure out how it hurts. This is of great importance in determining the cause of pain. So, the nature of the pain experienced by a woman can be as follows:

  • pulling, unstable, weak intensity - this indicates that the muscles that hold the uterus begin to stretch, and the localization of sensations can be, on the one hand, and throughout the stomach;
  • spastic, constant, non-intense - such pain occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body;
  • spasmodic, of low intensity, with a small amount of blood mixed in the secretions - do not regard this pain as the beginning of menstruation, it means that the fetal egg has attached to the uterine wall and has already begun its development, this phenomenon is called "implantation bleeding", however, if it lasts more than a day, this indicates a threat of interruption, a miscarriage that has occurred or menstruation has begun;
  • inconstant, dragging, undulating - give chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs (cystitis, adnexitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), it is worth remembering that exacerbation of chronic diseases of this kind is never accompanied by bleeding;
  • pain syndrome can cause disturbances in the intestines, accompanied by constipation and gas.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

The nature of the pain can be very intense, which makes one wonder why pregnant women have a stomachache, what this can mean. Severe pain, especially if it is accompanied by spotting, may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In the event of its onset, the fetal egg is not fixed in the uterus, as it should be, but in the fallopian tube. As the embryo develops, it grows and this can lead to rupture of the tube and threatens the woman with death.

The pain syndrome during ectopic pregnancy will have the following features:

  • pain stitching, permeates the entire abdomen;
  • pain paroxysmal, like labor pains, strong and frequent;
  • accompanied by bleeding or secretions of brown color (the color depends on whether the fallopian tube ruptured or if it just burst);
  • a concomitant symptom may be cramping in the lower back;
  • the duration of pain is from several days to a month.

Spontaneous abortion

Another reason why a pregnant woman hurts in the lower abdomen is spontaneous abortion, that is, a miscarriage. In this case, the woman will experience severe pulling pain in the groin, they can give back to the lower back. Bloody discharge is also observed. If this happens, then you need to urgently call an ambulance and take a horizontal position before her arrival.

If incomprehensible pieces or clots began to come out with blood, then this indicates that a miscarriage has already happened. In this case, you still need to visit a gynecologist to determine if the full egg has come out or not. Its residues can cause purulent and inflammatory processes in the body of a woman.

Frozen pregnancy

The most common reason why a pregnant woman has a stomach ache is also considered a frozen pregnancy. During the first trimester, the development of the fetus, for various reasons, may stop. As a result, he dies. In this case, a feeling of heaviness in the groin is added to the painful sensations.

After some time, the dead fetus begins to rot, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • unpleasant odor from a woman's vagina;
  • bloody issues;
  • painful condition in the lower abdomen.

All this suggests that the uterus itself is trying to expel the dead fetus. If you ignore this, then septic intoxication may develop. She is very dangerous for the life and health of a woman.

In such a situation, the only option is to remove the dead embryo. But if this is done on time, then it will be possible to avoid undesirable consequences and in the future a woman can again become pregnant and bear a child.

Physiological causes of pain in late pregnancy

Low back pain during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women have lower abdominal pain in late pregnancy, the question is quite common. There can be many reasons. For instance:

  1. Disorders in the intestines - this is constipation, and increased gas formation, and violations of the diet, and the schedule of food intake. All this causes discomfort in the lower abdomen. The intestines during pregnancy are therefore not sweet, because the growing uterus presses on it. And also the action of hormones makes his work sluggish, food moves slowly, provoking constipation. If a woman, in addition to all this, neglects the basic rules of nutrition, then the pain caused by problems with the intestines will be constant.
  2. Sprained ligaments are one of the main causes of pain. It is already difficult for the ligaments to support the grown uterus, therefore, the closer the moment of birth, the more often the stomach can ache and ache. Irradiation of the lower back and aggravation with sudden movements, coughing or sneezing are also characteristic of such pains.
  3. Abdominal muscle tension also occurs due to the growth of the uterus and fetus.

Pathological conditions in the later stages

Pregnant at the doctor

In the last months of pregnancy, abdominal pain can also mean the development of any pathological conditions that threaten the mother and the baby. It could be:

  1. Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes. They can be localized in the pancreas (pancreatitis), kidneys (pyelonephritis) or the bladder (cystitis). The nature of the pain in this case will be sharp, prolonged and oppressive. Very often, in addition to pain, there is an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness.
  2. Premature birth. In this case, the pain will be pulling, aching, passing into the lower back. Also, this process is accompanied by a change in the nature of the secretions: they become watery or, conversely, viscous, pinkish, scarlet or streaked with blood. All this indicates the passage of the mucous plug, the opening of the cervix and the possible leakage of amniotic fluid.
  3. Detachment of the placenta. Normally, she leaves after the birth of a child, so her premature detachment is fraught with the death of both the mother and the fetus. Here urgent surgery is needed. This is usually accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. Causes may include abdominal trauma, physical strain, late toxicosis, and hypertension.
  4. Rupture of the uterus. Occurs when there is a scar on it from abdominal surgery or cesarean section in the past.

Upper abdominal pain

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

Painful sensations can occur not only in the inguinal region, but also affect other parts of the peritoneum. We will understand why a pregnant woman has upper abdominal pain.

An enlarging uterus presses not only on the organs that lie below, but also on those located above. In particular, the liver and gall bladder are affected, which can cause pain.

When the baby in the womb is already large enough that the mother can feel it, this can also cause pain. They depend on what position the fetus occupies in the uterine cavity. The activity of the fetus can also cause mom discomfort. In addition, it may also be accompanied by a lack of appetite, heaviness, bloating, bitterness in the mouth and heartburn.

What if appendicitis?

During childbearing, the risk of inflammation of the appendix increases. For the same reason, many are wondering why the right side of the abdomen hurts a pregnant woman? What if it’s appendicitis? Do not immediately sin on the vermiform appendix, it may be nothing to do with. For example, if sensations arose in the early stages, then this can only mean that the embryo attached on the right side. However, a completely different picture will be at the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

To distinguish appendicitis from other causes, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • increased pain with tension in the muscles of the abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

What to do

Gynecologist consultation

Along with the question, why do pregnant women have a stomach ache, many wonder what to do in this situation? The best option would be to see a doctor. He will diagnose the condition and determine the set of necessary measures. It is important that the pregnant woman does not wind up herself and does not assume the worst of the options. Modern medicine can do a lot.

You also need to determine what could cause the pain. If it is not strong, then a possible cause is a gastrointestinal upset, bloating, or eating a certain product.

It is also important where the pain is localized and what is their nature. If the pain is pulling, not strong and not prolonged, then, most likely, you can do without an immediate visit to the doctor. But at the planned inspection, it is still necessary to report unpleasant sensations.

Traditional medicine and proper nutrition

Thinking about why a pregnant woman has a lower abdominal pain, do not resort to traditional medicine. During the bearing of the child - this can only do much harm. Many procedures, if you do not know the true cause of the pain, can worsen the condition of a woman and, especially, a child.

For a woman in a position, it is also important to adhere to proper nutrition. It is recommended to limit the use of heavy, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Excessive consumption of sweet and flour products will also not benefit. It is necessary to exclude products that provoke flatulence. For the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, moderate physical activity is necessary, so it is extremely undesirable to go to bed after eating.

When should I contact a specialist?

Pregnant woman

Why pregnant women have a stomachache, we figured it out. But one more question remains: "When is it necessary to visit a doctor on an emergency basis, and when can one just be patient?"

If the pain does not cause great inconvenience and disappears, just lie down, then this is just a concomitant symptom of an interesting situation and it should soon pass.

But, if you observe the following, then you need to urgently visit a gynecologist:

  1. Pain in the form of contractions, with a tendency to increase. He can talk about miscarriage, but you can’t hesitate here. Perhaps the crumb can still be saved.
  2. Heaviness in the inguinal region. Indirect sign of a missed pregnancy.
  3. Sharp, constant pain, especially if it is localized on one side. It may mean improper attachment of the fetal egg, and, consequently, an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Bleeding. By the way, it may not be accompanied by discomfort, but normally this should not be.

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