Узнаем о том, как удалиться из «Одноклассников». Решаем иные проблемы данной сети

The Odnoklassniki social network was conceived as a site, the device of which any unprepared visitor can figure out. Probably, for this reason, this site takes the second place among the social networks invented in Russia. But despite the simplicity of the interface and settings, users of the Odnoklassniki.Ru service occasionally experience various problems in its development.

Let's look at some of the most popular questions that people have with the site. It is not always clear how to retire from Odnoklassniki, to clear discussions, to exit the site. Let's try to understand each of these problems.

We clean the section "Discussions"

Many users are fed up with unnecessary information in the News Feed and Discussions. Let's try to get rid of unnecessary news.

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how to remove classmate discussions

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classmates how to exit the page

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how can I get out of classmates

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Odnoklassniki.Ru . , . () «». , , . ? « » . . , .

how to leave classmates forever

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. . : «&st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile».

retire from classmates

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