Shooting setup in "CS GO": tips, useful console commands

Gunfighting is an essential part of the gameplay of the popular Counter Strike team shooters. That is why the shooting setup in “CS GO” is something that no more or less enthusiastic player should do without. Of course, do not forget about such things as honed skills, teamwork and thoughtful tactics. However, today we will focus on shooting, so we have compiled a useful guide that will help to tighten the fighting skills of any player. Many of the tips listed below are used by real professional e-sportsmen, so you can not worry about their effectiveness.

LAN server

To begin with, I would like to talk about how you can achieve more accurate shooting in CS: GO without using any additional settings. The main assistants in this matter are the LAN server, the connection to which is carried out on a local basis. This method does not need an Internet connection, while it has a general economy, provides users with the highest priority speed.

Shooting setup in "CS GO"

It is worth remembering that to connect to a LAN server, it is important to have a fairly powerful computer. It is this factor that directly affects the speed with which the server will respond to specific commands (in our case, it is about shooting).

The configuration file

Any experienced player knows that the secret of mastering firearms lies not only in honed skills, but also in the correct settings of the KS GO config for firing. A competent approach to this issue will provide a comfortable game in a wide variety of conditions. To get access to the configuration, you need to get to the / cstrike folder. Editing the file itself can be done through any text editor (eg. Notepad).

The optimal settings in this case, according to the experience of numerous professionals, are as follows:

  • clrate "128000";
  • clupdaterate "128";
  • clcmdrate "128";
  • clinterp "0".

What are the above settings responsible for? Clupdaterate and clrate determine the number of commands that will be processed by the server. With clupdaterate, you can specify the maximum number of packets that go on a server-to-user basis. And finally, clinterp is responsible for the minimum value of smoothness.

Configuring the configuration for firing in "CS GO"


Correct setting the number of frames per second is another important component of convenient and effective shooting. As a rule, the optimal value to be set is "100". You can do more, but no less. By the way, the graphics settings in this case should be greatly reduced for better performance. Screen resolution can not be changed.

Disabling the mouse acceleration system function

This function is the link between the sharpness of the mouse in the game and its sharpness in Windows. By disabling acceleration, you can be sure that sharp control of the mouse does not affect the cursor. Otherwise, when the jerking function is on, the cursor cannot be avoided.

For many players, this setting of shooting in the “CS GO” will not seem so important, but many professionals still recommend spending a few minutes on turning it off. The result is really worth it.

Console Commands for cs go

Bullet Scatter

It’s best to start the shooting setup in “KS: GO” through the console with the viewsize command. With its help, you can edit the spread of bullets - a rather important function that affects the accuracy of a firearm. There are two optimal values ​​for this command, which are "110" and "120". The value "110" is suitable for users who prefer to shoot from the AK-47, the dispersion of cartridges in this case will come from the center of the sight. As for the value "120", it is useful for any other weapon, for example, for the m4a1 assault rifle, here the bullets will be scattered not from the center, but from the top of the sight.

Another important console command for CS: GO, responsible for the behavior of bullets during firing, is hpk_maxsize. The optimal values ​​that can be set are the following numbers: "0" and "4". If the user selects "0", then the cartridges will fly apart from the sight in different directions, if "4" - the cartridges will shoot more closely. For users who prefer a large-caliber Desert Eagle pistol, the cl_corpsestay command will probably come in handy. We recommend setting the value to "0", since it can provide more accurate shots specifically from this weapon. This tactic will work perfectly at short range and on small pistol cards. The value for the standard bullet spread on the Desert Eagle is 600.

Setting up firing in "CS GO" through the console

Summing up the shooting settings in "KS: GO", it is worth noting another important detail, which is often overlooked. If even after correct adjustment of the game client (see above), the accuracy of shooting still leaves much to be desired, then most likely the problem is the assembly of the server. Experienced CS players are advised to use only "clean" servers, as they are not loaded with pre-installed modifications. It is better to play on them and thereby avoid third-party interference that affects the accuracy of shooting.

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