Millet porridge for a child: composition, ingredients, a step-by-step recipe with photos, nuances and cooking secrets and the most delicious recipes for children

Millet porridge has been famous for its beneficial properties for many years. For the first time, this cereal was grown in Mongolia and China more than 5000 years ago. For many centuries, people in North Africa, southern Europe and Asia used it in their diets.

Due to its vitamin and mineral complex, millet porridge is very useful for a child. But at what age is it best to feed it?

Is it possible for a child to millet porridge?

Introduce millet porridge into the child’s diet

Since this cereal contains gluten, it is introduced into the child’s diet no earlier than 8 months. Of all the gluten-free cereals (oat, semolina and millet), it is introduced the very last. How does acquaintance with millet porridge occur for a child?

  1. The first test starts with 1 spoon.
  2. Until the first year of life, the child should eat porridge no more than 1 time per day.
  3. The best time of day is morning. When the child will be familiar with her fully, porridge can be eaten in the evening.
  4. The recommended volume at the age of 8 months is 180 grams.

The main thing is to remember that any introduction of a new product should be carried out when the child is completely healthy. The periods of recent recovery and on the eve of vaccination are excluded.

Millet porridge for a child 1 year

The chemical composition of cereals

In millet porridge for a child, as well as an adult, there are a number of advantages over other cereals. To begin with, it contains the so-called "slow" carbohydrates, respectively, the feeling of satiety will last as long as possible.

She is also rich in:

  • essential amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

In addition, millet porridge contains: fiber, starch, monosaccharides and disaccharides.

Millet porridge for children from what age

What is the use and harm of millet?

From what age millet porridge is allowed for children, we found out, exactly like its composition. What exactly is the benefit and what danger can this grits conceal in itself?

First, consider the positive aspects:

  • rich in vitamins, minerals - a storehouse for a growing organism;
  • the amount of vitamin B6 is greater than in other cereals;
  • fiber and vegetable fats;
  • removes toxins, toxins, heavy metals, antibiotics from the body;
  • low calorie content - 90 kcal (cooked on water);
  • improves memory, relieves irritation and fatigue;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • fluoride strengthens tooth enamel;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • normalizes blood pressure and improves blood flow.

We pass to the negative points:

  • fiber content allows you to fully consume millet porridge for a child after 18 months;
  • long cooking time;
  • bitter taste;
  • not recommended for constipation;
  • reduces the level of digestibility of iodine, which means that it is not recommended for people suffering from thyroid diseases;
  • with diseases of the ulcer and duodenum, with a low acid content in the stomach - it is fraught with negative consequences.

All of the above applies to whole grain millet groats. As a rule, in kindergartens and schools millet porridge from flour is used in cooking. It is much faster to prepare and easier to digest.

At what age can millet porridge be given to a child?

The nuances of making porridge depending on the age of the baby

At what age can millet porridge be given to a child? Starting from 8-9 months of age. Previously (in addition to the basic recommendations for feeding), cereals must be thoroughly washed and crushed grains.

At the age of 1 year of life, we prepare cereals as follows: in a liquid with a volume of 150 ml we mix 10 grams of flour millet porridge. Cook for 3 minutes. Add oil, berries or fruits (if there is no allergy).

At the age of 12 to 18 months. millet porridge for a child will look like this: in a liquid with a volume of 200 ml we interfere 1/2 cup cereals. Cook for 5-10 minutes. If desired, add berries or fruits, possibly sugar.

At the age of 18 months. the ratio of millet to liquid is 1: 3. If at the end of cooking add sweet dried apricots, then the porridge will become sweet without the addition of sugar. Fruits and berries are also optional and in the absence of allergic reactions.

Making millet porridge for a one-year-old child

At the age of one year, porridge becomes a smooth transition from liquid to more solid food. Millet porridge for a 1 year old child is prepared in milk with the addition of water and healthy goodies for the baby.

In a ratio of 1: 1 (150 ml each), water and milk are mixed, salted, sugar is added, and then, as it boils, pour 30 grams of cereal. Stir constantly until fully cooked. At the end, pour a little oil.

The nuances of cooking millet porridge

When preparing millet porridge in milk for children, crushed ground grain is used. It is not bitter and cooks much faster. With country milk, the taste is softer and more delicate. To avoid burning, a thick-bottomed pan is best.

In order for millet porridge for the child to turn out friable, it must be prepared in a ratio of 1: 2.5. As previously described, milk is best diluted with water, so it will become less caloric. If your child is a lover of more viscous porridge, then the ratio of millet and liquid should be 1: 3. And if you plan to cook a liquid porridge, then for you the optimal ratio will be 1: 4.

When you have decided on the desired result, it is time to begin to realize your goal. Be sure to rinse the cereal thoroughly, then put the liquid on the fire until it boils completely. At that moment, you already need to pour the millet. In half an hour your porridge will be ready.

Do not rush to immediately start your meal. Remove the pan from the stove and wrap it in a warm blanket for another half hour. So she still "reaches" the required condition without additional heat treatment.

Millet porridge for children

How to cook tasty porridge with milk?

There are many ways to make delicious homemade porridge. But first, make sure whether the child can be millet porridge in cow's milk. It is quite possible to make the first preparation in special milk for baby food. So the chances of getting allergic reactions are lower.

If your little gourmet likes candied fruit, jam, jam, berries and fruits, then any of these ingredients can be a wonderful decoration of the dish. In this case, it is best to cook the porridge until half-cooked, put it on a sieve so that all the liquid in the glass, and chopped fruits (pineapples, apples, pears, apricots, etc.) are mixed with cereals. Next, put the resulting mass into pots, pour in milk and sugar syrup. All this boldly send to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Be sure your foodie will appreciate such a mess.

The classic recipe involves the use of 50 grams of millet and 250 ml of milk. Millet, salt and sugar are added to boiling milk to taste. Then everything is prepared for 25-30 minutes. After it is ready, add the butter.

Another recipe for delicious porridge in milk is a tandem with pumpkin. Vegetables must first be cut into cubes (300 grams) and then darkened for 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Pour 200 grams of washed millet (4 servings) with water and cook until completely absorbed. When the millet porridge is almost ready, pour 600 ml of milk, salt and sweeten, add the pumpkin and leave to cook on the stove for 20-25 minutes. After that, also remove from the stove, wrap it in a warm blanket and let the porridge "reach".

Millet porridge in milk for children

Even ordinary cereal can be turned into an exciting culinary journey. Your child will not be able to remain indifferent to this cereal if its ingredients are his favorite.


Today we managed to find out many interesting facts about the benefits and dangers of millet groats, at what age and how to familiarize a child with this amazing porridge. All recipes, cooking secrets will certainly become your assistants in the healthy and nutritious nutrition of the baby and the whole family.

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