The daily routine and nutrition of a child at 11 months change significantly, unlike the first six months of life, a child at this age is active, which means that more energy is needed for the body. An eleven-month-old baby may begin to walk, but some children still crawl. Each child develops differently, and do not worry that your baby is not even trying to walk. Eating a baby at 11 months is a rapid curiosity to try everything by heart, at this age you can diversify the menu, add new products and tastes.
A baby at 11 months old will pull in his mouth and bite off toys that look like fruits and vegetables. At this age, tactile sensitivity is more developed, for some children it will be a favorite pleasure to walk barefoot on the sand, and for others - to play with wet toys. How to feed a fidget at this age? The nutrition of a baby at 11 months should be nutritious and varied. The kid calmly holds solid food in his hands - carrots, apples or cabbage, he can bite off pieces, chew and swallow them, only you should watch the baby to avoid incorrect swallowing. The baby's menu at 11 months should contain the following products:
- meat, which must be passed several times through a meat grinder or scroll in a blender. The best option would be - chicken, veal and turkey, the meat of these animals is especially useful for children up to a year than other species;
- boiled vegetables, there may be - potatoes, zucchini, carrots, cabbage. A great option would be a vegetable puree made from all these products, the baby will really like it, the main thing is to add a little sugar (if there is no allergy) and a little salt;
- milk porridge, and it can be rice, buckwheat, wheat;
- other dairy products - milk noodles, cottage cheese pudding, whole milk (necessarily boiled) and dairy products. Some parents, as an option, give their baby kefir, but pediatrician consultation is needed here;
- The baby’s nutrition at 11 months may contain more solid foods - crackers, dryers, bread and cookies. You should choose only baby cookies and always fresh bakery products;
- Well, of course, fruits, the diet of a baby of 11 months should include: slices of fresh apples, bananas, pears, if health allows, that is, there is no allergy, then you can give other fruits a little.
A baby’s food at 11 months should contain canned meat, which are prepared on their own or purchased in a store. If parents buy canned goods in the store, then you should choose only baby food that is approved by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, has GOST certificates and is always in sealed packaging, for canned food it is a can. You should also read the composition of the product, if it contains only meat, water, salt and sugar, then you can safely buy such a product. Incomprehensible names, additives and flavoring included in the composition is not recommended. Making canned meat yourself is very simple, you need to scroll through the meat and add a little salt and sugar. Eating a baby at 11 months is a great way to diversify its taste sensations. Many spices not only give aroma and taste to food, they can increase appetite, the production of digestive juice, and some have excellent healing properties. You can add spices to start with the soup, only a small amount. The first spices for the baby are garlic and onions, and then you can already experiment with dill, celery, parsley.
Thus, in a child’s diet for 11 months, enough adult foods can be included, but only high-quality and proven ones. Best of all, it will be vegetables and fruits from your garden, and meat from your farm.