Sailor Moon is an anime meta-series that tells of the defenders of the ancient kingdom - beautiful warrior girls. But this metaseries is not without a male character. He is Tuxedo Mask - a warrior of the Earth. It is a male version of a sailor warrior.
According to the intended scenario, he should wear a mask. It allows you to hide your true self. Thanks to this mystery, Tuxedo Mask can confuse enemy plans and provide various assistance to soldiers. This character consists of strong human sides and is
an ideal man. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has become a fairly popular role model.
Costume Tuxedo Mask
Like any other hero, the warrior of the Earth has his own unique costume. The basis of the outfit of this hero is a black trouser suit , white shirt and white vest. In addition, this hero wears a high bowler hat, white bow-tie and white gloves.
The highlight of the image is a narrow mask that covers the eyes, which is also made in white. A mandatory attribute of this character are a cane and a scarlet rose. It's like his business card. And to complete the image, it remains to add a
red-black mantle. Get used to the role of Tuxedo Mask quotes from the work will help much faster. In addition, this suit is suitable for people of different ages.
How to draw Sailormoon and Tuxedo Mask
If the Earth warrior is the main male character, then the main female one is, of course, Sailor Moon, whose real name is Usagi Tsukino. This is an ordinary student who goes to school and has no worries. But at the same time, she is able to turn into a leader of warrior girls. This image is one of the most popular in its genre and has been used more than once by the authors of other works. To draw any hero of the popular metaseries, the same basic techniques are used. Indeed, in fact, the basis for the implementation is the same, and the differences are only in direction and details. Below we will look at how to draw Tuxedo Mask, as well as an example of drawing a female image. In each case, the basics will be considered, as well as the study of details, which, by the way, are also many.
We draw the head of the Earth warrior
To begin with, you should outline the circumference of the head, determine its inclination and draw guide lines for the shoulders and torso. Let's start drawing with a hat. To do this, draw a cylinder.
It looks somewhat like a glass standing on a saucer. Determine its height and outline the bottom of the cylinder hat using a narrow oval. The part of the line delineating the bottom of the hat must be erased. Then draw a strip at the bottom and, using a larger oval, define the hat margins. The fields of the cylinder should be wider than he, but not much, and overlap a third of the alleged person. On the side of the hat, draw a rose, which Tuxedo intended to hold in his hand. It is important to consider the location of the flower. It should be such that we can then easily extend its stem into the
hand. Next, draw an
oval of the face and hair knocking out from under the cylinder. Mark your face. Determine the approximate location of the mouth and nose. Now you can draw a mask, and then the nose and mouth. By the way, both the mouth and nose are depicted rather schematically. In the form of slightly noticeable arcs.
Draw a hand
Our Tuxedo Mask got his face. Now we can start the image of the body. We determine the length of the neck, draw a collar, shoulders, sleeve and cuffs. Do not forget about buttons. Draw a hand near the head, do not forget that two fingers should be extended, and the rose drawn earlier should fit perfectly in this hand. Extend the stem of the previously painted rose so that it is located in the hand and is slightly visible below. After all the scheduling work has been completed, draw a hand and delete all scheduling or erroneous lines.
Draw a suit
Let's start drawing a shirt. Designate groups of lines on one side and the other. These lines mimic the stitching of a shirt. Between them draw a bow tie. Remove the outline lines.
Now draw the rest of the body. Determine the bend of the back. After the body is drawn, draw a raincoat from the protruding point of the shoulder down. Do not forget to depict the lapel of the cloak, as well as the remaining buttons on the suit on the other side. We almost figured out how to draw a Tuxedo Mask. It remains only to finish the arm wound behind the back and part of the cloak on the other side. Inspect the entire picture and draw all the necessary lines, and delete all erroneous or basting lines. Now the picture can be left in this form, or you can add colors to it.
We draw a female character. Head
In the Sailor Moon metaseries, Tuxedo Mask is a masculine image, but the bulk of the characters are female warriors. Let's look at the image of a female image using the example of Sailor Moon or Usagi Tsukino.
Start work with a shape resembling an oval. This form does not have to be perfect. She will be the base of the head. Draw two guide lines for the neck and shoulders. Now divide the oval with two lines that intersect at right angles. These lines will help to place elements of the face correctly. Draw two circles located on a horizontal line. These are places for future eyes. Do not forget about the perspective. The circle on the right should be slightly smaller and narrower. On the left side of the face and under the horizontal line, draw a base for the mouth.
It should have a somewhat horseshoe shape. Now draw the ear on the left side. The base of the face is ready. Place all the final lines again and erase all auxiliary elements. Draw the eyes and on the right side of the vertical line draw an element that looks like a “tick”. It will be a nose. Draw a crescent-shaped ear and earring.
Draw a hairstyle
Sailor Moon's hairdo is a bit more complicated than Tuxedo Mask's. And consists of several stages. First, bangs are drawn using several arcs and curved lines that should overlap the eyebrows. Now draw the back of the head. We depict it using a curved line that originates from the left side of the ear and ends where the bangs begin.
It is also worth adding a few oblique lines above the ear. On top of the head there are two decorations in the form of a circle. Hair is wound on them. The hairstyle itself is called "Odango." To complete the hairstyle, draw pigtails, which are also its continuation. To do this, draw long lines on the left, and shorter ones on the right. Since the right part of the pigtail will be closed by the face. The lines should also have a curved shape.
We draw decorations
The warrior girls have a lot of various ornaments. Sailor Moon has a tiara on his forehead. To depict it, draw some v-shaped lines. They will make up the bulk of the decoration. Now add a couple of ovals to the center to simulate a gem. Draw two curved lines on the neck. This will depict a Sailor Moon necklace. An inverted crescent moon must be placed between these lines. The earring has the form of three small circles with a crescent at the end. Define the line of the shoulders and draw a v-shaped neckline. This will complete the black and white version of the drawing.
That's all. The drawings are completely ready. To make them look more impressive, circle all the lines with a thin marker or black pen. Wait a while until the ink dries, and use the eraser to get rid of the pencil completely. At this stage you can stop. But you can go further and completely complete the work by decorating the drawings with felt-tip pens, pencils or even paints. The colors of the Tuxedo Mask costume we reviewed earlier. As for Sailor Moon, her hair is yellow because she is blonde. Although initially the author conceived this heroine with pink hair. Jewelry stones and a necklace are red, and eyes and clothes are blue. The contours of the jewelry and tiara are dark yellow. This color should imitate gold. At the end of the coloring, your drawings will have an absolutely complete look. In this way, Sailormoon, Tuxedo Mask and other characters in this story can be drawn.