Look around you: all that surrounds us are physical bodies or fields. We already know that the former are in constant change, movement. All these processes generate energy, which all the time passes from one form to another. As a result, energy produces a signal. Based on the foregoing, we can confidently say that any signals are basically material in nature.
If this signal interacts with the physical body and is registered by it, then this process can be interpreted differently as follows: various types of data are recorded by the physical body. What do we have in the end? Definition of data. Regardless of what kind of data it is, they are all registered signals.
Data operations
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The following values are used for data storage: bits, bytes (i.e. 8 bits), kilobytes (1024 bytes), megabytes (1024 KB), gigabytes (1024 MB) and terabytes (1024 GB). This can be stopped, since there is no need for more.