Brown discharge in early pregnancy: causes, possible dangers, treatment

The female body reacts differently to changes that occur inside. One of the characteristic and rather specific ones is discharge from the genital tract. Throughout the cycle, their structure and quantity change depending on the physiological process. For women who are planning a pregnancy and watching their cycle, discharge can tell a lot.

Discharge in the first month of pregnancy

causes of brown discharge

After the end of menstrual bleeding, they stop, until the moment of ovulation should not bother at all. When the egg matures, the nature of the discharge changes. A woman may notice that they have become abundant, malleable. At the peak of ovulation, they are compared with egg white. Thus, the body helps the sperm to penetrate the uterus, with a successful combination of circumstances, fertilization occurs.

If suddenly there were light brown discharge in early pregnancy, we are talking about the first month, it is necessary to establish the nature of their occurrence. This is not always a cause for concern. It is one thing when a woman controls her cycle and pregnancy is planned. In this case, it is necessary to determine on what day from the beginning of the last menstrual bleeding they started.

Small brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, namely at the end of the cycle, may indicate its beginning. Thus, the implantation of the fertilized egg, which is now called the zygote, takes place. She went through the important stages of division and attached to the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium.

Implantation bleeding

implantation bleeding

When the male and female cells are connected and successfully fixed in the body of the uterus, doctors say that implantation occurred. The first sign, which is not manifested in everyone, but has a place to be, is brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. Some women noticed that they had a pinkish tint or it was clear mucus with bloody streaks.

It is noteworthy that the process of introducing cells deep into the endometrium can take from several hours to two days. It depends on how many enzymes the cell produces and in what condition the mucosa is. Therefore, the duration of implantation bleeding cannot last long.

When the process is completed, the discharge ceases by itself. They do not require intervention and additional medical supervision. Moreover, do not take any medications. Such light brown discharge in early pregnancy is physiological and completely natural. Also, do not worry if a woman does implantation at all without any external manifestations.

Concerns should be caused by copious discharge, which is accompanied by pulling pains in the lumbar region, fever or cramping spasms in the lower abdomen. If they occur at the end of the first month, then they can talk about the threat of abortion and the beginning of a new cycle. In this case, menstrual bleeding is of the same duration as normal. The appropriateness of taking additional medications is determined only after consulting a doctor.


ultrasound hematoma

There are frequent cases when there are several reasons for brown discharge in the early stages. Together with hormonal deficiency, an intrauterine hematoma can also form. She happens even in a physically healthy woman. Until a certain time, the hematoma does not manifest itself, exactly until it begins to go outside. At this point, a woman may have dark brown discharge in early pregnancy. Their number depends on the size of the hematoma. If internal bleeding has stopped, then after some time the discharge will pass by itself.

It is most dangerous if in a day or two a woman discovers that their color has turned red. This is a clear sign that the bleeding has not stopped and the threat persists. During the examination, the doctor can determine how high the risk of abortion is. If the cervix is ​​opened, then this is a clear sign of a threat of miscarriage. However, even when it is closed, it remains. Therefore, do not try to stop the spotting brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy on your own.

Causes and diagnosis

medical examination

A hematoma can form between the wall of the uterus and the fetal membrane or the place where the fetus is attached. A small accumulation of blood in the first case is less dangerous than in the second. However, their quantity is of great importance. Chorionic detachment (when a hematoma forms around the embryo) or the placenta (relevant for pregnancy, starting from the 16th week) provokes damage to blood vessels. This is fraught with the fact that the fetus is separated from the walls of the uterus. The most unfavorable prognosis is when a miscarriage occurs.

The causes of the accumulation of blood (hematoma) may be several:

  • Injuries to the abdominal cavity in the pelvic organs (for example, due to a fall, shock).
  • Medical manipulations, including surgical interventions.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Poor blood coagulability (in particular, we are talking about thrombophilia).
  • Sudden changes in blood pressure.
  • Abuse of bad habits (alcohol, tobacco smoking, taking psychotropic, narcotic drugs).
  • Incorrect attachment of the ovum (central or marginal).

Doctors warn that before a woman finds a small brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, a dull aching pain may develop in the lower back and lower abdomen. Confirm suspicion using ultrasound, which determines the size, location, prescription of the appearance of the hematoma. The data obtained allow us to choose the optimal treatment regimen that will allow us to maintain pregnancy and not harm the developing embryo.

If heavy bleeding occurs that cannot be stopped, there is a risk of miscarriage. In this case, surgical intervention is required. As a rule, pregnancy breaks down, and we are talking about saving the health of the mother.

Treatment methods

treatment methods

A decrease in muscle tone allows you to get rid of primary signs, such as hypertonicity and pulling pain in the lumbar region. To do this, resort to safe drugs that are known to many firsthand. For example, it could be No-shpa. However, if this does not help, then the following basic rules should be followed during the treatment of pink-brown discharge in the early stages:

  • Sexual and physical rest.
  • Taking hemostatic drugs. The most popular are Tranexam, Ascorutin, Etamsylate, Calcium Gluconate.
  • Compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.

In the presence of thrombophilia, blood thinners are prescribed, for example, Aspirin. In order to reduce muscle tone, which becomes a threat to the safety of the embryo, antispasmodics are used - Drotaverin, Papaverine, as well as magnesium-based medicinal formulas.

If the cause is a lack of progesterone, then hormone pills or injections are prescribed. As a rule, their intake continues after the onset of improvement, when brown discharge in the early stages has already stopped. Reviews of many mothers about such treatment methods are mostly positive, despite the fact that some drugs are not cheap.

Ectopic pregnancy

treatment choice

In 2 percent of cases, a fertilized egg is not fixed in the uterus, but in the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovary, or abdominal cavity. Until a certain time, a woman may not suspect that her pregnancy is not proceeding as it should. The first alarming symptom for a woman is when brown discharge from the genital tract occurs in the early stages. At the same time, acute pain occurs in the lower abdomen, the temperature rises.

An ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed using ultrasound. If at the 4th week it will be difficult for a specialist to see the fetal egg in the body of the uterus, then after two weeks it can be done without difficulty. However, even at such a short time with a detailed study of the pelvic organs, an increase in the size of the fallopian tubes, small sizes of the uterus can be seen. This should alert the specialist who conducts the study.

Since in this case the embryo will not be able to move independently, the only treatment is surgery. A favorable prognosis is allowed if an ectopic pregnancy has become known until the fertilized egg has grown into a growing fetus. This period ends at 10-12 weeks from the time of the merger of the male and female cells. Removal of the embryo occurs using laparoscopy. Thus, it is possible to avoid large blood loss, the fallopian tube is preserved and the risk of adhesions is minimized.

Atypical discharge at the end of the first trimester

The rapid growth of the uterus and the stretching of the cervical canal can provoke light brown discharge in early pregnancy. Moreover, they can become abundant, and can be found in color right down to scarlet. This can greatly alarm a woman who, not knowing about such consequences, has the right to suspect a threat of miscarriage.

The damaged erosive area will bleed until it heals. Since during pregnancy you can not cauterize or perform other manipulations with the neck, you will have to leave treatment for the period after childbirth. One cannot do without medical help and complete physical rest. Self-elimination of bleeding is not allowed, since for this it is necessary to know the nature of its occurrence, even if there are small brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. Reviews of doctors say that in most cases you can stop them in time and save the fetus.

There is also a small percentage of missed, at some stage, pregnancies. The most dangerous period for every woman is the first trimester, but it is worth knowing that the probability of fetal death of the fetus persists up to 28 weeks. This means that vigilance should be maintained at any stage of intrauterine development of the baby.

The presence of a benign tumor such as fibroids is one of the reasons for the appearance of brown discharge. A woman who is observed by a gynecologist usually knows about her even before pregnancy. If its size is insignificant, then over the course of all nine months the specialist should monitor the condition of the pregnant woman in order to exclude the risk of premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).

Myoma is the reason for the onset of early labor, as it provokes the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In this case, the neoplasm leads to a violation of the uteroplacental circulation. This is why brown discharge may appear in early pregnancy. Moreover, they can persist for all nine months, and not just in the early stages. As a rule, this is due to the fact that with the growth of the uterus, an increase in the size of the fibroid occurs.

However, in contrast to the frightening prognosis, there is a high probability that the neoplasm will resolve itself or disappear after childbirth. Doctors explain this by the fact that large hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body, which stimulate the process of resorption of fibroids.

The essence of treatment of fibroids during pregnancy is to reduce muscle tone, prescribed antispasmodics (oral or intramuscular). You can add drugs to this list that will prevent the premature onset of labor, as well as hormonal drugs.

Dangerous effects

placental abruption

The consequences that arise from disregarded bleeding can have serious consequences. Few people want to think that even if there are slight light brown discharge in the early stages, this may be the first reason for spontaneous miscarriage.

It is still possible to reduce risks. To do this, it is enough to approach the planning process thoughtfully and in advance. Firstly, it is necessary to check for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. The growth of estrogen and abundant blood flow into the vagina provokes the development of papillomas. If this virus previously occurred in the history of a pregnant woman, then in the future it may cause brown discharge.

Secondly, to exclude the Rh conflict in the blood group. Thirdly, to exclude hard physical labor, emotional overload. Fourthly, it is worth putting in order the hormonal background. Fifthly, any inflammatory process can cause small brown discharge in the early stages, which can become more profuse, even bloody.

It is best to do treatment before pregnancy. However, if the presence of infection was already detected in the process of its development, do not be afraid of taking medications. Thanks to modern technologies and progress in the field of medicine, there are many drugs that are safe for the mother and fetus.

Detachment of the placenta is one of the most alarming signals that medical treatment is indispensable. Only a specialist can determine why brown discharge forms in the early stages of pregnancy. The risk is especially great if the fetal egg attaches low, directly, near the cervix. If such a fact is diagnosed in time, then unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

In the second trimester, in addition to discharge, a woman can visually note that the size of her abdomen does not correspond to the week of pregnancy. Also at a later date, you can determine whether the pregnancy has stopped - it is worth checking whether the fetus has any movements. It is believed that by the 24th week the expectant mother should clearly distinguish between periods of activity of the child. If she does not feel anything, and the stomach has stopped growing, spotting has appeared, most likely, it is worth turning to an unscheduled ultrasound examination. According to the results of ultrasound, it will be clear what became the reason, is there any reason for concern.


It is not possible to eliminate some alarming factors, for example, low attachment of the fetal egg, a sexually transmitted virus, hormonal imbalance. A woman can only send a signal to the doctor in time that she feels discomfort, pain or is frightened by copious yellow-brown discharge in the early stages, possibly even with an unpleasant odor. Since a normal pregnancy should not be a nuisance, these symptoms are a clear signal of concern.

The presence of yellow-brown discharge in early pregnancy without a pungent smell, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, dizziness can indicate the presence of infection. When registering, an analysis is taken for infections that are sexually transmitted. If a virus is detected as a result, the doctor selects the scheme and duration of treatment, depending on the duration of pregnancy. The absence of pathogenic microflora and the allocation of this kind should alert. As a rule, an unscheduled ultrasound examination is performed, which will show if there are threats to the fetus. Also, according to the results of ultrasound, the location of the fetal egg becomes obvious, the number of embryos, the presence of hematoma can be confirmed.

In some cases, it is possible to maintain the embryo by prescribing additional hormonal preparations. This can be an injection or a tablet form of progesterone-based drugs. Treatment, as a rule, continues after a positive result. Usually, the reception ends in the second trimester, when the placenta is fully formed, there is no threat to its detachment, and it produces the hormone progesterone necessary to maintain pregnancy.

Brown discharge in the second month of pregnancy

When the first month is behind and the pregnant woman feels satisfactory, the appearance of brown discharge in the early stages can seriously agitate her. Doctors say that if there are no other symptoms that disturb or cause discomfort, then it is likely that this is normal.

A woman may also have bleeding during the first trimester, even if the embryo is already firmly attached to the uterus. For two to three months or more, the female body can menstruate, as if there was no pregnancy. At the same time, there is no danger to the growing embryo, as well as the need to take additional medications.

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Timely hospitalization and adequate treatment can compensate for the progesterone deficiency, which is responsible for the safety of pregnancy. As a rule, intramuscular injections and tablet dosage forms are prescribed. For example, Progesterone, Dufaston, or Utrozhestan.

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