Increased hemoglobin in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet

Elevated hemoglobin in dogs, as well as reduced, is not an independent disease. But this condition can cause the development of diseases or be their direct consequence. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the increase in hemoglobin level. It is necessary to find out why this happened, and, of course, bring the indicators back to normal or cure the disease that led to the growth of hemoglobin.

And of course, you need to imagine what it is, how it is determined and what is required to adjust its level.

What is hemoglobin?

If the veterinarian says the dog has hemoglobin increased, what does that mean? This question is asked by absolutely all pet owners who are poorly versed in medical terms and in everything related to the health of pets.

Red blood cells

What is the doctor talking about? On the number of red blood cells in the blood of the animal and their condition. Hemoglobin is a special protein that contains iron and is an integral part of the red blood cell. This component of the blood composition forms a relationship with oxygen and carbon oxides.

Why is it dangerous to increase its level?

Any abnormality associated with hemoglobin levels leads to disturbances in the oxygen-transporting function. An excess of this protein, which is not able to retain red blood cells, has a toxic effect when it enters the blood plasma. That is, it simply poisons the body. Also, when an excess of iron-containing proteins is released, the erythrocyte cell ruptures, respectively, it dies. In response, the body begins to intensify the production of these components, that is, the volume of red blood cells in the blood increases sharply, while the balance of the elements is disturbed.

An excess of free hemoglobin leads to the development of such pathologies:

  • obstruction of the canals in the kidneys;
  • necrosis (necrosis) of tissues;
  • acute failure of internal organs.

As a rule, renal failure occurs, but pathogenic dysfunction can develop in other organs.

Dog and heart made of hands

An increase in the number of red blood cells or their swelling becomes the cause of lung problems, cardiac abnormalities and many other pathologies.

What is the norm of hemoglobin?

Veterinarians diagnose increased hemoglobin in dogs if the indicators exceed the mark of 120-180 units. This is the normal level of red blood cells in the blood of an adult animal.

For puppies, of course, the norm will be different. The level of red blood cells in puppies should be at the level of 74-180 units. Of course, the older the animal, the higher the rate should be. If the dog has a red blood cell level of 74-80 units at 9-11 months, then this already indicates a deviation from the norm.

What symptoms indicate an increase in red blood cell count?

Recognizing elevated hemoglobin is much more difficult than lowering. There are no obvious symptoms of this condition.

The following should alert the hosts:

  • bright coloration of the mucous membranes;
  • disturbances in breathing;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • constant thirst.

Especially noticeable is the high level of hemoglobin in the event that the pet is cut during a walk. Blood in dogs with an excess of red blood cells is very thick, it resembles jelly. That is, from the wound, the blood will neither flow nor ooz, it will hang in drops.

How is hemoglobin determined?

With a full examination of animals in veterinary clinics, a blood test is also taken. In dogs, whose condition does not cause any concern, as a rule, blood is taken only for general or, as it is often called, clinical analysis. When deciphering the data obtained, the number of red blood cells is detected, that is, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is determined.

Dog at the veterinary clinic

If the condition of the animal causes the veterinarian any concerns or suspicions, then a biochemical study is also carried out. It does not reflect the level of hemoglobin, but gives an idea of ​​the development of various pathological conditions caused by an increase in red blood cells or which are the cause of this imbalance in the components of the blood composition.

What does clinical clinical analysis reveal? How do they rent it?

Of course, clinical analysis reveals not only reduced or increased hemoglobin in dogs. This blood test allows veterinarians to get a complete, holistic picture of the animal’s health status.

The analysis includes the following parameters:

  • hematocrit;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • color indicator;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate and their number;
  • white blood cells and platelets.

Submission of the analysis will require compliance with a special regimen, which the doctor will definitely warn. Its essence is that the animal should not be fed before blood donation.

Biological material is taken from a vein. As a rule, a couple of milliliters of blood is enough for the study. The material taken for analysis is placed in a test tube with an anticoagulant that prevents the clotting process.

Why is hemoglobin increasing?

If the dog has increased hemoglobin, the causes of this phenomenon can be associated with the presence of serious diseases or pathologies, as well as with any incidents, events in the life of the animal or its diet.

As a rule, hemoglobin levels increase for the following reasons:

  • body poisoning;
  • dehydration;
  • stay in thin air, that is, at a height, for example on the roof of a skyscraper or in the mountains, in a basket of a balloon;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • specific nutrition;
  • blood thickening due to pathogenic processes or because of a hereditary predisposition.

Correctly determining the reason why the level of red blood cells is increasing is very important. After all, it depends on her how to bring the hemoglobin index in accordance with the norm.

What to do after the analysis, which revealed an increase in hemoglobin?

If the veterinarian has detected elevated hemoglobin in the dog, what should I do? Of course, the doctor will prescribe a number of additional studies necessary to exclude the presence of internal diseases or, conversely, to identify them. If any pathology is detected, then it should be cured, then the hemoglobin indicators will return to normal.

Dog for a walk

However, there are a number of general recommendations that must be followed regardless of the reason why the level of red blood cells increased and, accordingly, hemoglobin increased. Veterinarians usually explain in detail to the owners of the animal what and how they should do it. At the same time, doctors are repelled from the state of a particular animal, so their advice can not be dispensed with.

As for the recommendations common to all animals, of course, first of all, it is necessary to exclude products that raise hemoglobin from the diet. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the level of physical activity, for example, to replace cycling, during which the animal runs nearby, with calm and unhurried walking along the park alleys or forest paths. It is also important to eliminate dehydration, especially true for dogs experiencing exorbitant loads and eating dry food.

How does dry food use affect hemoglobin?

Typically, hemoglobin-raising foods are associated with "normal food" in most animal owners. However, how many dogs eat the liver, brain, liver, meat, lungs and more? How often in a modern city can one meet a dog breeder who cooks porridge for an animal? As a rule, now even workers of dining rooms and restaurants feed their pets with ready-made mixes. It is very simple and convenient. Large dogs usually eat dry food, and small owners buy canned food for animals.

And paradoxically, it is the finished feed that tops the list of those products that cause an increase in the level of red blood cells in the blood. Canned foods do not have such an effect, but dry mixes inevitably lead to an increase in hemoglobin.

Dog and dry food

Why is this happening? Because the distinguishing feature of such feeds is a large amount of protein in the composition, and, of course, they have the specificity of assimilation. Food that enters the stomach should swell, and this requires water. As a rule, the vast majority of dog breeders feed animals before walking.

That is, the dog is subjected to physical activity during swelling in the stomach of dry food, which takes fluid from the body. That is why animals do not miss a single puddle on the street, greedily lapping this water, despite the menacing cries of the owners. And this is repeated daily. The logical result is the increase in hemoglobin with concomitant thickening of the blood and dehydration.

What foods increase hemoglobin? What should not be given to a dog?

Accordingly, the basis of dietary nutrition is the exclusion of dry food while the hemoglobin is normal. Of course, in the future you will need to adjust its use.

But in addition to dry feed from the diet of the animal, it is necessary to eliminate:

  • offal;
  • meat and liver;
  • liver and black puddings;
  • red vegetables, berries and fruits.

In no case should the animal be given vitamin complexes containing iron during this period. You can not use as a treat and pharmacy children's hematogen.

What kind of diet is needed? How to feed the animal?

The basis of the diet of the animal, which requires a decrease in hemoglobin levels, as a rule, are cereals. Of course, the owners have a question about what kind of porridge can dogs.

In principle, there are no restrictions on the types of cereals. Although abusing buckwheat is not recommended. However, not all dogs tolerate some of them well. For example, barley is not absorbed by the body of the vast majority of animals, like whole cooked oats. Rice cereals can cause constipation, especially in small decorative dogs. In other words, the owner needs to observe the reaction of the animal’s body to a specific porridge and, thus, find its own, ideally suitable basis for the diet.

Dogs and Products

As for the preparation of cereals, the animals do not need sugar, nor salt, nor butter or ghee. Many owners are trying to add them "for taste". Animal receptors are arranged differently than human receptors. Therefore, improving the taste of cereals with sugar or oil will only bring harm, and the dog’s appetite will not be affected in any way. If you really want to make the porridge tastier, then it is worth boiling it on fish or chicken broth.

If a veterinarian has detected increased hemoglobin in dogs, this does not mean that they will have to eat only cereals. Animals can eat all foods that do not increase the level of iron and protein. For example, bread is a great alternative to dry food. If it is slightly dried in the oven, then the dog will be completely happy after receiving such a dinner. Of course, this is not about sweet pastries or pastries, but about simple bread.

The diet should include vegetables, berries, fruits, greens. It is very easy to do. It is enough to finely chop them and mix with the finished porridge. And so that the animal does not sting and eat with appetite, you need to add a soup ladle, as they say, "for smell."

How many times do you need to feed a dog during a decrease in high hemoglobin?

There is no single answer to this question. It is necessary to monitor the animal. As a rule, adult dogs are fed twice a day, morning and evening. When changing the usual diet, the animal may not eat up or, conversely, begin to eat less.

If the dog comes in the afternoon several times to “check” his bowl, then you need to feed him 3-4 times a day, but in smaller portions. If the animal leaves food, but does not look weak, lethargic, lethargic, you need to feed him twice a day, reducing the volume.

The most important point is walking. Especially for those animals that ate dry food. Changing the diet leads to the fact that the dog needs to go out more often if necessary, especially in the first week. If the owners do not want to face the problem of cleaning the floors, then they definitely need to increase the time and frequency of walks.

Puppies do not need to change the number of feedings. Keep to the current feeding schedule. But walks need to be made more frequent and longer.

Is there a cure for this problem?

Although an increase in red blood cell count is not an independent disease, in some cases veterinarians insist on a medical solution to this problem. As a rule, the cause of the pathology affects the decision to artificially reduce the number of red blood cells. It is necessary to identify why the dog has increased hemoglobin and how much. If we are talking about the consequences of staying at height or excessive training, then doctors are not talking about any special treatment.

A procedure that leads to a rapid decrease in hemoglobin is called erythrophoresis or erythrocytapheresis. It is often confused with electrophoresis, but there is nothing in common between them.

The procedure is completely similar to the one that people do. It consists in the passage of blood through special equipment. While the blood masses are in the apparatus, they are crushed. That is, part of the red blood cells is separated and removed, and the blood released from them is returned to the body.

This procedure is done very rarely, only in the most exceptional cases. Firstly, the animal does not tolerate it. Secondly, far from every veterinary clinic has the appropriate equipment.

Dog and Vitamins

The doctor may recommend the use of drugs such as Trental or Hepatovet, which are used to thin the blood. However, these medications are intended for people, so you can’t give them to the dog yourself, without the advice of a doctor and the dosage and schedule.

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