Заглавная буква в html и css

An uppercase letter, as defined, is an element of text that is enlarged relative to lowercase letters. In almost all languages, a sentence begins with a capital letter. And the design of the beginning of the paragraph with a distinguished capital letter allows you to structure the text and facilitates its perception. When a web page is drawn up, the text can be written in accordance with the author's preferences and the rules of the Russian language. Also, its design can be "automated" by entering certain "commands" in a file with the css extension - style sheet - or supplement your html file with a style section. CSS is usually learned additionally with html in order to quickly change some design elements immediately in the entire text.

capital letter

This is especially true if the site has hundreds of pages, and making changes to each of them is a very time-consuming process.

If you use css, the capital letters at the beginning of each paragraph may look special. For example, the following code entered in html without parentheses allows you to make the capital letter - first letter - larger - 220% of the standard size for yellow text - yellow, the color value is yellow, and write it in font, different from the rest of the text - Georgia vs batangche.

(<) style (>)

p {font-family: batangche; font-size: 93%;}

p: first-letter {font-family: Georgia; font-size: 220%; color: yellow;}

(<) / style (>)

css capital letters

You can get beautiful capital letters if you create your own font in the form of pictures - each letter has a separate picture, for example, in Old Russian or Gothic style. They can be drawn in a graphical editor. Then in the required places in place of the capital letter you can insert the code without parentheses (<) img src = ”link to the place where the picture lies” (>). Additional attributes of the Img tag will be heigh and width - the width and height of the image, which can be set in pixels for a harmonious combination with other text. Example: (<) img src = ”link to the place where the picture lies” heigh = 12 px width = 6px (>). We remove the parentheses around <and>.

, , "" ( Fonts) . :

(<) style(>)

p {font-family: batangche; font-size:93%;}

p: first-letter {font-family: Kelly+Slab; font-size:220%; color: blue;}


«head» «», family , , , p: first-letter.

(<)link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Kelly+Slab&subset=latin,cyrillic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' (>).

beautiful caps

"" html css. , – , .. . 40 .

CSS text transform. text transform: none, , . text transform: lowercase, – uppercase. text transform: capitalize , .

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