With the advent of computers and the network, corresponding programs have also appeared that are intended for remote control of the system and for data transmission at a distance. First of all, such software is embedded inside the operating system in a standard form, which greatly simplifies the problem - no search for software for remote control will be required. In order to connect to a specific computer from a distance, you can use the usual Windows console terminal, called the command line, or in another way - cmd.
In order to connect to a specific computer on the network remotely, you just have to take full advantage of the command line. For remote control of the system there is a command "telnet". This command will provide not only information extraction, but also control of all actions occurring in this system.The telnet command is present on all versions of Windows. But not on all versions of Windows, this command is configured as needed. For example, to use "telnet" on Windows 7, you need to make a number of simple settings for connecting this module.
All that is required for the telnet command to be available is the presence of a network, as well as the presence of a system user in the administrator group. All settings are made through the menu options "services.msc". This service can be launched through a search. When it starts, you need to click on the inscription "telnet" with the right mouse button on the mouse and then select the properties. In the properties, you can carry out a wide variety of settings for this connection, as well as change the startup type of this service. "Telnet" for windows 7 contains three startup options: manual mode, automatic mode and shutdown mode.
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