Guard breeds of dogs for the home: photos and description

When you have a private house, you will definitely need to get a guard breed dog. It is worth noting that these dogs are often of interest to owners of not only houses, but also apartments. It is very important to choose the one that will suit you and will serve to protect the home from a wide variety of guard and guard dog breeds. It is also important that such a dog becomes a great friend of the whole family.

It must be clearly understood that guard breeds of dogs are not toys. Such animals are extremely dangerous, serious, they can protect, but without proper upbringing they can harm both the owner himself and his family.

Having made his own choice on a particular breed, it is necessary to thoroughly study its history, habits, and character. You need to know how to behave with the animal, what it loves, and what can become a cause of strong aggression for it.

Guard dog: how to choose?

On what points is it worth determining the best breed of guard dogs? A person’s choice is influenced by a large number of factors. Everything will depend on the specific criteria and requirements of each owner individually, as well as the living conditions of the pet.

Features of choosing a dog for a private house

As a rule, a dog for his own house is an animal that is kept on the street with a free entrance to the house. An alternative variation is life in the courtyard with an equipped booth and aviary. The main parameters by which it is worth choosing a guard breed of dogs for a private house are:

  • huge, large or medium size pet;
  • thick coat, fine undercoat;
  • devotion together with independence;
  • inborn distrust of those who come.

It will be great if the selected breed has a developed intellect so that it can make some decisions and behave normally in very difficult situations.

tibetan mastiff

It is worth saying that no matter what breed the dog is, it is forbidden to keep it on the chain. A leash can only become a temporary measure while the guests are going to the house or if the gates are open. However, it is impossible to keep the dog's guard breed on a leash longer than this period. All animals of this kind are extremely active and hardy in nature. And the restriction of freedom will simply entail unpleasant consequences. Stress brings animals to a mental change. And an inadequate dog has always been considered a threat.

Dog to guard the apartment: features of choice

When choosing a guard breed of a dog for an apartment, more specific restrictions must be observed. However, here again, everything will depend on the owner's own preferences and the dimensions of the living space. Real fans without any discomfort live with mastiffs and mastiffs. And what are the distinguishing features of medium-sized dog breeds? Let's look at them:

  • medium or small sizes;
  • not very strong molting or its absence;
  • short coat;
  • lack of dog smell - a specific indicator that many do not consider important;
  • lack of salivation tendency;
  • cleanliness, compactness.

Dogs for human security

All dog breeds with the qualities of security guards can be classified as bodyguards, even if they are not pronounced. The instinct of protection is fixed, as a rule, with love for the owner. Every dog ​​has teeth, and she can start using them when she needs to. It is also worth considering the stability of the nervous system. Small dogs, afraid of loud noises, will bite only when the threat approaches them. For example, a border collie, which, in principle, has no aggression, will go into battle only under threat to its owner. The conclusion is very simple - a bodyguard dog is formed as a result of education on the background of a normal psyche.

It is worth noting that for a good guard breed dog, a loud voice and good hearing are quite enough, regardless of size. Potential villains very often run away after hearing a very loud bark. In fact, every dog ​​barks when something wrong happens. Therefore, any dog ​​can become a guard.

Small watchdogs

It is worth saying that there are certain small guard breeds of dogs that are famous for their own excellent watchdog qualities:

  1. Boston Terrier. The breed was bred more than a century ago in America by crossing an English bulldog with an English terrier. The dog has a small stature, good hearing and clear barking, which will serve as a warning to the owner that something is happening. A stranger will not be able to get into an apartment unnoticed. The dog will necessarily warn about its penetration.
  2. American Eskimo Spitz. It happens both small and medium height. A dog was bred from a German Spitz. The color of the coat is often white and in rare cases goes cream. In the form of guard breeds of dogs for the home, they have been used for a long time.
    French Bulldog.

  3. French Bulldog. This is a small dog. She was bred from an English bulldog. This is a very temperamental, unusually bold and very loving children guard dog breed for a private house, as well as for an apartment.
  4. Chihuahua. This breed is the smallest. The dog is very agile, fearless and fast. It is rare to find a cowardly individual of this breed.
  5. Pekingese. The voice of such a dog will not be inferior to the barking of a Chihuahua. The breed was bred in China more than 2000 years ago. These lovely pets are used to being pampered and are waiting to be cherished. However, at this very time, the Pekingese does not forget about his work and is always ready to defend the property and the owner himself.

Huge guard breeds

Central asian shepherd dog

Especially large, the best guard breeds of dogs include:

  1. Central Asian Shepherd Dog. In another way, this breed is called Alabay. These huge animals were very popular in the territory from Tatarstan to China. Those who choose a breed for the protection of a private house, it is best to look at such large animals. Alabai by sight is able to frighten uninvited guests. Its height is 65–70 cm, and the mass is in the range of 40–80 kg.
    Caucasian Shepherd Dog

  2. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. People who pick up a guard breed can be advised to look at such animals with a strong character. Representatives of this breed have long been recognized as one of the best dogs for guarding a private house. They have a frightening appearance and large size, which can simply scare an intruder by themselves.
  3. Slovak Chuvach. It is worth taking a closer look at the indicated snow-white animals. They are powerful beautiful animals with well-developed muscles and an oblong head. The height of an adult is in the range of 59–70 cm with a weight of 32–44 kg. One of the distinguishing features is the uneven color in white.
  4. Buryat-Mongol wolfhound. Representatives of this breed are considered the best guards. In ancient times, they were used by nomads to accompany sheep flocks and protect human habitation. Large and beautiful animals are of considerable size. An adult male may be more than 74 cm tall.
  5. Tibetan mastiff. Those who want to know about the best guard dog for a private home can be advised to look at Tibetan mastiffs. They long ago served faithfully at the dwelling of Buddhist monks. The weight of such a breed is 60–70 kg, and the height of an adult male is approximately 70 cm.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd

These unique animals are rightfully one of the best breeds of dogs to guard at home. They perfectly combine beauty and excellent working qualities. The Germans are very devoted to their owner and his family. They are extremely cautious about coming and rely all the time on beautiful natural intuition. These animals are extremely patient and restrained. They are perfectly trained and require constant loads of the physical plan.


Despite their growth, dogs are extremely compact and have short hair. This allows you to keep the dog in the house or apartment. The breed has inherently protective skills and constantly stands guard over its own territory. Rottweilers should be considered a dangerous breed, but everything will depend on the upbringing and experience of the owner.

guard breeds of dogs for a private house


The breed does not need to be compared with the "thinner Rottweiler." Doberman is by nature a bodyguard and patrol servant. At first, the breed was bred for work in the police, because of which the dogs are very restrained, physically developed.

German boxer

The dog itself has a short coat and is very compact, as well as hardy, suitable for protecting the territory and family. Representatives of this breed do not need special training, as they protect the owner at the level of instincts. ZKS courses are recommended only to those individuals who absolutely do not understand how to handle their own skills.

Species which are unsuitable for protection

There are no security qualities or it is almost impossible to develop them in the following dog breeds:

  1. Hunting, in addition to unique dogs such as huskies, schnauzers or certain terriers. All breeds show anger towards animals, cannot live in an individual house. Even if you do not have a cat or a bird, then your neighbors can acquire an economy.
  2. Fight breeds. Here it must be said that with proper training, even a dog that is kind to people shows itself to be an excellent guard in a dangerous situation.
  3. Rescuers, guide and family breeds. They are extremely friendly and peaceful, which is why they can’t simply scare the villain.

It is worth noting that frequent diseases of domestic animals are caused by worms in the intestines. Therefore, the owner belongs to the risk group and may simply not know about it for a long time. Do not neglect the measures to prevent parasites in your body and take care of all family members.

Differences between guard and guard dog

For many people, the dog in the house is not just a friend, but a reliable protector of the whole family. It is worth noting that there are big differences between the guard and the guard dog. This must be known especially to the owners of such animals. Guard dogs will bark extremely loudly to give the owner a warning about the danger that has arisen, and they will not take any other action. Moreover, such tactics are justified and very productive.

The behavior of the guard and guard dogs is different. For this reason, choosing between these animals, you need to understand for what purpose you take your dog. You need to know that no dog will be an excellent guard if she does not have the appropriate skills.

Guard dogs will do everything in their power to prevent them from encroaching on the owner’s territory, or they will make it impossible to harm the owner directly. A guard dog will attack a person only in a situation where the behavior of the villain will provoke a real threat to the health and life of the owner. In a large number of cases, damage to the body, of course, does not reach. Since the loud voice and the terrifying appearance of the dog immediately frighten off the attacker, encroaching on the life and territory of the dog’s owner.

dog breed boston terrier

You need to know the nature of the guard dogs. When an animal from an early age was sent for training and socialization by qualified craftsmen, it will be gentle and affectionate with the owner and his family. Incorrect training can lead to the fact that the dog will not show aggression in critical situations or, on the contrary, poorly control their emotions even in relation to the owner and his relatives.

Little conclusion

Now you know what the most protected breeds of dogs are, what qualities they possess. Representatives of this category were also named, their external data was described. We hope that this information was very interesting and useful for you.

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