Lecithin during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Is lecithin allowed during pregnancy? After all, this is an important time in the life of every representative of the fair sex. The body of a woman becomes vulnerable to the effects of adverse environmental factors. That is why during pregnancy it is necessary to consume more nutrients. Thus, a woman not only strengthens her own health, but also helps her unborn child develop. One of the essential substances is lecithin. Its deficiency can affect not only the condition of the future mother, but also the health of the baby.

The benefits and harms of lecithin for the body

lecithin benefits and harm to the body

This is the main thing that interests the future mom. Therefore, we suggest first to understand what the properties of lecithin are. To begin with, this is the general name for a group of fat-like substances that are essential for the human body. They protect human cells, mainly nerve cells. Another function of this substance is the formation of choline, which is necessary for the production of acetylcholine, which, in turn, transfers impulses to the accumulation of cells of the nervous system. Deficiency of the lecithin content in the baby’s body is compensated by the consumption of breast milk. That is why it is very important that the level of matter in the expectant mother was normal.

In addition, lecithin has a positive effect on the appearance of a pregnant woman. It gives shine to hair, prevents hair loss, favorably affects the condition of the skin. He is also able to significantly reduce cholesterol. The substance helps to normalize weight. The properties of lecithin help slow down the aging process, prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

However, some experts do not recommend the use of lecithin in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as during lactation. Therefore, we strongly advise you to consult your doctor. It is he who will be able to give the most correct answer, about which lecithin will bring benefit or harm to the body of a particular pregnant woman. And do not try to experiment on health without medical advice!

How to Replenish Lecithin in the Body

sunflower lecithin for pregnant

There are two ways to fill the deficiency of a substance in the human body:

  • through the use of special drugs;
  • by consuming certain foods.

It can be obtained with food by regularly consuming corn and wheat grains, as well as peas, lentils and various oils: linseed, olive, and sunflower.

Pregnant lecithin is best taken in the form of medications. Preparations containing this substance have the same name:

  1. "Lecithin KA";
  2. Lecithin Premium;
  3. "Lecithin Standard";
  4. Lecithin Asset.

One capsule of the drug contains about seventy grams of oil. That is why many doctors advise in order to increase the level of lecithin in the body to use pharmacy capsules, and not on products. Most people agree with specialists, since taking oils in their pure form is quite problematic. Drugs are dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

Mechanism of action

capsule lecithin

The action of lecithin is carried out at the cellular level. The substance helps strengthen the outer shells of cells, and also improves their regenerative properties and normalizes protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The action of lecithin extends not only to the body of the expectant mother, but also favorably affects the condition of the baby.

In addition, the substance strengthens the nervous system, stabilizes the mental state of a woman. A sufficient lecithin content will allow the fair sex to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as postpartum depression.

In addition, the component stimulates an increase in lymphocytes, which entails the strengthening of the body's immune forces.

Indications for use

pregnancy lecithin

Lecithin is recommended for use not only during pregnancy, but also in the early stages after childbirth. The drug can help with such phenomena as:

  • depression after childbirth;
  • rehabilitation of delivery with complications;
  • preterm delivery;
  • the postpartum period, complicated by various infectious and viral diseases;
  • unstable mental state, frequent mood swings without objective reasons;
  • overwork;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervousness;
  • overload of the body, both physical and emotional.

Taking drugs with lecithin will help a woman survive the difficult period after childbirth.

Store the drug in a place inaccessible to children at a temperature of fifteen to twenty-five degrees.

Effect on the fetus

lecithin properties

Taking drugs with lecithin also affects the body of the unborn baby. This substance helps to improve liver function, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the fetus. A woman's use of lecithin during pregnancy will positively affect the future mental abilities of the child. He will absorb information better than others.

In addition, lecithin increases the chances of survival and normal development of babies born before the due date. This is especially true for children born before the thirtieth week of pregnancy. Lecithin can prevent vision loss in premature babies, as well as impaired respiratory system.


Despite the huge number of positive properties, drugs with lecithin have a number of contraindications. These include intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as an increase in blood sugar, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism. Lecithin is not allowed for people with alcohol dependence, as well as people with cirrhosis or hepatitis. A woman needs to understand that during breastfeeding and during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to take drugs in the form of a solution.

Taking the drug in the presence of contraindications entails serious consequences. There may be side effects such as dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea or vomiting, hiccups, bitterness in the oral cavity, as well as pain in the stomach, in the right hypochondrium. Digestive problems may occur, including bloating and diarrhea. Some women experience a significant decrease in appetite.

The occurrence of side effects is observed not only in the mother, but also in the newborn baby. In a baby, they appear as a small pink rash and red spots. There may be a malfunction in the liver.

Drug cost

Is lecithin pregnant?

The cost of the drug is not particularly high. That is why it is available to almost every woman, regardless of financial situation. A pack of thirty lecithin capsules can be purchased on average for one hundred to two hundred rubles. The best price for drugs can be found on websites on the Internet. Most often they will be produced by foreign manufacturers.


pregnancy lecithin reviews

Many women take lecithin during pregnancy. The drug has a mostly positive response. Expectant mothers note that taking the remedy helps to get rid of stress, constant mood swings. Lecithin helps to improve mood, improve the emotional state.

In addition, future mothers note that regular intake of the substance makes them more resistant to stressful situations, helps to make the necessary decisions faster, improving brain function.

Some representatives of the fair sex, who are in an "interesting position", note that lecithin during pregnancy helps to get rid of insomnia and constant anxiety. The drug contributes to the disappearance of chronic fatigue. Many mothers continue taking drugs after childbirth. According to women, this allows them to better adapt to changing living conditions.


To the question of expectant mothers about whether lecithin is possible for pregnant women, doctors respond positively. However, it is strongly recommended that you refuse to take the substance in the form of a solution. Because it contains alcohol. It is better to give preference to capsules. Lecithin is a substance necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Preparations containing it help to improve the condition of the expectant mother and favorably affect the condition of the fetus.

Taking the substance during pregnancy significantly increases the chances of the future baby to survive and develop normally in the event of premature or complicated delivery. Regular use of drugs with lecithin significantly reduces the risk of loss of vision and malfunctioning of the nervous system in infants born before the due date. This is especially true for children born before the thirtieth week of pregnancy. Lecithin favorably affects the liver and digestive system of the unborn child. Therefore, it can be recommended to expectant mother.

Lecithin during pregnancy is necessary. It improves the psycho-emotional state of a woman, giving the opportunity for the expectant mother to enjoy the interesting state of her body and enjoy the baby.

Lecithin is actively used for weight loss, due to the fact that the constituent component stimulates the production of energy and improves the functioning of body systems. The substance is recommended for use by persons suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

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