At what age should a dog be castrated? The consequences of castration dogs

Sooner or later, such a question arises before the owners, and often they are inclined to think that it is necessary to castrate the pet. But there are those who doubt the need for such a procedure. This seems inhumane towards the pet. In addition, myths about the fact that dogs need mating for health should not be discounted.

Castration dogs pros and cons

Understanding concepts

Most people believe that castration is a procedure for males, while females undergo sterilization. But it is not so. During sterilization, the fallopian tubes or seminal ducts are ligated. As a result, sexual desire and the ability to mate are preserved. But the offspring of these individuals will no longer be.

Castration is a more radical procedure. In this case, the animal completely loses its reproductive organs. For females - this is the uterus and ovaries, for males - the testicles. That is, in the first case, there is a violation of sexual functions, and in the second, their complete deprivation.

Why castrate animals?

If the question is about the female, then everything is clear. After castration, she will not attract males or run away "in all serious ways", exposing herself to a variety of dangers. There will be no estrus, uncontrolled mating. You do not have to attach puppies or get rid of them in different ways, not always humane. That is, there are a lot of pluses.

But males, most owners do not dare to deprive of male dignity. And completely in vain. For a male, a high level of hormones in the absence of a partner becomes the root cause of aggressive behavior. They mark the territory, jump on the owners, including children.

During walks, they become uncontrollable. They can attack others with a male and chase females. If those estrus ends, then in dogs this condition is year-round. The dog after castration becomes much calmer. Sometimes this procedure is performed on medical grounds. The cause may be an inflammatory process in the genitals or the formation of cancerous tumors.

Castration dogs, price

At what age should a dog be castrated?

All doubts of the owners dispel veterinarians. They say that all dogs that are not in breeding must be neutered. Today, if a stray dog ​​enters a shelter, then, as far as financial capabilities are concerned, employees also try to perform this operation as soon as possible.

There is an idea that at least once in a lifetime a dog should give birth. This is supposedly necessary for proper metabolism and the knowledge of joy from procreation. These are nothing more than everyday myths. The absence of sex hormones, on the contrary, favorably affects the metabolism, which slows down slightly. This leads to the fact that the animal becomes calmer, and life expectancy increases. Therefore, you can already consult with a veterinarian today at what age to castrate a dog. This can be done throughout life. The exception is the puppy's body, before puberty.

Dog after castration

There is a right to life

This procedure is not at all a barbaric method of depriving an animal of the right to reproduce. In urban conditions, puppies often find themselves on the street after they have been identified in good hands. So you will render a great service to the animal itself and society if you take the pet to the doctor on time. Do not believe? Let's take a look together.

Androgens and estrogens are such powerful hormones that they are able to completely subdue the consciousness of the animal. The instinct of reproduction is stronger than self-preservation. Shoots from home contribute to severe exhaustion and often become a direct or indirect cause of the death of the animal. And not a single dog thinks about “not getting me puppies”. They live only "here and now", and the desire to have offspring is due solely to hormonal surges. To confirm this, just remember how they relate to their grown offspring. Often even aggression is manifested towards them. If vets are asked at what age to castrate a dog, then it is usually recommended not to delay with this. As soon as the puppy is 10-12 months old, you can choose a time for her. Of course, according to individual indications, surgery can be done either earlier or postponed.

For thought

The absence of sex hormones in the body has many more advantages than disadvantages. Castrated animals live longer, they are much less likely to receive various injuries and injuries. They are less likely to break off the leash for a walk, smelling the smell of a partner. Both males and females are less susceptible to severe diseases of the genitourinary system.

At what age should a dog be castrated? This can be done at any time, if only the state of health of the animal allowed to undergo surgery. Therefore, the first thing to do is to go through an examination and pass the necessary tests. By the way, pregnancy and childbirth are also very great stress for the body. Add to this the likelihood of pathological birth, which is not uncommon for thoroughbred animals. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out a cesarean section in order to extract puppies into the light. Ask the clinic how much such services cost. Many after this already look differently at the motherhood of their pet.

Do not forget about diseases that are transmitted sexually. This is chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, venereal sarcoma. They require treatment with expensive drugs and can cause the death of the animal. Mostly contagious to humans.

The consequences of castration dogs

Positive sides

Let's summarize what happens after castration. The dog becomes more suitable for keeping in the apartment. This applies to bitches and males. Males usually calm down, stop marking the territory and show aggression to others. And this applies not only to people, but also to dogs. He does not get involved in a fight and is uninteresting for other males himself.

Sexual attraction in the animal decreases, and interest in the opposite sex disappears. The pros and cons of castration dogs certainly need to be weighed, but in most cases the former outweigh the latter.

Security qualities

There are also many myths here. By analogy with cats, people believe that dogs, after removing the testes, will only sleep on the couch and eat. In fact, the animal ceases to worry, it increases its appetite and there is a huge desire to play. But attempts to gain a leadership position very quickly come to naught.

Considering the pros and cons of castration dogs, someone can say that the nature of his pet has not changed at all. Of course, this operation cannot completely change the character; it only slightly corrects it. For more obvious changes, training, sufficient physical activity and training are needed.

There is a myth that the result of castration of dogs will be a complete loss of protective qualities. But in reality there is no connection between these two phenomena. If the animal was an excellent guard, then after the operation, nothing will change. If we are talking about a young animal, the decisive role will be played by a good trainer.

Do I need to castrate a dog?

Cons of castration

If you decide whether to castrate the dog, then these points must also be considered. Like any other surgical intervention, castration has possible side effects and complications. Among the main disadvantages, hormonal imbalance can be noted, which cannot but affect the health of the animal.

What disorders can develop during this operation? Castration of dogs is not at all such an innocent operation as it might seem at first glance. It can cause the following violations:

  • The development of hypothyroidism. That is, a decrease in the functionality of the thyroid gland and the amount of hormones produced by it.
  • Bone cancer.
  • Obesity. An increase in appetite after castration often causes overweight.
  • Change in coat. The lack of male hormone leads to the fact that the coat becomes soft, like a puppy.

Dog owners need to know that animals are very difficult to tolerate anesthesia. Veterinarians estimate the danger from its introduction is much higher than the surgery itself. If you give a small dosage, the dog will wake up during the operation. And if you exceed the norm, there is a risk of cardiac arrest. It is on this basis that some veterinarians oppose castration. Especially if your pet is not too worried about his behavior.

How is the operation?

General anesthesia is used so that the animal does not feel pain. Preparatory activities include the following:

  • The animal is located on a sterile surface.
  • Anesthesia is administered.
  • Wool is removed from the site of a future operation.
  • The incision area is disinfected.

Veterinarians make cuts on the scrotum for males and pull the spermatic cord. After this, the testes are amputated. The duration of the operation is about 5 minutes, after which the wounds are sprinkled with a powder composition, which avoids complications.

In females, the operation is more complicated. The doctor cuts the inguinal region and removes the ovaries. In some cases, the uterus is removed along with them. The procedure lasts about an hour. After this, a special blanket is put on so that the dog does not lick the seam. The price of castration of dogs differs among themselves almost twice, depending on the sex of the animal.

Dog castration operation

Suitable age

You can contact the veterinary clinic on this issue at any time, but there are recommended age limits. Before 6 months, this operation is not recommended, as this will adversely affect the physical development of the animal. Therefore, it is best to wait up to 10 months. Some veterinarians recommend castrating a female before the first estrus. But it can come in 5 or 7 months. That is, you have to survive it. The price of castration for dogs depending on gender and body weight is from 1,500 to 7,000 rubles.

Dry food for neutered dogs

Instead of a conclusion

Contrary to public opinion, this operation does not have a detrimental effect on the body if there are no individual contraindications. The hormonal background is quickly rebuilt and will return to normal. Many believe that the genitourinary system in castrated animals suffers greatly. She really is more vulnerable and requires special care. Therefore, it is recommended not to restrict the pet's access to clean water and to buy special dry food for neutered dogs.

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