How to care and how to feed a turtle

If you bought a turtle as your pet, then you should immediately warn that it is only necessary to keep the turtle in the terrarium. It is a mistake to think that these reptiles feel comfortable when they walk around the apartment or live on the floor. Under such conditions, the tortoise may be injured, swallow harmful objects, or climb under the battery, get stuck and die.

Before you purchase it, you should decide what to feed the turtle and where it will live. An ideal place to stay is a horizontal terrarium, preferably with a hanging island. If you have a waterfowl reptile, you will need at least 200 liters of water. The island should be located in the center of the aquarium. It can be made of two ordinary plates, which are mounted at an angle. Such an island is needed so that the turtle can get out of the water to land. Before feeding the turtle, it should be remembered that the food for land and aquatic reptiles is different. The diet should be varied, and access to food constant. Only under such conditions will your pet survive to 30 years.

If you purchased land turtles, then the terrarium should be at least one square meter in size. Depending on the habitat of each species, you need to choose the right temperature. As a rule, it is 25-30 degrees. Soil up to 10 cm high should be put at the bottom of the terrarium. It is necessary so that the reptiles do not erase the claws, since this in turn can lead to deformation of the legs. The turtle also likes to hide, so a small box should be put inside its lair. Place it in the part that is not heated. The drawer should be cool. As you can see, caring for turtles is not such a simple matter. During the summer, reptiles can be taken out from time to time so that she can enjoy the sun's rays. If your house is private, then enclose a small area and plant grass there. For a turtle, this place will be just perfect. On the site, the fence should be mandatory, the turtles are much more nimble than you can imagine. Caring for turtles is least of all a hassle in spring, as these reptiles go into hibernation.

How to feed a turtle throughout the year? These reptiles feed on plants, so they should constantly receive vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries and leaves of wild plants. If you buy food for your "pet", then it is best to mix it with grated apples or other fruits. Dry food will be much better absorbed. Dandelion and potato leaves can also be added to the resulting mixture. Such food will be more useful and balanced than feeding the turtle in turn, first with food, then with leaves. Occasionally, meat or fish can also be given to reptiles. There are some individuals who are happy to taste low-fat varieties of chicken or boiled fish.

Young individuals should be fed two to three times a day; an adult turtle once is enough. Owners of these funny animals should know that they should have a hungry day several times a month. This is a prerequisite for the health and growth of the animal.

The turtle, the care of which should be close, actively drinks water, and sometimes likes to soak in it. For maximum convenience, pallets and drinking bowls need to be slightly sunk in the ground. For drinking, water must be at least room temperature, while swimming is suitable for water a little cooler. Never pour water from a tap. Let the jar stand for several hours. The turtle, which also includes swimming, is very whimsical to water procedures and sensitive to chlorinated water. You should bathe the reptile once every two days in water, the temperature of which is at least 35 degrees. Bathing for a turtle is not only pleasure, but also stimulation of appetite.

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