How to open .sig extension? Description of the file format and related programs

Often, bumping into the * .sig format, people wonder what it is. The second, immediately after the first, is the question: "How to open the sig extension?".

What is sig?

The sig extension ( English signature - signature) is a digital signature file format . Most often used in documentation sent via email. For a simple user, this format can be found once or twice, but in a commercial environment it is not uncommon.

sig extension than open

, , , sig - , , txt doc (docx). ( , , . .), ( , ) .

*.sig ?

mail- gmail-, , , - . , , sig-. ? :

  • Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft.
  • Eudopa - . , Windows, "" MacOS.
  • Mozilla ThunderBird, Opera Mail - .

- . " sig-", , .

sig than open for free

"" - . *.sig. "" Windows, . , .

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