All cats, without exception, lick their hair, and they do this not because they are extremely clean, but because of the desire to comb their hair, remove unwanted undercoat and get rid of the unpleasant odor. Such an action can cause indigestion, since there is a high probability that the hair will directly enter the stomach. If wool builds up in your stomach, then your furry pet will be chased by nausea. Disturbing the digestive process, woolen lumps can cause constipation. In this case, vaseline oil for cats will be an excellent tool.
In a healthy cat, the intestines empty up to 2 times a day. Therefore, such a phenomenon as constipation, the owner can determine without much difficulty. In such an unpleasant situation, fecal masses accumulate in the large intestine, remain inside and are not excreted, thereby poisoning the body of the animal. And this entails impaired performance of the liver, kidneys, gives a load on the heart, and also entails problems with hair and skin. To avoid such problems, petroleum jelly is used in the fight against constipation. This drug has a pronounced laxative effect, it lubricates, and is not absorbed into the intestinal wall, as a result of which stool softens and is eliminated from the body.
How much to give a cat Vaseline oil
It is advisable to calculate the dose together with the veterinarian, since he can accurately determine for a particular case the need for medicine and the amount that corresponds to the weight of the cat. But if necessary, you can handle it yourself. Cats weighing approximately 5 kg should be given 4-5 cubes of oil. If this dosage at the owner raises concerns about the health status of your beloved pet, you can start to give oil in a small amount, while carefully monitoring the result. Vaseline oil for cats will not bring much harm to health, since it is not absorbed into the intestinal wall, as mentioned above, but has an exclusively local effect.
It is necessary to give oil in the morning. This is best done on an empty stomach, because from this procedure after eating your pet can vomit. The dose of oil depends on how much your pet weighs.
Petroleum jelly: application for cats
Pour the oil into a syringe without a needle and very carefully pour it into the cat's mouth. It is important to try to do this in such a way that it does not fall into the language. It is better to pour the medicine a little to the side so that it immediately flows down the throat. During the procedure, the cat should never lie. If in the evening your pet does not go to the toilet, then he should again be given petroleum jelly. For cats, usually even with severe constipation, a double dose is sufficient. If after this there is no bowel movement, then the next day again repeat the whole procedure.
If the cat has severe constipation, then this remedy can be given through an enema. In the veterinary or regular pharmacy, purchase the smallest enema and use it for this procedure.