Health Day in kindergarten - happiness for the child

health day in kindergarten

For many of us (probably with a few exceptions), kindergarten has remained in our memory a sort of magical country. Taking their children there already, everyone hopes that the baby will fall into a fairy tale, where they will teach him to love, create, learn to be kind and, of course, healthy. And indeed it is. After all, no childcare institution is notable for so many diverse approaches for becoming a future full-fledged personality, like a kindergarten. A number of holidays, matinees, entertainment, games, thematic days - this is not a complete list of events aimed at developing and strengthening the children's body. Health Day in kindergarten, as one of these events, deserves special attention.

Its goal is to cover all kindergarten children with various forms of physical education throughout the day, to intensify wellness work in groups. The content of the work is determined by the capabilities of the educators and the desire of the children. And the greatest desire among kindergarten students is a game. The game is the need of every child, it gives kids joy and enjoyment, develops the ability to become aware of their actions and deeds. It is the outdoor game that has a great advantage for the full development of the child. The nature of mobile activity in many games provides both muscle work and the possibility of personal initiative for children. Outdoor games stimulate the mental development of the child, regulate and deepen children's ideas about the environment, develop attention, memory. Another feature of outdoor games is to foster a sense of mutual assistance and support for the team. We must not forget that in the activities included in the Day of Health in kindergarten, as far as possible, all pupils of the kindergarten should participate. Therefore, an individual approach to each pupil is very important in this case. Based on this, the age factor should be taken into account so that Health Day in kindergarten really turns out to be a holiday, and does not become an overwhelming contest.

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Do not forget about the role of parents in the preparation and organization of Health Day. After all, how much the kids' activity will increase if they know that a close person is nearby, passionately “rooting” for them and fully supporting them in all their endeavors. And if one of the parents also takes part in the competition, there will be no limit to joy! From this, children's holidays, contests dedicated to health promotion will only benefit.

Health Day should help children become stronger, faster and, most importantly, healthier. To do this, be sure to choose games that are related to movement around the territory, running and various strength exercises. All sorts of relays, games for speed of reaction like “Third - superfluous”, “Cat and mouse”, ball games, etc. are perfect, the development of muscle mass, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system - all this will be the result of correctly selected exercises. The main thing is that all events be held in a playful way.

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You should also pay close attention to the distribution of games over time. After all, it has long been known that, having eaten, you can not engage in physical exercises. You should also not run around before bedtime. Give the children the opportunity to run and jump, and then play cognitive games with them that will attract the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle. An example is the game of separating good and bad habits from pictures. You can discuss with children the benefits of hardening, the need to wash hands and brush teeth, eat right (there are not only sweets, but also vegetables, meat, fruits, cereals), etc. Moreover, everything needs to be done in an interesting game form so that the pupils do not get bored .

The mood of children, their spiritual and physical condition will be the higher, the more thoroughly the training of teachers will be, the more thoughtful will be the physical education activities, games and scripts of children's holidays for preschool children. And there are no trifles here! After all, it is so necessary that every Health Day in kindergarten be special and memorable, capable of becoming a vivid tale that can be remembered for many years. After all, children are the only happiness in our life, for the sake of which it is worth trying and giving all your best to hear their loud laugh and see a joyful gleam in your eyes!

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