What feed the children in a year or two: tips and tricks

All mothers know that the best food for a young child is mother's milk. But the time comes, and it is time to introduce complementary foods, to feed the baby with adult food. And if everything is more or less clear with complementary foods, then far from all mothers know what they feed their children a year . And it's pretty simple!

what feed the children a year


Before announcing a small list of food and dishes for a child of the second year of life, it is worth saying that the diet of such a baby will be slightly different than that of an adult. He needs to eat every 4 hours, so snacks and food will be required before bedtime. Also at this time, the mother still has to carefully monitor the child’s reaction to the newly introduced products, because they can cause allergies or other undesirable moments. Well, of course, you need to remember that children (however, as well as adults) need to prepare dishes only from high-quality and freshest products. And no matter how you wouldn’t like to pamper your baby with yummy, it is better to exclude cakes, chocolate and other products containing large amounts of sugar from the child’s diet.

how to feed a baby a year and a half


So, what do children feed for breakfast a year? The first meal should be very dense, because the baby did not eat all night, so he will be hungry. You can make a crumb omelette steamed and give half a piece of bread, oiled. It is worth noting that it is better for such peanuts to consume white varieties of bread, because it is much easier to digest. You can give your child cereal for breakfast (both gluten-free and gluten-free), a little butter can be added to the porridge. You must also remember that the baby wants to drink breakfast. For this, children's tea, compote, uzvar, jelly or juice is suitable.


If the mother wants to cook dinner for the baby, it is worth remembering that the crumbs menu in the second year of life will be approximately the same. Therefore, advice on how to feed a child (one and a half years or two - it does not matter) will be approximately the same. So, lunch can consist of a vegetable salad, where all the ingredients will be grated. Next comes the soup - vegetable or milk. It is important to remember that you should not give your child pasta more often than once a week. It is also better not to abuse potatoes, because it contains a lot of starch. After the soup, the child can be given vegetable puree prepared from a mixture of various vegetables. We must not forget about meat. It is cooked separately, you can make meatballs or meatballs for a couple. Fish should not be given too often, just a couple of times a week, it’s better to cook or steam it. Dinner is washed down with compote or juice.

how to feed a child 2 years old

High tea

What do children feed for an afternoon snack a year? Here you can give your baby low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, soufflé. Fruit purees are also good. Closer to six months of age, you can offer pancakes with cottage cheese, cookies (homemade or special, baby), because the baby already has enough teeth to chew it all. You can drink again tea, juice, compote, uzvar.


What do children feed for dinner a year? Here porridge or mashed potatoes are perfect, it is possible with meat or fish. Fruit purees are good for dinner as an appetizer. With drinks, you need to be more careful, because at night it is better not to give the child a lot of drink.

Before bedtime

For children of the second year of life, nutrition before bedtime is also important. If the baby is still breastfeeding, breast milk will be enough. If not, you can give milk porridge, baby kefir or yogurt. It is better to refuse to drink. It is up to mom to decide how to feed a 2-year-old child before bedtime, but at this age the diet already changes somewhat and the baby may not even require such late consumption of food.

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