Enterosgel, dosage for dogs: instructions for use and indications

People who have pets in their care know firsthand how difficult it is when a pet is sick. It becomes especially scary when you cannot understand the reason for his malaise. At the first signs of the disease, you need to contact your veterinarian, but before you do everything to make the animal feel better. Today we will talk about the dosage of Enterosgel for dogs. This medicine will help if your pet has diarrhea or vomiting.

Is Enterosgel suitable for animals?

what is enterosgel

Not every person in the arsenal has a first-aid kit for animals in the house, because they get sick much less often than people, and if they get sick, then most often the owners simply don’t notice it or let the disease go by its own accord. In fact, many drugs designed for humans are suitable for dogs and cats, one of which is Enterosgel. How to give the dog, at what dosage, is not prescribed in the instructions for use, and many pour the drug at random.

You can, of course, call your veterinarian or friends who are more experienced in treating animals to find out this information. But you can find the answer in our article.

How to give a dog Enterosgel? The dosage will be prescribed in the future content, but first you need to determine the cause of the ailment, because there are cases when only this drug will help, and it happens that you just can’t do without the help of a specialist.

Description of the drug

how to give the dog medicine

“Enterosgel” is tasteless, it has no smell, it has a gel-like consistency. His work is to remove toxins, allergens from the body, stop diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, the drug reduces the load on the liver, which becomes maximum during poisoning.

"Enterosgel" does not violate the intestinal microflora, it is absolutely safe for the body. The dosage of Enterosgel for dogs is different from what people need, so do not rely on the instructions included in the package. If you give the animal less than necessary, then stop diarrhea as soon as possible. If you give too much, then there will be constipation, which can aggravate the position of the animal.

If constipation occurs while taking the drug, then it will be necessary to suspend treatment not only with Enterosgel, but also with other medicines that are endowed with fixing properties.

Should diarrhea be prevented?

indigestion in dogs

If the animal is unwell, he is tormented by diarrhea or vomiting, urgent measures must be taken to restore the digestive tract. Some will say that everything that caused such an ailment comes out naturally, and it is impossible to stop the process, since harmful substances will remain in the body. It is not right!

During diarrhea and vomiting, not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones come out of the body. Unlike the "evil" bacteria, the "good" ones do not multiply so quickly, and soon they simply will not be able to resist their attack. Enterosgel stops diarrhea and vomiting, but it also removes all the toxins and allergens that caused malaise.

In addition to removing beneficial bacteria from the body, water also leaves, dehydration may occur - a condition dangerous to health and life. To prevent this from happening, you need to give fixing medications, water the dog with plenty of water.

Why does a dog have diarrhea?

food harmful to the dog

There are many dog ​​breeds that have a congenital predisposition to disrupt digestion. Such pets need to be fed with a specialized hypoallergenic food, and food should not be eaten from the table. But in this case, diarrhea or vomiting can begin just like that!

But not only the genetic predisposition disrupts the digestive tract, there are many other reasons:

  1. Most often, the cause of indigestion lies in food poisoning. If the dog eats natural food, he may come across a poor-quality piece, the food can simply turn sour in a bowl, if you do not follow this. Some unscrupulous owners purposefully feed expired products to their pets so as not to throw them away. And of course, an ill-bred animal can deftly treat itself to a "fragrant" piece on the street or from the bin.
  2. Allergy is the second leading cause of diarrhea. There are breeds predisposed to allergies, and there are those dogs that respond to some food, household chemicals, and the spirits of the hostess.
  3. Overeating, changing the schedule of feeding, stress - all this is in third place.
  4. Parasitic infection.
  5. Viral infections - plague, rabies, enteritis.

When will Enterosgel help?

why does the dog have diarrhea

A correctly calculated dosage of Enterosgel for dogs will help only in the first three cases. The medicine will stop diarrhea or vomiting, begin to actively remove toxins in case of poisoning and allergens in case of allergies, and prevent dehydration and the development of dysbiosis.

As for the presence of parasites in the body, Enterosgel will also stop diarrhea and remove toxic waste from their life from the body. But as soon as the drug is stopped, the parasites will start their work anew, and so on. First of all, after giving the drug, buy an anthelmintic, it is now sold in the form of drops at the withers, so that there will be no problems with treatment.

If the cause of the malaise lies in viral infections, then Enterosgel is simply powerless. Yes, he will temporarily stop diarrhea, but he will not be able to remove dangerous viruses, he will urgently need to seek qualified help from a veterinarian. This should be done as quickly as possible, because many diseases for the animal are fatal!

Can I use Enterosgel without a prescription?

how does enterosgel

This medicine is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and does not cause any harm to the body, so you can safely give it to your pet with diarrhea and vomiting. The dosage for Enterosgel dogs is also calculated without a veterinarian if you know the weight of your pet.

The only thing when you can’t do anything without the appointment of a specialist is in case of severe poisoning with poisons and chemicals (there may be a burn of the esophagus), if there is blood in the stool (a sign of internal bleeding when a foreign object enters the intestines, blood can also indicate the presence of a dangerous diseases).

Enterosgel Dosage for Dogs

how to stop diarrhea in a dog

The amount of the drug is calculated individually for each animal. Some may recommend one spoon for puppies and small dogs and two for medium and large breeds. There is no logic in this! The dosage of Enterosgel for diarrhea dogs is calculated by kilograms of weight and depending on the complexity of the course of the disease.

If everything is not so scary and the pet once "pleased" you with loose stools or vomiting, then dilute half a gram of gel for each kilogram of weight in three times the amount of water and sing to the dog.

In the case when the animal vilifies the whole day, it will be necessary to breed already from a gram to two for every kilogram of weight.

Thus, the dosage of Enterosgel for dogs of small breeds and wolfhounds varies greatly, and it is completely wrong to count with spoons one or two depending on size.

How to make a dog take medicine?

diarrhea in a dog

Some animals without pleasure, but voluntarily take the drug. There are people who simply give the pet a lump of gel along with a treat, but in case of poisoning this is unacceptable.

The drug must be diluted in water and drunk to the dog. If the animal refuses treatment, then open its mouth with its head raised, pour medicine from the large syringe without a needle onto the cheek (not in the throat, the dog may choke). Close the mouth, hold it tight so that the pet does not spit out. Also keep your head back until you are sure that the drug has gone to its destination.

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