hyperactive child what to do

Hyperactive child, what to do? We are used to the fact that children run, jump, scream and indulge all the time. They always have a lot of strength and energy, they rush around for days, and in the evening they roll around without legs. But there are some kids who never seem to get tired at all. They behave very actively at home, during a walk and in the kindergarten. Such children are commonly called hyperactive.

If you have a hyperactive child, what should I do? Such children do not try to anger their parents on purpose, they simply often can not cope with this disease on their own. Doctors consider this a disease - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Parents need to look closely at the behavior of their child from the first days of life. You can immediately recognize the first signs of ADHD so you don’t blame yourself and ask yourself: “Hyperactive child, what should I do?” Here is some of them:

  • the child often moves the crib, his actions are chaotic and uncertain, he cannot find a comfortable place;
  • frequent crying for no reason;
  • the baby falls asleep heavily and wakes up from the slightest noise;
  • the child’s sleep is restless and short;
  • poor coordination of movements, the child lags behind his peers in muscle development (later begins to walk, crawl, hold his back), awkward in his movements;
  • begins to speak late, does not remember words well;
  • by 3-4 years, the baby is very active and a little aggressive (constantly throws and breaks toys, tears books), often can’t concentrate on one subject or game, doesn’t finish one thing to the end, switches sharply to another lesson.

Hyperactive children need special attention. You have a naughty child, what you do not know. First of all, such a baby needs a correct and strict regimen. Nutrition, sleep, active games - everything should be at the same time every day, so the body itself will get used to the regime and it will be easier for you to cope with excessive activity.

Since a hyperactive child usually does not know fear and pain, cannot foresee the consequences of his actions, try to pay extra attention to his safety. When he begins to walk and explore the world, remove all “dangerous” objects from his path. When he gets older, conduct explanatory conversations. If necessary, show an example. But in no case do not scream! You can suppress it even more, and this will only make it worse. Learn to be calm and loyal parents. It is better to repeat the same phrase 20 times than hit the child.

A child needs to splash out somewhere his energy and emotions, and the best course is sport. Let him run, swim, jump. This will help him do business and will have a beneficial effect on the children's body. However, active games in the afternoon should be alternated with more passive activities in the evening. Before going to bed, it is better to read a book, listen to a fairy tale, take a bath with aromatic oils. Quiet music and dim lights will also help calm and lull the baby.

"Naughty child, what to do?" - you ask. The most important rule is to be firm in your decision and calm. Do not follow the tears and tantrums. If you said that you need to remove the toys, and then go outside, then this should be so. If you give slack, the child will manipulate you all the time.

For a better concentration of attention and normal development, play with your child interesting games for him. Think up new stories, draw, sculpt, move to music. Try to keep the games short and interesting. The most important thing is to pay attention to your baby, then you can control its development and activity.

So, if you are asked: "Hyperactive child, what should I do?" - you can answer. Only your attention, love and desire to help can sometimes do impossible things. But remember that true hyperactivity is a medical diagnosis, so you can not do without the help of a qualified neurologist.

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