Transparent discharge during pregnancy in the early stages: norm and pathology

At the very beginning of pregnancy, when a woman is just starting to bear a baby, she needs to be especially careful. This is due to the fact that the embryo is still not well fixed on the walls of the uterus, and any troubles with the health of the mother can lead to complications. Some women experience the appearance of clear discharge during early pregnancy. However, do not panic ahead of time. Such discharge is most often considered the norm, but there are some varieties of fluids that are pathological. Therefore, special attention must be paid.

general information

The discharge that a woman notices at the very beginning of the bearing of the baby is normal or pathological. It is worth considering that during this period of life global changes occur in the woman’s body. Progesterone is primarily produced. This so-called pregnancy hormone. He is responsible for ensuring that the fetus is well fixed in the uterine cavity. Also, progesterone is important for the growth and development of the future baby. In addition, this component is involved in the formation of the placenta.

Red dress

Approximately on the tenth day after sexual contact and fertilization of a woman, she may encounter pinkish liquid transparent discharge. During pregnancy, this phenomenon is considered normal. This is by no means a harbinger of miscarriage. In fact, distributing fluid is a signal that the egg is fertilized and the zygote is well fixed on the uterine walls.

As a rule, in this process of fixing the future embryo, insignificant damage to the vessels of the uterus occurs. This leads to minor bleeding, which is often called intonation.

If we talk about the norms of liquid transparent discharge during pregnancy, then do not worry if this happens about two days. If the pinkish liquid appears for a longer period, then in this case it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will conduct the examination.

You need to be very careful with your health to those ladies who have a bright yellow, brown or green hue. If there is a discharge with a sharp unpleasant “aroma”, then this also indicates a health problem for the expectant mother. However, transparent, odorless discharge during pregnancy, even if they take a pinkish tint, are quite common and normal.

Isolation in the first month of pregnancy

By five weeks of an interesting situation, a woman, as a rule, does not even realize that pretty soon she will become a mother. This complicates the diagnosis of not only fertilization itself, but also of possible pathologies that occur in the female body. During this period of time, it is the discharge, their color and consistency, that show the general condition of the young mother. Therefore, do not be shy to describe in detail to the doctor the fluid flowing from the vagina.

If a woman complains of not very abundant transparent discharge during pregnancy, which have no smell, then this indicates that the woman is in a normal state.

It is also worth noting that in the first stages of bearing a baby, many note the appearance of itching and irritation of the skin. In fact, this is not a symptom of any disease. On the contrary, in this way the body makes it clear that the egg has been fertilized.


Similar phenomena are also explained by the active production of progesterone. An absolute norm is considered if a woman has white or transparent-white discharge during pregnancy in the first month of bearing a baby. But the norm is only that liquid from which there is no unpleasant odor.

Most women at the very beginning of bearing a baby notice a more intense appearance of leucorrhoea. However, in this case, the ladies do not feel any discomfort. White or clear-white discharge during pregnancy is quite normal. Moreover, such a liquid is a kind of protection for the fetus.

During this period of carrying the baby, changes in the production of the hormone estrogen and prolactin occur. They are necessary so that in the first weeks of the life of the fetus it is reliably protected from the influence of bacteria and other microorganisms.

It is worth noting that eighty percent of women even have white curdled discharge or even thrush before the conception of the baby. However, up to this point they do not bring discomfort, and some do not pay attention to them. In the first trimester of bearing a baby, more abundant discharge of a transparent color appears. During pregnancy at this time, this phenomenon should not cause concern. In this case, changes in the flora of the vagina of the lady. Also, such secretions are explained by increased hormonal activity.

However, in some situations, the body's immune system weakens. This leads to the development of the fungus. If transparent discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is unpleasant, then this is an alarming signal. The fungus spreads very quickly through the mucous membrane. Therefore, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Isolation in the second month of pregnancy

If during the bearing of a baby the woman does not reveal any complications or pathologies, she is well aware of her situation, then, as a rule, no serious changes occur during this period of time. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that in the second month of pregnancy, the formation of the most important organs of the future baby takes place. At this time, you can already listen to his heart.

Starting from the seventh week, women begin to experience drowsiness, their taste preferences change, very often they begin to eat seemingly completely incompatible products. During this period of time, even more pronounced hormonal changes in the body occur.

Although visually the lady’s stomach has not yet enlarged, she may suffer from vomiting, nausea and heartburn. In addition, many women have a very frequent urge to urinate. In this case, women notice a clear-colored discharge. During pregnancy, such a fluid can be just a few drops of urine. It’s difficult for ladies to control the bladder, so this happens to many. There is nothing to worry about.

Also, during this period of time, strengthening of thrush is considered normal. It develops against the background of the fact that the body's immune system is weakened. It should also not cause concern during pregnancy, the secretion of transparent mucus. Usually it is just leucorrhoea.

At the doctor's

If a woman notes the appearance of a brownish tint in the liquid, then you should pay attention to the day of the month. If this happens during the period when the lady should begin menstruation, then this is the norm. However, it is worth paying attention to the volume of discharge. If too much dark brown liquid flows out, then you should consult a doctor. It is likely that a woman suffers from internal bleeding.

Features of the third month of bearing a baby

The last period of the first trimester is a turning point. Specialists warn women that they should monitor their health, since it is during this period of time that the fetus is most susceptible to various problems. This is due to the fact that up to this point the future baby was in the fetal membrane. Now, all the main functions of support will be carried out at the expense of the placenta.

If the fetus has formed normally, and there is no suspicion of genetic abnormalities, extra chromosomes, etc., then in this case, abundant transparent secretions during pregnancy should completely stop.

In this case, the woman experiences large changes in the hormonal background. Her stomach begins to appear, the breast swells and pours, toxicosis passes (however, sometimes this condition can drag on for up to fourteen weeks) and taste preferences change. She also notes changes in skin color.

If at the twelfth week the lady stopped shedding clear as snot, during pregnancy there were no complications and the doctors did not notice any development of pathology and there was no miscarriage, then in the future the risk of losing the child is significantly reduced.

How to identify normal or suspicious discharge

To independently be able to distinguish pathology from the norm, you can use several recommendations of specialists. It is worth measuring the basal temperature. If it is from 37 to 37.4 °, then this is absolutely normal for this stage of pregnancy. Thick transparent discharge should not cause concern.

Two stripes

If they are too bright, dark or there is a large amount of blood in them, then this indicates a rather dangerous condition, which can even provoke an abortion. If a woman experiences mild pain, then, most likely, the bearing of the baby proceeds normally. However, if a lady suffers from cramping and cramping or increasing pain in the lower back or lower back, then in this case you need to see a specialist. Regardless of the abundance of mucous transparent discharge during pregnancy, severe pain is an alarming sign.

As a rule, at the initial stages of carrying a baby, women do not refuse sexual contact with her husband. In addition, they are constantly examined by a gynecologist, give smears from the vagina and perform other procedures. This can lead to minor damage to the mucous membrane. In this case, slight transparent pink discharge during pregnancy is also considered the norm.

If, after the cessation of toxicosis, a woman still suffers from weakness and vomiting, then one must be careful. All these symptoms usually end earlier. If such a malaise is accompanied by very abundant transparent stretching discharge during pregnancy, and at the same time they smell very bad, then this indicates the likelihood of a miscarriage. Therefore, you should immediately contact a specialist.


It is worth considering that insignificant transparent discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is almost always present in the female body. This is because the cervix independently produces several types of mucus.

Although the period is stopped in women, the uterus continues to secrete mucous fluid. Therefore, on those days when a woman should have menstruation, she notices abundant transparent discharge. In the early stages of pregnancy, this phenomenon is considered normal. It should also be borne in mind that the onset of menstruation and its completion are usually regulated by hormones. This means that progesterone is also activated during this period of time and begins to exert even greater influence on the female body. Transparent mucus is normal not only during pregnancy, but also in girls who are not in position. Based on individual characteristics, liquids in the body of some ladies are released in large volumes. If there is no unpleasant odor or strong pain, then there is no cause for concern.

Implantation bleeding

If, after the onset of conception, a transparent pink discharge appears on the linen of the expectant mother, then this can also indicate this syndrome. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the fetus passes the stage of introduction into the endometrium. After fertilization, the egg is sent to the uterus and fixed on its wall with the help of special villi - the chorion. As a result, special enzymes are produced that begin to corrode the mucous membrane. In this case, there is slight damage to the capillaries located on the walls of the uterus. This phenomenon is not considered dangerous.

In this case, a woman may appear pale pink, yellowish or brownish discharge in the early stages of gestation of the unborn baby. In this case, the liquid flows out rather poorly. Typically, this phenomenon lasts from several hours to two days. If a woman has not yet guessed about her pregnancy, then she can take such discharge for the onset of menstruation, since they are very similar in consistency and shade.

In addition, when implantation bleeding is often observed tingling in the lower abdomen and the sensation as if the uterus is constantly in a state of tension. Similar symptoms are noted in more than thirty percent of pregnant women. However, in order not to suffer from guesses, it is better to visit a doctor once again.

Yellow discharge

If a woman notices not clear discharge during pregnancy, but a bright yellow liquid, then in this case, increased caution should be exercised. The fact is that if the discharge is quite transparent, and there is only a faint yellowish tint in them, then this is considered the norm.

Early term

However, with a rather bright color and provided that the lady has pain, it is worth considering such a symptom as a rather alarming signal. This may indicate a rather serious problem. For example, a woman may suffer from inflammatory processes in the body that are exacerbated during the onset of pregnancy. At the initial stages of bearing a baby, the immunity of the expectant mother is very much weakened. This leads to excessive reproduction of microorganisms, which can cause the development of unpleasant pathologies. It is also worth considering that bright yellow discharge may indicate the likelihood of a miscarriage.

In some situations, this color indicates an allergy. This happens if a lady uses unsuitable cosmetics for intimate hygiene. Also unpleasant symptoms can cause underwear made of synthetic materials. In this case, it is recommended to choose better shower gels and clothes made from natural materials.

Sometimes, if a woman has a bright yellow discharge, then this indicates inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Similar symptoms are characteristic of bacterial vaginal infections. All this can adversely affect the development of the future fetus, therefore it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

Greenish discharge

If during pregnancy the discharge is like a snot, transparent and greenish in color, and at the same time the lady suffers from itching, burning and pain, then most often this indicates that the woman suffers from a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, you need to urgently consult a specialist and develop a course of treatment. At this stage, such a diagnosis is very dangerous. A woman can not take potent antibiotics to get rid of the disease. This can harm an unborn baby.

Bloody issues

If we are talking about spotting, then in this case everything also depends on how bright the shade of the liquid is. Pinkish color is the norm. However, with a brighter shade, one must take into account that, perhaps, a woman suffers from increased sensitivity of some internal organs that make up the reproductive system. Sometimes relatively bright discharge indicates rather strong blood circulation.

This can also happen if the lady decided to have sex, but the partners were too passionate. This could lead to irritation of the cervix or mucous surface. Such minor damage provokes the appearance of blood secretions. However, in this case, they will be more transparent, rather than saturated red.

If the color is quite bright, then this may indicate a rupture of the formed placenta. This means that a sufficient amount of blood has collected around her, which began to be excreted along with the mucus.

Also, a similar phenomenon can occur when a hematoma appears. If the liquid is very dark, then this may indicate that the fetus has already died. If this happens, then after about a week the woman will have to face a spontaneous abortion. Also, such secretions occur in a condition characterized by the fact that the placenta begins to grow too much around the embryo. Because of this, he develops abnormalities. As a rule, most often against this background, the baby dies.

Covers with hands

Also, a dark bloody shade and too abundant discharge can indicate myoma, erosion, polyps and other formations in the pelvic organs. If the discharge is not pinkish, namely red, you should immediately consult a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of losing a child.

Brown tint

Brown is considered one of the most dangerous secretions. , , . , , . . , . - , . . . , .

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