World Metrologist Day: the history of the holiday

Who are the metrologists? This is a very interesting profession, whose representatives are involved in data comparison. Scales that are used in the store, lights that illuminate the road, radars, water, light, heat and gas meters - all of these devices are checked for compliance of measuring instruments with both international and state requirements. Metrologist is a very revered and rare profession. All the more significant is the professional holiday - World Metrologist Day.

The origins

The day of the metrologist is celebrated in the spring, or rather May 20. He started celebrating not so long ago - UNESCO made a proposal, having finally approved the first official year of the celebration - 2001. To be a metrologist means constantly working with measuring instruments. Even Dmitry Mendeleev praised the metric system, which appeared in France in the XIX century. It was Dmitry Ivanovich who became the founder of metrology in our country. He wrote: "Science begins when they begin to measure." Metron in Greek means "measure" - hence the name of this ultra-precise science. Some time later, Dmitry Mendeleev launched a metric reform, which swept the wave throughout Russia. A few years later, at the international level, the well-known Metric Convention was approved, approved by seventeen countries, in the ranks of which was Russia.

Continuation of a story

Metrologist Day in Russia was approved a little later than internationally - it was 2004. Established several centuries earlier, the Metric Convention became the largest agreement on scientific and technical cooperation. A significant role in the development of science was played by Russian scientists.

metrologist's day

Today it is difficult to imagine an industry without the existence of metrology. And in the simple life of every person, this science plays a certain role - weighing with weights, determining the time by the clock, measuring the required values ​​with a ruler or temperature with a thermometer - everywhere we meet with metric devices. What can we say about large organizations, factories, institutions, whose high-quality work would not have been possible without the achievements of this exact science. It is not without reason that exemplary measures were trembling even in antiquity - they were stored in especially revered places, such as temples and churches.

Progress does not stand still

Metrologist’s Day in Russia is of particular importance, since today the requirements for measuring instruments have become very tight. In modern technologies, ultra-precise standards of measures are used. A new direction has been launched - nanometrology. One can only imagine how much patience, knowledge and diligence is required for those people who decide to connect their destiny with this field of activity.

Metrologist Day in Russia

Indeed, in fact, many of us do not even suspect what a titanic work has been done so that a person can use such a familiar thing as a watch every day. The day of the metrologist is celebrated with special importance, because if you destroy the measuring system, everything around us will be destroyed. This science is so significant that the activities of representatives of this profession were identified by the relevant articles in the Constitution of the Russian Federation relating to its regulation.

Happy holiday, metrologists!

Congratulations on the day of the metrologist are always filled with sincere words of gratitude. On the eve of the holiday, directors of international metrology organizations send out messages indicating the most outstanding successes for the past year. The best employees who were able to achieve unsurpassed results are also determined. Metrologists are awarded, give valuable gifts, celebrate thanks. In addition, every year World Metrologist Day is held under different mottos, for example, such as “Measurement and Light” or “Metrology and Safety”. The main wish that sounds to all representatives of this difficult profession is to know and love their job. It is hard to imagine, but up to one billion measurements are performed every second in the country. It is noteworthy that these studies are not carried out for the sake of scientific curiosity, but for the sake of clarifying any insignificant detail that may subsequently affect the quality of a product.

congratulations on the day of the metrologist

Let everything be extremely accurate

Realizing the importance of the metrology profession, one can imagine how important the World Metrologist Day holiday is, not only for the representatives of this profession, but also for each person individually. On a holiday, specialists in this field of activity wish happiness and new discoveries, stable earnings and successful agreements. And many, many ordinary human joys.

world metrologist day

Being constantly “surrounded” by numbers, numbers, examples, formulas, it is difficult to notice what is being done around - whether the sun is shining or it is raining, the first flower has blossomed or the first snowflake has fallen. Metrologists wish these simple things on their professional holiday. And even less often hear the word "error" and more often - "everything is extremely clear."

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