The technology of education is ... The concept, features, new techniques, goals and objectives

The technology of education is a special system of methods, procedures and techniques of educational activity, where teachers hone their skills. Thus, the level of training of the teacher and educator is displayed. If his methods work in practice, it means that he has reached a certain level of skill.

Features of parenting technologies

Anton Makarenko

Parenting is associated with personal and individual interaction. The process of such interaction is very difficult to describe by algorithms. There are situations when the teacher gives himself up to education, and then legends are made up about him. Such personalities were Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky. Therefore, although technology is an important aspect of upbringing, it does not always give the result that can be obtained with the help of talent, perseverance, and worked out mastery.

In modern psychology, there are more than 70 technologies and concepts of education that open up the structure of personality. These technologies include important points:

  • defining a clear, specific goal;
  • development of theoretical material;
  • structure of activities by stages;
  • analysis of results and monitoring.

Training and Education Technologies

Parenting technology

About a hundred years ago, such a concept as pedagogical technology, or parenting technology, first appeared. The main idea is the complete management of the educational process. The technology itself, teachers must constantly design and regularly reproduce in the classroom, thereby checking the effectiveness of their own work. Thanks to these concepts, the pedagogical process should guarantee the implementation of the assigned tasks.

According to scientists, productive pedagogical ideas of each teacher should be discussed at pedagogical councils, where they will develop projects for their implementation in schools. Thus, all participants in the educational process will be able to gain new knowledge that will be useful in future work.

Description of educational technologies

Pedagogical technologies of education are complex systems of methods and techniques that are aimed not only to educate students, but also to leave such an imprint in this process that will contribute to the overall development of children. All these and other technologies are aimed at the organization of educational and educational work. Educational technologies play an important role.

Education technologies are means of influence that contribute to the familiarization of students with cultural and national values. They include several critical components:

  • the control;
  • control;
  • construction;
  • design;
  • goal setting;
  • diagnosis.

The success and nature of the technology determines the content component. It depends on what type the educational technology will be. Mostly the success of the technology depends on how effectively the goals and their contents are matched.

The content of educational goals is as follows:

  • a situation of success is created;
  • creative work is organized;
  • a socialized assessment of the student is conducted;
  • the situation that has developed is analyzed and the goal is determined;
  • pedagogical experience is transmitted;
  • conclusions are made about the work done.

Classification of educational technologies

There are 3 main classifications:

  1. Philosophical basis.
  2. Scientific concepts.
  3. By object category.

Educational technologies are good in that it is possible to reproduce the educational chain, where then you can analyze the results.

The chain of any educational process looks like this:

  • preparation;
  • psychological attitude;
  • meaningful activity;
  • The final stage;
  • perspective design.
Parenting technology this

In the modern world, education plays an important role. The teacher should be able not only to interestingly present educational material, but also to educate successful citizens of his country. Now in the world of iPhones and computer games, it is difficult to involve students in the educational process. Therefore, the development and implementation of these technologies will benefit not only now, but also in the future. New generations of teachers will improve them. Next, we consider the basic technologies of education.

Health Saving Technology

Features of education

Its main purpose is to maintain the mental and physical health of the child. Such technologies are very necessary in educational institutions. It, in turn, includes:

  • Medical and hygienic technologies - with their help, they control and ensure proper hygienic conditions on the school grounds. Vaccinations for students should be done in a medical office. Psychologists should also consult here. In addition, everyone can seek emergency medical attention in case of injuries and falls. Also, the medical office organizes various methodological events at which students are notified how to adhere to sanitary standards.
  • Technologies of physical education. They are aimed at the physical development of those involved in sports and physical education. It trains speed, endurance, flexibility, strength, and the body as a whole is tempered.
  • Environmental technology for health conservation. Their purpose is to equip the school grounds, where different trees and bushes grow. It also implies landscaping the classroom with flowers on window sills and creating living corners.
  • Technologies aimed at ensuring life safety. The course “Fundamentals of Health” tells in detail how schoolchildren can save their lives and how to avoid undesirable situations (primarily on the roads).

Modern technologies of education are such diverse means that they are not limited only to health. Therefore, experienced teachers also distinguish technology project design. Here, students independently acquire all the knowledge they need. They are developing communication skills. All training takes place in the form of a game. Children collect information of interest to them, and then defend their project.

Personally Oriented Technology

Parenting technology

It creates the most favorable conditions for the development of the personality of the student. It also highlights several related sub-technologies:

  • The humane-personal aspect - the idea of ​​full respect and love for the child is being preached. It is aimed at supporting the personality of the student.
  • Technologies of parenting through cooperation realize such important tasks as equality and partnership in relations between teacher and student. The teacher and student choose goals together, and then gradually realize them.
  • In free parenting technologies, the child is given the right to free choice.

Technology Pedagogy Collaboration

It can be both educational and educational. This is a special penetrating technique, which brought together the ideas of almost all pedagogical technologies. Her main goals are as follows:

  • Training and education should work together, because if you work only on training or only on education, then there will be no result.
  • A humane approach to the child, where the focus should be on the student himself, and not on the subject and teacher who teaches him.
  • The pedagogy of requirements is replaced by the pedagogy of relationships.

Here are the main conceptual points:

  • It is necessary to come up with a difficult goal.
  • Individual and collective education should be interconnected with each other, and not go apart.
  • Trying to revive national cultural traditions and customs.
  • To fully develop the creative abilities of the child.
  • The personality of the student must be at the center of the educational system.
  • The school should provide not only new knowledge, but also proper education.

Other technology

Technologies for the education of preschool children

As already noted at the beginning of the article, there are more than 70 technologies and methods of education. We will analyze the most popular of them.

Pedagogical communication - the main principle is that you need to accept the child as he is. In this case, the requirements of the teacher are limited, and the dignity of the child is preserved.

The pedagogical resolution of the conflict is the elimination of contradictions in the relations between subjects and the search for a compromise solution.

Presentation of a pedagogical requirement is a hidden pedagogical position, the presentation of the norms of cultural life and the conduct of conversations that talk about local national traditions.

A pedagogical assessment of the behavior and actions of schoolchildren is aimed at creating an understanding of social norms and attitudes in society. It recognizes the independence and inviolability of any person.

How to raise children who have not yet gone to school?

Girls hug teacher

In order to successfully raise children who are just finishing going to kindergarten, you need to familiarize yourself with the technologies for educating preschool children. This refers to gaming pedagogical technology. They are aimed at stimulating the craving for learning and new knowledge through play activities. Key points to consider:

  • for children, a special game task is formed, which must be completed in a certain time;
  • everything that children learn must comply with the rules of the game;
  • in order to transfer a didactic task to a game one needs to create conditions for competition (to divide children into teams);
  • at the end of the didactic assignment, certain results that are obtained during the game are displayed.

In the classification of pedagogical games there are such areas: education, training, development, creativity, sociability and other useful human qualities that preschoolers get during the game.

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