Menu of one year old children. What parents need to know

Up to a year, the baby’s diet is quite limited: breast milk, complementary foods, porridge, soup, fruit and vegetable puree. The menu of one-year-olds is much wider. Of course, you should not give gourmet dishes with seasonings and mayonnaise, but useful substances and necessary vitamins and minerals are necessary.

one year old kids menu


If the baby still takes breasts, then this is good. It is breast milk in the menu of one-year-old children that is the most necessary, it contains all the useful substances. However, it alone is not enough, we also need its derivatives (cottage cheese, kefir). The total number of dairy products should already be 1000-1100 g.


The menu of one-year-old children must include nutritious soups with potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower, dill and spinach. Now it is not necessary to grind everything in mashed potatoes, boil it well enough so that the baby learns to chew on its own.


Now you need to replenish and expand the diet of a one-year-old child. The menu should include meat dishes from chicken, low-fat veal, and beef. Mashed potatoes can be replaced with cutlets, meatballs, casseroles in combination with vegetables. Meat supplies a small body with protein, which is so essential for muscle growth. But everything is good in moderation, you need to start with small portions.

A fish

Children's menu for a one-year-old child should contain fish dishes. They include phosphorus and iodine (sea fish). At first it can be cod, pollock, then the range needs to be expanded. The fish is given in boiled form: it is boiled, then all the bones are removed, minced meat is made and boiled in the form of meatballs. At this age, 50-70 g of this product per week will be enough.

one year old baby menu


The menu of one-year-old children should also contain cereals in milk, especially oatmeal and buckwheat. It is better to serve them for breakfast with the addition of a small amount of butter - not more than 6-8 g per day.

Mashed salad

Fruit and vegetable salads diversify the diet of the child. They must be administered carefully during the main meal, not on an empty stomach. Each new fruit (vegetable) - three days after the previous one. So it will be possible to accurately identify the allergen and exclude it until a later age.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable olive oil in the amount of a few drops first to 1 teaspoon later should be present in the child’s diet daily. It can be added to mashed potatoes or soup.

children's menu for a one-year-old child


The yolk begins to be given in grains, gradually bringing the serving size to half. In a year and a half, the protein is carefully introduced in the form of an omelet from 1 egg and water. The yolk (omelet) the child should eat every three days. If you are allergic to chicken eggs, you can use quail, but it is better to consult a pediatrician. Remember: a raw egg can be dangerous not only for children but also for adults.

Sugar and salt

The sweetest thing that can be offered to children at the age of one year is fruits and special children's cookies. No sugar, especially sweets.

Salt contains sodium, which the body needs for water-salt metabolism. Therefore, soup, mashed potatoes, minced meat can be salted (on the tip of a knife).

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