Addresses of Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg for children and their parents

Many parents are well acquainted with the Antoshka children's goods store. This is not surprising, because this outlet has proven itself in the market and for a long time pleases its consumers with high-quality goods. The addresses of Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg are numerous, information about them will help you choose a reliable partner and seller located near your home or office. Therefore, you should study the location of outlets in order to clearly understand your goal.

addresses of Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg

What products can be purchased at the Antoshka store

Children's Store "Antoshka" in St. Petersburg (we list the addresses of the main outlets below) offers great opportunities for future, new-made and existing parents. Thanks to its fullness and wide assortment, mothers and fathers, as well as grandparents, will be able to purchase all the necessary goods for their beloved child from A to Z.

In this store you can become the owner of:

  • prams;
  • cots for babies;
  • transport (bicycles, electric cars, scooters);
  • goods for sports (rollers, skates, balls);
  • clothes for newborns, schoolchildren and even teenagers;
  • shoes for children of different ages;
  • electronic accessories necessary for caring for the baby (breast pumps, disinfectants, electronic babysitters);
  • diapers of different sizes;
  • baby food and drinks;
  • and, of course, toys for babies.
    children's store "Antoshka" in St. Petersburg addresses

This is not a complete list of goods that the Antoshka children's store in St. Petersburg offers to purchase (the addresses of the branches can be found in our article and on the official website).

Why you should pay attention to this store

Numerous addresses of Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg will make it clear that this brand is quite common and is located in different parts of the city. This fact indicates integrity and popularity among consumers. It is also worth paying attention to the following factors:

  • The Antoshka store offers exclusively certified products for sale.
  • There are retail outlets in all areas, so buyers do not have to go to the other end of the city for shopping.
  • In this store you can buy all the necessary goods, so there is no need to visit numerous retail outlets for the arrangement of children's space.
    "Antoshka" children's goods store addresses in St. Petersburg

  • To visit this outlet filled with offers, you need to study the addresses of Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg and go shopping. The choice is so huge that every parent can choose the right product.
  • Antoshka stores have a flexible pricing policy that will allow you to purchase any goods at a bargain price.
  • The outlet offers an accumulative system of discounts, so that everyone can profit from all purchases.

Addresses of Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg in different areas

To become the owner of high-quality products, you should familiarize yourself with the location of the stores. Outlets called "Antoshka" are at the following addresses:

  • on Tverskaya street, house 36;
  • 65 Zanevsky Prospekt;
  • on the street Karavaevskaya, house 23;
  • on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, 24A;
  • on Silver Boulevard, building 21;
  • on Marshal Kazakov street , house 15;
  • on the street Krasnoputilovskaya, house 13;
  • on Bogatyrsky Prospekt, building 42;
  • on the street Shipbuilding, house 30/1.

Of course, this is not all the addresses at which children's stores are located. The full list can be found on the official website.

Children's Store "Antoshka" in St. Petersburg: pricing policy

Of course, every sane parent is interested in the cost of goods in children's stores. Having learned the address and visited a beautiful store of children's goods, every mom and every dad will be convinced that buying in Antoshka is profitable and convenient.

"Antoshka" (children's goods store), the addresses in which we examined St. Petersburg, offers a flexible pricing policy for buyers. In these outlets there are goods from budget to expensive. Therefore, everyone can afford to visit the Antoshka children's store. In St. Petersburg, the addresses are numerous, this allows everyone to purchase the necessary accessories, things and toys for their child, without leaving far, in their own area.

How to purchase goods favorably in the Antoshka store

Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg

The popular Antoshka stores in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities open up wide opportunities for their customers. Thanks to regular promotions, sales and discounts, everyone will be able to buy even those goods that were expensive at a bargain price.

The Antoshka store is a place where childhood dreams come true. Give the children joy, and she will be rewarded with the sparkle of her beloved eyes and a cute toothless smile. There is nothing more expensive than your own child. The Antoshka store was created to satisfy children's desires and fill the kids with emotions. Therefore, choosing this seller of children's goods for yourself, you can forever instill in your child faith in a fairy tale, magic and the possibility of fulfilling a dream. Contact, consultants from a fabulous city will help you choose what you and your child need!

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