AES: data encryption

Undoubtedly, many computer users working with the Internet (and not only) have heard of such a term as AES data encryption. What kind of system it is, what algorithms it uses and what it is used for, a fairly limited circle of people has an idea. An ordinary user, by and large, does not need to know this. Nevertheless, we will consider this cryptographic system, without particularly delving into complex mathematical calculations and formulas, so that it can be understood by any person.

What is AES encryption?

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aes encryption

AES , , , , – . , , , , .

AES- 2000 , DES, 1977 , Rijndael.

aes 256 encryption

2001 AES- .


, . : AES-128-, AES-192 AES-256.

aes 128 encryption

. , . , AES- , , , , , . AES 128 .

, , AES-256-, ().


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aes or tkip encryption


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aes data encryption

, 4 16 (), , 0000 1111. , . , 16 65 536 , 256 – 1,1 1077. , () 149 .


AES-256 .

aes encryption type

, () : AES, TKIP AES+TKIP. (WEP WEP2). ! TKIP , 802.11n , 54 /. , AES WPA2-PSK , .


, AES , . . 2002 , XSL. , , .

2005 , , . 800 , 232 ( ).

, , . , - ( ), , , . , AES1024, , , .

, , « », . , I Love You, , . I Love You , . , , AES-1024, .

, , AES- , , . , , (, ).

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